
Donkey friends photographed a three-toed cardiovascular jerboa in the Aksu Desert! There are also magical species in the plant kingdom

author:China's well-off network

  On October 29, a travel photographer photographed a three-toed cardiovascular jerboa in Shaya County, Aksu Region, Xinjiang. The three-toed cardiomyodrome is a rare species endemic to the desert region of Central Asia. In the video, its round head and round tail are extremely long, looking like a spherical "mouse", allowing netizens to call it cute.

Donkey friends photographed a three-toed cardiovascular jerboa in the Aksu Desert! There are also magical species in the plant kingdom

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  Donkey friends in the Aksu Desert photographed a three-toed cardiovascular jerboa on the hot search. In fact, there are also magical species in the plant kingdom. On this occasion, we will take stock of the strangely shaped fruits that taste strange but are very healthy, so let's start a "fruit pie" fantasy drift in the Caribbean.

  Students who are familiar with ancient Greek mythology know that there is a fruit with a high rate of appearance, which has appeared in the wedding of Zeus and Hera, and has also provoked the Trojan War, that is, the golden apple.

  In fact, there is a fruit named after the "golden apple" in reality, but it is a pear! Some people will say, is that not a specialty of China's Yanbian region - "apple and pear"? Sorry, you guessed wrong. Apple pears have the shape of apples, and the flavor of pears, which is very tasty. The "golden apple" is not only not delicious, but also difficult to mouth, as hard as wood.

  This is the wood pear. The people of the Caribbean call it membrillo because it cannot be eaten directly, and usually make it a fruit point like hawthorn cake.

  Wood pear is also distributed in a small number of areas in China, the scientific name of quince, mostly used for medicinal purposes. Because it is rich in catechins. Berberine and other active substances can enhance the elasticity of blood vessels and protect the health of the heart and brain. So, the wood pear is indeed a veritable healthy golden apple.

  As we all know, it is common sense that grapes grow on vines. But in a place known for its unrestrained Pirates of the Caribbean, even common sense has "let go of itself", and the grapes here have "betrayed" the vine and gone straight to the tree!

  The vine on the tree is not the most exaggerated. Normally speaking, first flower, then fruit, there is a chronological order, first come, first come, this is also common sense, right? This fruit can blossom and bear fruit at the same time on the same branch! Could it be that the tropics are wandering around?

  The people of the Caribbean gave this deviant fruit the name of a small family of jasper, guapurú (garbo fruit). Almost rubbed the heat of the big movie star Greta Garbo. Of course, because of the reason it grows on the tree, the scientific name of this fruit is called tree grape.

  Tree grapes and grapes taste similar, and very rich in nutrition, rich in ash, riboflavin, tryptophan, vitamin C, vitamin B1, calcium and other 15 nutrients, is conducive to the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, improve immunity. Yes, the famous Garbo cider is made from tree grapes.

  These three fruits are just a corner of the caribbean's wonderful fruit world. Their "unprofessional" appearance is only the appearance, but in fact, nutrition has always been "online", and the level of performance is even more extraordinary than normal fruits.

  Blowing the "uninhibited" sea breeze along the Caribbean coast, there are golden dragon fruits - unicorn fruit, yellow-skinned green-hearted oranges - coke, yellow-skinned orange-hearted cucumbers - banana cucumbers... Can refresh your three views. Their taste is almost always difficult to accept, but the nutrition is all unique. (Zihua)