
Watch ahead! South Korea's presidential election next year is basically formed

author:Overseas network

Source: Overseas Network

Watch ahead! South Korea's presidential election next year is basically formed

Lee Jae-ming (left) and Moon Jae-in

November 3, 2022 South Korea is scheduled to hold presidential elections on March 9, 2022. With the exception of the candidates for the largest opposition, the National Forces Party, which has yet to be announced, the candidates for the other four opposition parties have been finalized. South Korean media "Asian Economy" pointed out that the pattern of "five strong contending for hegemony" in the general election has basically taken shape.

Watch ahead! South Korea's presidential election next year is basically formed

An Zhexiu

According to reports, the four candidates who have been finalized are: Lee Jae-myung, candidate of the Common Democratic Party of South Korea's ruling party, Ahn Chul-so, head of the opposition Kuomintang Party, Kim Dong-yan, former vice prime minister of the economy of South Korea, and Shin Sang-yeon, a member of the Justice Party congress. Among them, Lee Jae-ming is regarded as Moon's popular "successor".

Watch ahead! South Korea's presidential election next year is basically formed

On the other hand, the candidates of the National Forces Party will also be announced on November 5. Former Attorney General Yoon Seok-yue, Mphong Joon-wook, former MP Yoo Seung-min, and former Jeju Governor Won Hee-yong will compete for this qualification. Among them, polls show that Yin Xiyue and Hong Junyu have the highest voices.

Watch ahead! South Korea's presidential election next year is basically formed

Hong Zhunyu

On November 1, the latest poll results of the Korea Institute of Social Opinion showed that at present, Lee Jae-myung's approval rating among presidential candidates and potential candidates has been surpassed by Yoon Seok-yue by 0.1 percentage points, while slightly leading Hong Jun-yu. (Overseas Network Liu Qiang)

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