
Parent-child reading | Children's Literature "Tea House"

author:A prince kisses
Everyone is their own teacher! The author greatly renews the article for a long time, and may reading light up everyone's life. ★ Click to read the full article for more articles by the author.

Today, to share "The Tea House", its author we must introduce it in a strong and colorful way.

He was the first writer in New China to be awarded the title of People's Artist, Ba Jin called him the best model of Chinese intellectuals, Cao Yu said he was a contemporary Chinese masterpiece, Zhu Guangqian thought his novels were few, Li Ao once called him a generation of literary masters, and even he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968 and voted for the first place. However, since he was no longer alive at the time, the Nobel Prize was unfortunately awarded to Yasunari Kawabata in Japan.

This literary master is the great old house. Lao She, formerly known as Shu Qingchun, character Sheyu, Beijing Manchu Zhenghongqi people, born in Beijing in 1899, the second day of his birthday coincided with the lunar spring, so his parents named him "Qingchun", containing the meaning of celebrating spring and having a bright future. After going to school, Lao She himself changed his name to Shu Sheyu, which means "abandoning oneself" and "forgetting oneself".

Lao She is the youngest child in the family, there are three sisters, an older brother, the father is the guardian of the imperial city, just in the second year of Lao She's birth, the Eight-Nation Alliance attacked Beijing, Lao She's father unfortunately died, since then the family has fallen into a dilemma, all rely on the mother to sew and wash clothes for people to maintain their lives. He spent his childhood in a large courtyard where the poor lived, and the house was also the most simple and dilapidated low house.

Lao She has described in his own works that the whole family's dish with rice is salt mixed with spring onions in the summer, and pickled cabbage gang in winter, and some chili oil is replenished. When it rains heavily in the summer, the whole family has to sit and wait until dawn, so as not to crush the roof and the whole family will die.

This is the living environment of Lao She's childhood, in the hutongs where he lives, in the courtyard, full of patrol policemen, coachmen, craftsmen, prostitutes and other people living at the lowest level of society, these people also live vividly and vividly in his works, including "The Tea House".

At the age of nine, Lao She was funded by nobles to enter a private school, and after graduating from the private school, Lao She was admitted to a middle school, and later because he could not afford to pay the tuition, he was admitted to the Beijing Normal School, which had tuition fees and no living expenses.

There Lao She completed his studies. After graduation, he successively served as the principal of the primary school, persuading the students, and the middle school teacher, which means that Lao She's life may be to run a primary school at night and night, serve the old mother obediently, and marry and have children in a disciplined manner. However, the may fourth new cultural movement set off a trend of democracy, science, and individual liberation, and the rise of the literary revolution, which completely woke him up and opened his brilliant literary career.

In 1922, Lao She became a chinese language teacher at Nankai Middle School, and in 1924, he went to England to become a lecturer at the Chinese, Oriental College, University of London. In addition to teaching, Lao She, who was eager to learn foreign languages, read a large number of foreign literary works and officially began his creative career.

Lao She's creation was influenced by the British literary hero Dickens. "Lao Zhang's Philosophy" was modeled on his "Pickwick Biography", and subsequently, Lao She wrote "Erma" with thinking and worrying about national nature. Zhang Ailing once said that she grew up watching "Erma". In 1930, Lao She returned to the motherland and was already a famous literary scholar, teaching in Jinan and Qingdao.

In March 1946, he was invited by the U.S. State Department to lecture in the United States for one year, and after the expiration of the period, he stayed in the United States to write. In the United States, he completed the writing of the last part of "Four Generations Together" and the novel "Drum Book Artist". At the end of 1949, Lao She resolutely returned to Beijing, he loved this new era, served the construction of new China with enthusiasm and talent, and soon wrote the drama "Longsugou" and won the title of People's Artist.

He has served as a member of the Cultural and Educational Committee of the State Council, a standing committee member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, a vice chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, and a secretary of the Secretariat. Lao She worked diligently and created a lot of works throughout his life, and became famous in the literary world after the famous "Camel Xiangzi" came out. It is one of the best novels in the history of modern literature in China, and has been translated into more than a dozen foreign languages.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, his novels were the most influential, and after the founding of the People's Republic, based on the idea of writing for the people, Lao She created the famous dramas "Tea House" and "Longsugou". This change is, in Lao She's words, that at the current cultural level of some working people, reading novels may still be more or less difficult, but watching dramas is not so troublesome. Through the "Hamlet" shared before, I believe that big friends have a certain understanding of drama.

Compared with poetry and novels, drama is a language art. The design of "Tea House" in terms of language reflects the pure fire and pure youth achieved by Lao She as a language master. Writer Wang Meng once commented that "The Tea House" is the best work since the founding of New China in 1949. The characteristics of the work are not sensational, the language is plain and colloquial, but it can best express deep feelings.

Lao She's drama language is all refined Beijing dialect, Beijing rhyme with words and sentences, and the tone is relaxed and lively, just like a humorous and vivid cross-talk meeting. For example, Tang Tiezui, the person who met him, said to Wang Lifa' treasurer, I don't smoke a lot, and Wang Lifa was very happy to hear it, so he replied that it was good. Tang Tiezui went on to say, I smoked white noodles instead, cigarettes from the British Empire, white noodles from Japan, and the two great powers waited for me alone.

This is the humor of the little people in the city, the patrol police who scavenged for oil and water came to the tea house and asked Wang Lifa to hand over eighty pounds of cakes as military food, Wang Lifa hurriedly said, you wait, I really haven't opened here yet, you know, after opening, there will be more trouble for you. Wang Lifa handed over the ticket and continued, "Yes!" You buy a bag of tea to drink, you give a few more kind words, I am grateful. The patrol officer took the ticket, and I will tell you that if it works, it is not guaranteed. In just a few sentences, the image of Wang Lifa's treasurer flattering and smiling face greeting people and patrolling policemen seeing money and eyes is vividly displayed.

Different from traditional dramas, the timeline of "Tea House" spans a huge range, and it intercepts three historical stages, the period of failure of the Penghu Reform Law in the late Qing Dynasty, the period of the beiyang warlord division, and the period of Kuomintang rule after the victory of the War of Resistance. As many as 70 characters officially appeared in the play, nearly 50 people with names and surnames, the character personality and occupation are different, but the connection makes people feel that the primary and secondary are clear and the personality is distinct.

Among them, the exquisite design of the cutscenes is amazing. For example, in the second act, when Chang Siye asked about the recent situation of the warlord agent Song Enzi and Wu Xiangzi, Wu Xiangzi replied, "Fool around!" When there is an emperor, we serve the emperor, and when there is President Yuan Da, we serve President Yuan Da. And now, Song Enzi said, whoever gives food, we will serve whomever we give.

The two short dialogues not only reproduce the shamelessness of the two lackeys, but also directly point out the changes in the background of the times, so that the audience can quickly understand the development of the plot. Among the more than 50 characters, the core characters are undoubtedly Wang Lifa, Chang Siye, and Qin Zhongyi. Lao She's writing style is also based on small views, with these three people telling the tragedy of the entire old society, Chang Siye is a Manchu Qing aristocrat, a man of integrity, love the country, and also participated in the Boxer Rebellion to help the Qing Dynasty destroy the ocean. Although his days were getting poorer, he still traveled for the country and organized a funeral for his friend Song Erye, but he did not have money to give himself a funeral. This tough guy who has worked with a conscience all his life and only hopes that the country will look like a child. Finally, I also sent out, I love our country, but who loves me?

Such a helpless and sad cry, the landlord of the tea house, Qin Zhongyi, is the representative of the emerging national capitalists. Influenced by the reform and reform of the law, he was determined to save the country, sold his property, raised funds to open a factory, and finally was exploited by the Japanese and the Nationalist government, and ended up with nothing.

Compared with the identity background of Chang Siye and Qin Zhongyi, Wang Lifa, the owner of the tea house, is an ordinary person, but Wang Lifa is undoubtedly the most successful artistic model and the soul of the entire work. He was the representative of the working people of the lower and middle classes of the old society. In these three people, we see obvious commonalities, all three of them fighting for ideals, but representing three different spirits.

Fourth Master Chang's ideal was to drive the foreign enemies of the invading countries out of China. To this end, he personally participated in the Boxer Rebellion. Qin Zhongyi's ideal is to change the country's economic fatigue through the development of industry and make the country prosperous and strong. Wang Lifa's ideal is much simpler, no matter how the times change, he must run a tea house handed down from his ancestors.

All three have fought and changed, but Wang Lifa's method is more practical, and he understands the truth of adapting to the times. In order to keep the teahouse, he followed the old method of his father's generation, saying more good things, asking more peace, and pleasing people.

In the second act, the major teahouses in Beijing city have closed down one after another. Only Yutai is still struggling to survive in the predicament. It is precisely because Wang Lifa invents flexibility and understands compromise, although he pursues the ancestral philosophy of doing things, he is not conservative and stubborn, and he tries hard to constantly try fashionable improvements, square tables and benches are changed to small tables and rattan chairs, and fashion beauties replace the drunken eight immortals on the wall. At one point, he even wanted to add a waitress to attract customers.

Whether it is a patrolman who scavenged for oil and water, or a chief who wanted to fight the autumn wind, he should give money, bribe bribes, and greet everyone with a smile. Even so, the fate of the three of them was the same, and in the end they suddenly woke up. In such a completely dark era, the principle of rewarding diligence by heaven does not make sense, and effort cannot change any results, but can only wait to be forced to the end of the road.

At the end of the play, Chang Siye is empty-handed, Qin Zhongyi is destitute, and the tea house that Wang Lifa painstakingly runs is occupied. Therefore, in the end, Wang Lifa, Chang Siye, and Qin Zhongyi sprinkled paper money for themselves and cried out. It is not only to lament the sadness of their own fate, but also to send a funeral for the entire dark era.

The different artistic images of the three people and the same tragic fate make the whole drama's indictment of the old society more powerful. Reading through "The Tea House", we will find that the connection between drama and drama is loose, but careful recollection can appreciate the author's deep literary thoughts. Lao She adopts the artistic technique of loose outside and tight inside.

There are many characters in the teahouse, but the drama has only three acts. At the end of the first two acts, only two things seem to be undesirable to the teahouse are presented, Kang Shunzi is sold by his father to a rich eunuch, and the trafficker Liu Mazi is captured as a deserter.

The author downplays it, brushs it down, as if these things happen from time to time, and everyone is not surprised, and it is these seemingly unrelated things that suddenly tighten and explode in the last scene. Wang Lifa, the owner of the tea house, thought that he could smoothly run the ancestral business in accordance with the times and know how to be flexible, but he did not expect that the bad news suddenly came to his head, and the tea house that had been operated for a lifetime was forcibly occupied

In a society where people eat people, someone else's today is your tomorrow. However, in Lao She's pen, the little people will also rise up to fight, although Wang Lifa finally hanged himself with hatred and bid farewell to the decadent world, but he also bid farewell to weakness and stood up without compromise.

When we thought that the tea house would end with Wang Lifa hanging, Mr. Lao She revealed a new hope, Wang Lifa's family all defected to the Eighth Route Army, and teachers and students with progressive ideas began to take to the streets for the country and the nation.

Qin Zhongyi, who has achieved nothing, has not done useless work, he cherishes the family and the world, scatters all his money, knows that his strength is weak, and also wants to put out the fire with moths, and pursues the romantic and unrealistic ideal of industrial salvation. Perhaps judging from his results, he was a failed industrialist, but his spirit of pursuit and struggle sparked progress for the new era and made him a successful revolutionary pioneer.

There is a British proverb that the darkest hour is also the moment closest to the light. Qin Zhongyi is not an accidental individual, but a microcosm of thousands of Chinese. Backward China has indeed experienced countless difficulties and dangers, but the more it is under the dark and boundless sky, the more brave and strong people dare to shoulder the faith and responsibility of the entire nation.

The spark of the stars can burn the plains, Qin Zhongyi, Chang Siye, Wang Lifa, these seemingly insignificant little people, are all wiping out small sparks for the progress of the times, however, it is such countless sparks that continue to converge, and will eventually turn into a raging revolutionary fire, incinerate the old world, and usher in new China.

Finally, let's share how to read "The Tea house" with your children. As a classic drama work, there are many movies and dramas. We can take the children to watch related movies or plays and then role-play. Let the child experience the context of the character dialogue, figure out the tone, and express his feelings. I believe that children will have a deeper understanding of this great work and fall in love with it.

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Zhao Zijun, an article a day, recording work life, reading and learning. Be a seed that spreads love.

Public number: Zhao Jun. Writing is not just about recording, it is evoking some beautiful hearts that are sleeping.

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