
Ornamental snail introduction of bee horn snail

author:CY aquarium circle

Chinese: Bee horn snail

Also known as: Egg Horn snail

Distribution area: Southeast Asia

Body length: 1.5-2.5cm

Food: Algae

Scientific name: clithon sp. burnble beehorn snail

English name: beehorn snail

Temperature: 22-30 degrees

gh: 8-15 degrees

pH: 6-8 degrees

Origin: Indonesia and the Philippines

Introduction to bee horn snails

Bee horn snails are also called mine snails. The shell of this snail is similar to that of a snail in the ocean, and the object has branch-like protrusions, very much like a mine in the water, and the body color is also very diverse. Because of its shell, there is a color pattern of yellow and black, which looks like a cute and beautiful bee from a distance, so it is named "bee snail". It is a very beautiful and very cute snail.

The bee snail often said in the market generally refers to the bee horn snail. There is also a kind of snail called "bee pagoda snail", although there is also the word "bee" in the name, but it belongs to the pagoda snail, which is a killer snail. In addition, many people tend to confuse bee conch with easter egg conch. Although the shell of both of them has yellow and black colored stripes, it should be noted here that the shell of the bee horn snail has horns, while the shell of the Easter egg corner snail has no horns, and the easter egg corner snail shell has more patterns than the bee horn snail. Remembering these makes it easy to distinguish between bee horn snails and Easter egg corner snails.

Ornamental snail introduction of bee horn snail

Bee horn snail

This freshwater snail species grow slowly, not easy to reproduce, has a black and yellow color and long "horn" shell, very beautiful, has excellent ornamental value, their biggest feature is that the ability to remove algae is very strong, feeding on algae, but also often survive in weak acidic water quality, so that they are common in aquatic grass tanks and crystal shrimp feeding tanks. Known as the most beautiful straw tank cleaning master.

Bee horn snail culture

Bee horn snail belongs to the steam water snail, that is, the snail that lives at the confluence of rivers and seas, this snail can still survive well in the freshwater field, and the adaptability to fresh water is relatively strong, but it can only lay eggs in fresh water but cannot reproduce. And the environmental requirements of the zebra snail is also a relatively leather snail, in order to keep the angle of the horn snail long and beautiful, we must maintain the hardness of the water body in the tank and sufficient calcium. Otherwise, it is easy to be dissolved short, especially the newly grown horns, and lose the characteristics of the corner snail. The food habit is the same as that of zebra snail.

Domestic suggestions: steam water snail, small ornamental snail, algae removal ability is very strong, very suitable for small tank grass tank algae removal.

It is best to control the temperature of the water body between 22 and 27 ° C, and the pH of the water quality is about 6.8 to 7.8 pH. Bee horn snail likes to eat algae food, especially like to eat the inner wall of the fish tank or the green spot algae attached to the water grass in the tank, can remove the algae on the inner wall of the fish tank with strong efficiency, so that the owner's grass tank remains bright and clean, as an ornamental fall is also a great cleaner, by the majority of ornamental snail lovers as "grass tank cleaning master".

In the process of breeding ornamental snails, generally do not encounter too many diseases, even if the disease is not easy to find. In order to monitor the changes in water quality in the fish tank, some ornamental shrimp can be raised, which are more sensitive to changes in water quality. If it is found that the ornamental shrimp begin to be uneasy and float around in the tank, it means that who knows the beginning of deterioration, and measures should be taken in time to prevent the further deterioration of water quality and the death of other living organisms in the tank.

Purchase recommendations

The angle of the snail is best not too long, because it is too long and easy to break, and it will not grow back after breaking. The price range is 5-10 yuan. Do not directly go down the cylinder after buying back the bee snail, the bee snail must pass the water before going down the cylinder before it can get off the cylinder, and pay attention to the water in the bag that packs the transport snail and does not pour into the grass tank. This is done to reduce the risk of snail death, because some snails are more squeamish, and the sudden change in water quality is likely to cause the end of their lives.


Ornamental snail introduction of bee horn snail
Ornamental snail introduction of bee horn snail
Ornamental snail introduction of bee horn snail
Ornamental snail introduction of bee horn snail
Ornamental snail introduction of bee horn snail
Ornamental snail introduction of bee horn snail
Ornamental snail introduction of bee horn snail