
Bee horn snails let me die

author:Spit grass jun

Yesterday, i found a bee horn snail in the tank motionless, and after fishing it out, I found that it was dead> <

Remember that I have not opened a natural aquatic weed tank, when I check the information on various websites, I was immediately attracted by the bee horn snail, the yellow and black shell with long horns is really cute, and since then I have secretly vowed to raise bee horn snails!

Bee horn snails let me die

In July, the cylinder was opened, the first time from a treasure to buy 2 bee horn snails, and then found that there was one more to send, yes, it is the one that was sent, because it has dissolved the shell and is very serious, the store in order to protect the damage so it sent it to me, but, such a serious shell can survive? After all, it is a life to try it anyway, Tieba friends said that calcium tablets and egg shells can supplement calcium to prevent continued shell dissolution, so Tucaojun isolated it in the hope that it can get better.

Bee horn snails let me die
Bee horn snails let me die

Slowly it got better, the newly grown shell is also very hard, every day will crawl on the water grass leaves, bottom sand, cylinder wall crawling around, just like humans traveling around the world, the two tentacles swing around as if waving to me and saying: Haha! Who said I was sending! I look healthy!

Bee horn snails let me die

Just yesterday, however, it remained motionless.

Bee horn snails let me die

Just put it in it and didn't want to throw it away, fantasizing that its tentacles could still beckon to me.

It was I who pit you, not you, and I lost only eight dollars and you lost your life.

May the reincarnation in the next life have a beautiful and hard shell.