
History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown


As a dual lover of history and film and television, historical film and television dramas have always been a genre that I like very much.

I have a lot of historical information from original historical film and television dramas.

Some people may wonder, you actually take jokes as history?

That's how it has to be seen.

You should look at historical dramas with a skeptical eye.

It is better to believe in books than to have no books. The same goes for watching these shows.

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

Chinese mainland is the largest manufacturing base for historical film and television dramas, which is probably in line with our value system.

China's five thousand years of civilization can almost be seen on large and small screens, from the Xia Shang Zhou to the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, Chinese history can be connected.

In fact, Hollywood has also made a lot of European historical dramas.

It is not comparable to our nature.

But for children's shoes that understand European history, they are a good choice.

So today I recommend a few European historical dramas that I have watched!

From ancient times to the present, from far to near

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

The five words "Spartacus" in my mind are comparable to Wu Song.

He defeated the lion with his bare hands and led a great uprising.

That text from school has always affected the present.

Spartacus is an epic series produced by starz with 3 seasons, plus a prequel!

From the mystery of Spartacus's life to the final defeat and death.

It tells in detail about the glorious and tragic life of this hero of the ancient Roman period.

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

Although it failed in the end, the spiritual torch of freedom inspired countless people in future generations!

There's a line in this series that I particularly like:

"We are facing powerful enemies, and the shadow of the Roman Republic they represent hangs over every man, woman, and child," and they want us to live in the shadows, and they cause us to suffer so that the high-ranking and nobles can live in poverty and luxury. Let us tell them that all men are created equal. The ignorant magnates who seek to trample on the will of the individual and suppress the people will fall into the roar of freedom. ”

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

The plot is very connected to "Spartacus".

Although two different stories, there are several characters who have their faces in both shows.

Spartacus and Caesar were two giants of their time.

Spartacus died in 69 BC and Caesar in 100 BC.

So in "Spartacus", there was Julius Caesar, who was still stunned at the time.

In this Rome, Caesar becomes a dictator with all the power.

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

The plot of "Roma" begins with the establishment of the "first three-headed alliance" relationship.

In order to oppose the Senate, Caesar, Pompeii, and Crassus, who had made great achievements in battle, formed a "first three-headed alliance", and they were constantly contradicting each other, so they had to fight each other...

Caesar was unified, Caesar was assassinated, and the three-headed alliance was finally returned to Caesar's adopted son and nephew Octavian, founding the Roman Empire.

"Roma" has 2 seasons, the first part of the protagonist is Caesar, the second part is Octavian at that time.

In addition to these two well-known historical figures, the story line of two civilian soldiers was also added, making this high-rise drama more grounded.

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

Shakespeare's drama adaptation, Roll Fu and Jitter Sen have starred.

There are seven books: Richard II, Henry IV: Part I, Henry IV: Part II, Henry V, Henry VI: Part I, Henry VI: Part II, Henry VI: Part II, and Richard III.

You have seen the game of thrones, know the "Battle of the Five Kings", know the Stark family, the Lannister family. What are they archetypes?

Battle of the Five Kings – The War of the Roses

Starks – The Yorke family

Lannisters – Lancastrians

But after watching "The Empty Crown", I unexpectedly found that this history is very similar to a certain period in China.

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

Richard II was much like The Cao Wei Emperor, and Henry IV was a collection of Sima Yi, Sima Shi, and Sima Zhao's father and son;

Henry V was Sima Yan, emperor of the Jin Dynasty, who was outstanding in martial arts;

Henry VI was Sima Zheng, the Emperor of Jinhui, and both of them were a bit of an iq;

At the same time, they all have a strong wife. Sima Zhen had the Gian wind, and Henry VI had Margaret of Anjou.

It is precisely because these two kings are a bit pitted, and the harem is aggressive, which leads to cannibalism.

"Rebellion of the Eight Kings" and "War of the Roses".

History is always strikingly similar, and in the final analysis, power is the one who started it.

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

The story of three women during the Wars of the Roses – Elizabeth Woodville, Margaret Beaufort and Anne Neville. They were queen of Edward IV, mother of Henry VII, and queen of Richard III.

Edward IV was the first monarch of the York Dynasty, and he laid a solid foundation for the York Dynasty;

Henry VII was the first king of the Tudor dynasty, the terminator of the "War of the Roses", reigned for 50 years, and had the reputation of "the wise king";

Richard III was the last king of the York dynasty, and playwrights such as Shakespeare portrayed him as a "hunchback tyrant". He killed his nephews, usurped the throne, was sinister and vicious, and was eventually betrayed by his subordinates.

To tell the war from the perspective of a female palace is quite novel.

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

The sequel to "The White Queen", three women in a play, turned to the husband and wife on stage.

The couple was Henry Tudor and his queen Elizabeth of the House of York.

The final winner of the "Wars of the Roses" was the Lancastrian family, whose distant relative Henry Tudor established the Tudor dynasty and married Elizabeth of the York family for the unity of England, but their personal and political entanglements and the war they triggered once again put Britain in danger of dividing.

Friendly reminder, this "White Princess" and "White Queen" are watched in tandem, which is more effective

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

As mentioned above, the first king of the Tudor dynasty was Henry VII.

You may not be very familiar with this father, but his son, as long as you have studied history, must have heard his name.

—Henry VIII.

Henry VIII is one of the most famous monarchs in British history, and the story about him in history textbooks is a different story.

He single-handedly promoted the Reformation in England.

So why did Henry VIII want the Reformation?

Strengthening the centralization of power, fighting against the nobility, economic reasons...

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

All of this, but in fact, the main reason is because of his marriage.

Henry VIII's first wife was Catherine of Aragon, the aunt of the King of Spain.

Because Catherine did not give birth to a male heir, plus Henry met anne Boleyn, a famous social flower at that time.

So Henry thought of divorce.

But Catherine was the royal family of Spain, and the Spanish royal family and the pope were very close at that time, so the pope refused to approve Henry's divorce.

Enraged, Henry changed his ways, broke away from the Pope, and began the vigorous Reformation.

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

Since the ancient Ming Dynasty has been a wise man, Henry VIII is naturally surrounded by capable people.

Three Thomases—Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, Utopian Thomas More, and First Lord Thomas Cromwell.

"Wolf Hall" is from the perspective of Thomas Cromwell, telling the story of the Tudor dynasty under Henry VIII.

Thomas Cromwell was the helmsman of Henry VIII's Reformation, and he was born in cloth and made great achievements in both the Reformation and the suppression of the nobility.

Unfortunately, Henry VIII was a very repetitive king.

The Reformation, which he promoted, also died because of him.

Thomas Cromwell became a stepping stone to the monarch's great cause.

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

In European history, there were two Queen Marys, one was the daughter of Henry VIII mentioned above, and the sister of Elizabeth I, who was later called "Bloody Mary"; the other was Queen Mary of Scotland. The play tells the secret history of her origins.

Queen of Scotland, Queen of France, known for her beauty. He was deposed in 1567 and imprisoned for eighteen years by Queen Elizabeth I of England. He was eventually executed for attempting to murder Elizabeth I. He died on December 31, 2012 at the age of 4

"Queen of the Wind" has four seasons, and the reviews are mixed, but it is still worth watching.

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

After Elizabeth I, another influential Queen of England. Her reign (1837-1901) was the strongest period of "the sun never sets" in Britain. During her reign, known in British history as the "Victorian" era.

But Victoria and Elizabeth I were very different.

Elizabeth I remained unmarried for life and was known as the "Virgin Queen";

Victoria, on the other hand, has a long history of descendants and is known as the "Grandmother of Europe".

Several of the heads of state of the First World War were descendants of Victoria.

King George V of England was her grandson;

German Emperor Wilhelm II was her maternal grandson;

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia was her granddaughter-in-law.

There are also greek kings and Danish kings who are her descendants.

This "European grandmother" definitely lives up to its name.

History in Anglo-American Dramas 1, Spartacus 2, Rome 3, The Empty Crown 4, The White Queen 5, The White Princess 6, Tudor 7, Wolf Hall 8, Queen in the Wind 9, Victoria 10, The Crown

Shortly after the end of World War II, King George VI of the United Kingdom died, and all the heavy responsibilities were placed on the young Elizabeth.

Churchill, the former hero of World War II, once again formed a cabinet, this old and young partner

In addition, there is also the love with Philip who also makes her anxious...

The Crown has now run for three seasons, with a total of five expected.

In the third season, the personnel changed blood, and last year's Oscar actress Olivia Coleman played Queen Elizabeth II.

I believe that by the fifth season, the plot is likely to develop into the 21st century.

Watching history is boring, you can take a detour, and it is also good to watch some film and television dramas about history.

Then continue to develop in depth, watch documentaries, history books, little by little.

You will find that history is actually the same thing.