
Camera chaos: spend 5 yuan to retrieve other people's home monitoring to watch "live broadcast"

author:Poisonous Tongue Finance

Cameras can now be said to be everywhere, whether it is a public place or their own private space, many people will install cameras.

The most direct purpose of installing cameras is for safety, whether it is to prevent thieves or prevent some unexpected situations such as fires at home, which are of great help.

Because of this, the scale of the camera market is now very large, there are many camera manufacturers of various sizes on the market, and there are many merchants who sell cameras online.

However, behind the popularity of the camera, there are some dark chains of interests, and even become a tool for some lawbreakers to seek profits.

Camera chaos: spend 5 yuan to retrieve other people's home monitoring to watch "live broadcast"

For 5 bucks, you can monitor someone else's every move.

At present, most cameras can be networked, we only need to install an app on the mobile phone, you can remotely control the camera, real-time observation of the camera's every move.

Since it can be networked, then it has loopholes, if this vulnerability is deliberately left by some criminals, and even some manufacturers deliberately leave loopholes from the beginning, the potential security risk to everyone is very large.

For example, in recent media reports, as long as you spend 5 yuan, you can buy a home camera ID from the hands of outlaws, through this ID, and then download an app, you can monitor the family's every move in real time on the mobile phone, and the person who is "monitored" is unaware.

This phenomenon is not an individual phenomenon, but a common phenomenon, there are many criminals on the Internet through a variety of websites to sell the camera ID and password, we only need to spend a few dollars to buy these ID and password, and then download an app can monitor other people's families, and even some businesses spend 100 yuan to monitor the real-time picture of 20 families.

Camera peeps are everywhere, and your every move can be monitored.

In fact, in recent years, the camera monitoring has been controversial, the original intention of the camera itself is good, for the need of security prevention and control, the appropriate installation of cameras is not inevitable.

But when the camera is used by some criminals for profit, it brings not only property losses, but also physical and mental losses.

At present, there are many cameras on the market, both intuitive and visible cameras, as well as some invisible pinhole cameras, and there are many scenes where this camera is installed, such as in the hotel, in the bathroom, in the fitting room, and in the homestay.

Camera chaos: spend 5 yuan to retrieve other people's home monitoring to watch "live broadcast"

Through these hidden cameras, some criminals can control the every move of the monitored object in real time, and everyone's privacy is completely exposed to the eyes of others.

More importantly, these criminals are not spying on others to satisfy their curiosity, many people are monitoring while recording images, and then send these images to the Internet for sale, or use these images to threaten others.

In the past few years, many people have been exposed to physical and mental suffering on the Internet because of their privacy, and even some people have made some extreme moves with weak psychological endurance.

The camera industry is in chaos and urgently needs to be rectified.

The so-called interests of the place will have illegal acts, especially in recent years, the camera industry continues to grow and develop, many criminals have targeted this cake.

Even some people in order to maximize the benefits, do not hesitate to use technology to upgrade the camera, such as the size of the camera is getting smaller and smaller, the clarity is getting higher and higher, and even some cameras can be face recognition, and then record the customer's information, which is very afraid to think.

In response to this kind of camera industry chaos, in fact, China's relevant departments have also been increasing the intensity of the crackdown, for example, some merchants have been exposed some time ago that the camera can be used for face recognition, after the exposure of the matter, the relevant departments also require businesses to rectify, many merchants have changed the camera that can face recognition.

Camera chaos: spend 5 yuan to retrieve other people's home monitoring to watch "live broadcast"

For these formal businesses, they are still within the scope of supervision by the regulatory authorities, and will not cause too much harm to society, the real harm lies in those places that cannot be seen or touched.

For example, as we mentioned above, there are many pinhole cameras installed in some private places such as hotels and fitting rooms, and these pinhole cameras cannot be detected by ordinary people, let alone supervision.

In response to this chaos in the camera industry, I feel the need to carry out a camera rectification activity.

First, strengthen the management of camera manufacturers

Camera production must take a licensed production, only the relevant qualifications of the manufacturer can be produced, otherwise it will be banned.

Second, strengthen the control of e-commerce camera merchants.

At present, many people buy cameras through the Internet, but many merchants who sell cameras online do not have corresponding qualifications, and even some merchants can register a store to sell.

For this situation, the major platforms should strengthen the specification of camera merchants, on the one hand, to strengthen the audit of merchant qualifications, on the other hand, to strengthen the review of product qualifications, only qualified merchants can sell cameras.

Camera chaos: spend 5 yuan to retrieve other people's home monitoring to watch "live broadcast"

Third, strengthen the supervision of cloud service providers.

The reason why many cameras can be monitored remotely is not that a camera can achieve, and many cameras need to be connected to cloud services to achieve this function.

Therefore, in order to crack down on the chaos of camera voyeurism, it is also necessary to strengthen the supervision of cloud service providers, requiring cloud service providers to standardize some businesses that access services, and do a good job in the security protection of camera IDs and passwords, such as an ID can only allow a mobile phone to log in, and real-name authentication must be carried out.

Fourth, increase the punishment for illegal acts of cameras.

The use of cameras to spy on others is already illegal, but in order to give these illegal acts a greater deterrent, it is necessary to further increase the punishment for camera violations, so as to make those lawbreakers feel frightened.

Fifth, establish a reporting system for camera violations.

At present, the application of the camera is very extensive, involving a lot of user groups, and the camera is closely related to everyone's privacy, I think the relevant departments can establish a camera monitoring and reporting system.

If you find that manufacturers, cloud service providers, or some platforms allow the release of small advertisements, or criminals directly sell illegal IDs through various channels, they can be directly reported to the system.

In short, cameras are closely related to everyone's interests and privacy, and the regulatory environment needs to be further improved.

At the same time, for users who use cameras, if you want to ensure your own safety or start from yourself, when you buy a camera, you must buy through regular channels, and buy the brand of a regular manufacturer, so as to prevent others from selling their id, in order to prevent others from spying on themselves.