
The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

author:Flower and grass housekeeper demon

There are many varieties of vines this month, and when choosing, it is easy to be confused by pictures. In fact, some vines have good speed, good resistance and easy flowering this month, while some vines are not as strong as advertised this month, in addition to not being easy to flower, they may often get sick with insects. Some flower lovers asked novices what varieties of vines are suitable for this month? Recommend 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing their hands this month, with strong growth and large flowering, so don't miss it for novices.

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

Vines this month Angela is a very good breed, although the flowers are relatively small, but the amount of flowers is huge, the growth rate is fast, the resistance is good, many flower lovers are planting. Angela's biggest feature is that it grows fast, one by one every day. In the spring, angela seedlings can be started, and in the autumn, they can become medium seedlings, and in two years they can become large seedlings, and there are countless flowers.

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

Angela is a large vine this month, the branches can grow to four or five meters long, adult plants bloom tens of thousands of flowers at a time, it looks like the walls are full of flowers. Angela can bloom in many seasons, but in the summer, when the temperature is high, the flowers are not standard, and the flowers look ugly. Angela is fragranceless or has a mild fruity aroma, relatively hardy, the single flower diameter of 3 to 5 cm, belongs to the small flower variety.

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

The vine has a longer flowering period this month, with a single angela flower that can bloom for about 10 days, and some can even bloom for more than 20 days. So once Angela blossoms, the whole flowering time is relatively long, unlike some vines this month, a single flower blooms for two or three days, it is difficult to look forward to flowering, and it will be gone in a few days. If you want to raise vines this month and want to see the effect of group opening, Angela is a good choice.

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

Abraham Dabi, abbreviated as Abel, is one of the best varieties of vine this month. Abel is a large vine that grows to 4 to 5 meters tall. Abel's flowers are large, about 12 to 13 cm in diameter, rich in petals, light pink or orange pink on the periphery, and apricot pink in the middle, which is very beautiful when in full bloom.

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

Vine this month Abel has the gene of rose, which grows very fast, and toothpick seedlings can grow into medium and large seedlings in a year. Abel's biggest feature is that it flowers diligently, in addition to a large number of flowers in spring, it can bloom in summer and autumn. In the winter on my side, Abel can also differentiate the buds, and the flowers continue to bloom. As long as the nutrient supply is sufficient, Abel has basically no blind branches, and each branch can grow flower buds.

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

The vine is particularly fragrant this month, and when the flowers bloom, you can smell the flowers without waiting to get closer. Abel's disadvantage is that the branches are softer because the flowers are large and the head is severely drooping. In addition, it is not very resistant to sun, when the light is strong, in addition to the flower color will become lighter, the flowers are also easy to disperse, and one flower can only bloom for two or three days. However, Abel's advantages are more prominent than the disadvantages. Novices raise an Abel, and the blossoming will be more fulfilling.

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

Sakura also belongs to the large vine this month, and the plant can grow to four or five meters tall. When a cherry blossom grows into adulthood, it can grow a wall of flowers six or seven meters long. Fujimoto Sakura grows very fast, and even if a toothpick seedling is planted in the spring, it may grow three meters long branches in the first year of care. So Sakura Fujimoto is super accomplished, watching it grow up day by day, with unspeakable happiness.

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

The vine has a very strong flowering ability this season, and it is also resistant to sun. After a large number of flowers bloom in the spring, the residual flowers are trimmed immediately, and the summer flowers can keep up. In autumn and winter, the vine cherry blossoms are dark pink in color, and a single flower can bloom for more than 15 days. Especially the winter flowers, really special and special, feel more beautiful than the spring flowers. Among the vines that continue to bloom in the courtyard throughout the four seasons, Sakura is the most typical one.

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

The cherry blossoms of the vine this month are relatively small, with an average diameter of about 6 cm and no fragrance. If you want to quickly build a flower wall and see the flowers blooming, you can plant it. If you want to appreciate the delicacy of a single flower, it is not very suitable, because its flowers are small, there are few petals, and the single flower is not too beautiful. Personally, I think Thatomoto Sakura kasumi is very good, and I especially like its frequent flowers, and I basically don't have to worry about flowering.

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

The vine parade this month is called crazy by flower lovers, who can grow wildly and blossom wildly. The growth rate of the parade is better than the growth rate of the above months, and the toothpick seedlings can be turned into medium seedlings in one year, and two years can give you a large flower wall. The parade is a large vine this month and can easily cover the walls of five or six meters. Therefore, the parade is really too suitable for novice flower lovers, do not have to worry about not long, do not have to worry about not sprouting.

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

The vine parade this month can bloom in many seasons, the summer flowers are not standard, and the spring and autumn flowers are beautiful. The parade here can bloom in all seasons, and when the temperature and temperature difference in winter are large, the flower color is brighter than other seasons, and the single flower can bloom longer. The flowers of the parade are about seven or eight centimeters, and they can also bloom to ten centimeters, which belongs to the medium and large flower type. The number of petals is small, but the color is rose red, which is more vivid.

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

The vine parade this month has a huge amount of flowers, it is not easy to blind the branches, and almost every branch can bloom a bunch of flowers in the spring, and the whole plant looks more flowers than leaves. The disadvantage of the parade is that it is incenseless and easy to disperse when the weather is hot. In addition, some flower friends said that its color is more tacky and not elegant enough. But I think it is very good, every day there are flowers to appreciate, do not have to worry about not growing and not flowering.

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands are strong and bloom in large quantities this month, and novices should not miss the Angela Abraham Dabi Fujimoto Sakura Parade

The 4 kinds of vines that are very suitable for practicing hands this month season, with strong growth and large flowering, don't miss it for novices! Novice friends plant vines this month, it is best to plant these fast growth, easy to flower, more sense of achievement. If you plant some long and slow, difficult to re-flower, raise and raise no interest. Does your family have the above 4 kinds of vines this month? If you like it, plant it as soon as possible. Vines planted in the spring cannibals that are planted this month can become medium seedlings in the fall. I think it is useful to like it, pay attention to me to learn more about flower raising knowledge. (Some of the pictures are from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)

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