
No wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming, no wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming! Vines this month season

author:Potted stacks

<h1>No wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, leaving no open space, too charming! </h1>

I dream of having a yard and setting aside a vacant lot to grow vegetables, a clearing to raise fish, and a vacant lot full of climbing vines. I sat alone in the courtyard, drinking tea while admiring the blossoms... Such a scene has appeared in the mind more than once. Nowadays, as work gets busier and more stressful, I want to have a yard like this. Perhaps, now you are working hard to fight for this goal. I used to live in the countryside, so I also had a yard, but I didn't grow flowers, and now I live in the city, especially when I see other people's yards dressed up beautifully, and I am even more envious.

No wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming, no wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming! Vines this month season

<h1>Vines this month</h1> season

Life with a yard is what I was looking forward to. The design is perfect, and the yard full of flowers is what I envy. Just like a family courtyard that you passed by some time ago, you can see a wall of vines from the outside. And looking around, the garden is full of climbing vines and flowers, leaving no open space. I have to say that the moment I saw it, I was attracted. Never seen such a nice yard.

No wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming, no wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming! Vines this month season

Suitable for planting flowers in the yard, in fact, there are many varieties. Although I don't know much about flowers, I also know several climbing vine flowers. For example, yellow eel vine, rose flower, lingxiao flower and so on. Of course, the vine in this yard is also one of them. In my opinion, if I had to choose only one kind of climbing vine flower to raise in the yard, there is no doubt that I would choose vine this month. After all, since I saw the garden full of flowers, I decided that the vine this month, it is really beautiful.

No wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming, no wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming! Vines this month season

Before, I didn't know much about Vines this month. It is only known that it is a classification of the monthly seasons. Although I have a stronger and stronger liking for Fuji this month, I have a deeper understanding. Discover too many of the advantages of vine this season. First of all, the vine has a strong ability to climb walls this month, which is a flower that is very suitable for cultivation in the yard. And it can also be planted on the balcony and terrace, as long as there is a fence.

No wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming, no wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming! Vines this month season

In addition, there are many varieties of vines this month. There are dozens of varieties that I know so far. Among them, the parade, the spirit of freedom, the lonza gemstone, the blue rain, the spectrum, the vine iceberg and the golden celebration are the favorite vines of the flower lovers this month. Each vine variety this month has a high ornamental value. The colors are different, each with its own high value. And this vine has a lot of buds this month. Even one or two vines can emerge from hundreds of flower bones this month. So if you want to turn the yard into a sea of flowers, it's actually very simple! Plant a few vines this season.

No wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming, no wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming! Vines this month season

As a vine that is very worth maintaining this month, it seems to me that it is made for the garden. If I buy a house in the future, even if the living area is small, it doesn't matter, just give me a yard! Don't ask for a large yard, it is enough to have a forty or fifty square meters. I don't grow vegetables or raise fish, all planted vines this month, and like other people's yards, without leaving a little open space, choose a few beautiful varieties, arches, courtyard walls, paved corners. The sight of vines blooming this month is full of flowers, and it is estimated that it will be able to attract passers-by to stop and watch it!

No wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming, no wonder other people's yards are so beautiful, planted with vines this month, do not leave a little empty space, too charming! Vines this month season

The beauty of the vine this month is not reflected in the pot. They can only be valued if they are planted in the yard. Many flower lovers said that the vine only bloomed once this month. But in my opinion, how about vines only blooming one season this month? For the fragrance of this season, I am willing to pay three seasons of waiting!

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Rattan this month yard terrace climbing vine flowers ¥20.8 purchase

If you have a yard, will you choose to raise it?

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