
DFM. Ceros: Aria has the potential to grow into a player like ShowMaker or Doinb

author:Uncle Z chats about the game

In the past six years, although they have a representative team every year to come to the stage of the World Championship, they only stay in the final stage every time, and the group stage of the World Stage is like a dream for them, and this dream finally comes true after six years!

In the second overtime match of yesterday's finalist Group B, dfm won the match against the C9, which also means that they made history for LJL, becoming the first team in LJL history to enter the group stage of S-Stage, and LJL will also remember this day, because this is not only the historical moment of DFM, but also the historical moment of the entire LJL division.

After the game, substitute Zhongdan Ceros was interviewed by Korean media.

DFM. Ceros: Aria has the potential to grow into a player like ShowMaker or Doinb

Q:dfm is not only the first LJL team in history to qualify for the World Championship, but your team also accomplished this by finishing first in the group. How do you feel about your team's success right now?

Obviously, I'm happy, but at the same time, I'm not surprised at all, really. I know the team has the potential to perform well enough to make it to the group stage. The key is to get every player to perform at their best, because we haven't been able to show our true form in real competitions as we did in training. This is the biggest challenge.

Q: You've been with DFM for a long time, and while you haven't started competing in the 2021 World Championships yet, what does this achievement of the team mean to you personally?

Honestly, I don't really know what that means to me personally, but from a division perspective, this achievement is really a big win for the entire division. This could potentially boost the profile of the division and the morale of the players, and I expect a lot of that.

Q: Although you haven't started at dfm this year, what do you think your current role in the big list will bring to the team?

My task in the team was most like the third coach, our first coach was Kazu and the second coach was our head coach Yang. I'm like a third coach, but I try to give feedback more from the player's point of view. In addition, I often study our opponents and give a lot of advice to each player in our team based on my personal experience as a player.

DFM. Ceros: Aria has the potential to grow into a player like ShowMaker or Doinb

Q: Because of your vast experience, do you have some experience that you can pass on to young players like Aria?

It's hard to point out specifics, but the biggest thing I can think of is that although Aria is a very talented player who ranks high in single-player rankings, there is a big difference between single-player qualifying and team games as a pro. The biggest part I'm focused on is making sure his mindset shifts from a single-row style to a professional team game. This is where I give Aria the most recommendations.

Q: Thanks to your guidance, is dfm's and aria's style of play similar to your style of play at the time? Or did Aria change the style of the team?

ARIA has grown a lot. People tend to think of him as a highly talented player, but he made very important judgments and conductors in our competitions. He has the potential to grow into a player like showmaker or doinb, where he wins the right to the middle and then helps the team.

DFM. Ceros: Aria has the potential to grow into a player like ShowMaker or Doinb

Q: Do you think Aria is the best Wild Card player at the 2021 World Championships? If not, what does he need to improve to be worthy of this title?

In fact, the answer is undoubtedly yes. ARIA is also the best player in any non-small division.

Q: The last question is about your future. What are the plans? Would you try to join another team as a starter? Or will you continue to play your unique "third coach" role at DFM?

Half of it is that I don't think too much about it, and the other half that I can't say too much. To be honest, I don't know. At least in another month, I'm trying to put this aside.


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