
ED is getting younger and younger, and the male health situation is not optimistic

author:21st Century Business Herald

"We still have children, and we can't divorce easily."

"To tell the truth, my heart is very uncomfortable, and I am embarrassed to tell others, which is simply a disgrace to the ground."

"I have a strong sense of inferiority, and since then I have been discouraged and feel the bottom of my life."

21st Century Business Herald reporter Ye Bihua intern Huang Kaixin Guangzhou report zhihu, many people shared their feelings about ed (erectile dysfunction, erectile dysfunction). From resistance to submission, and finally letting go, allowing the quality of life to decline, and even the breakdown of marriage...

With the intensification of job competition and the acceleration of the pace of life, the pressure of men is also increasing, mental stress, sedentary lack of exercise, frequent staying up late and obesity and other factors, resulting in chronic disease rejuvenation has become a trend.

Thermos cups with goji berries and the most expensive masks that stay up late at night have gradually become the norm of young people's lives. Subsequently, the incidence of common chronic diseases such as hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and high uric acid has gradually increased, and as a precursor to a variety of chronic diseases, male sexual dysfunction also shows a younger trend.

According to public report data, the overall incidence of ed is as high as 49.69%; it is expected that ed will affect 322 million people worldwide in 2025, and it will show a trend of rejuvenation. Patients over 40 years of age account for 56% of patients with moderate to severe ed, and 1 in 4 new ed patients are younger patients under 40 years of age.

In addition, according to a 2020 survey of the prevalence of ed among men in first-tier cities, the incidence of ed in the 18-80 age group reached 26%. Another 2018 survey reported that there are about 140 million ed patients nationwide and that they are showing a trend of rejuvenation.

A young ed patient shared: "Confessed to his wife about the ed disease, took anti-ed drugs after marriage but has not worked well. Slowly, his wife became cold, and he also broke the jar and never took the medicine again.

The wife of another ed patient also appeared and said that it felt like two people were sleeping in bed, just like their dorm classmates. "If you ask him how he feels, I won't let him think I'm feeling bad anyway."

In general, male sexual dysfunction is an important factor affecting the marital relationship; at the same time, the marital relationship may also affect male sexual dysfunction.

Zhihu certified urologist "Doctor Dapeng" believes that even organic erectile dysfunction is almost always affected by psychological factors. Therefore, he suggested that the psychological counseling and treatment of erectile dysfunction is mainly to relieve the patient's mental concerns, carry out the popularization and publicity of relevant scientific sexual knowledge, and at the same time, the patient's wife should actively participate in the treatment process of the husband.

"Unspeakable" disease

According to data from a paper published in 2019 by Smith L et al., men are up to 40 percent more likely to develop erectile dysfunction by age 40, and then increase by 10 percent every 10 years thereafter.

However, not everyone is willing to admit the fact that they have ed. For a long time, erectile dysfunction has been considered a "hidden disease that is difficult to talk about", and patients have been in anxiety for a long time, and bad psychological factors have aggravated the symptoms.

In fact, erectile dysfunction is when the penis persistently fails to achieve or maintain enough erections to complete a satisfying sex life. Patients with diagnosed erectile dysfunction need to meet the symptoms and course of the disease. In terms of symptom manifestations, patients who complain of erectile dysfunction need to fill out the "International Erectile Function Index (IIEF-5) Questionnaire" to determine the presence and severity of symptoms by the score of the questionnaire option, if the total score is greater than or equal to 22, it is normal, and the total score is less than 21, it may have ed, of which the score of 12-21 may be mildly ed, the score of 8-11 may be moderately ed, and the score of 5-7 may be severely ed. In addition to the above symptoms, the course of the disease should be met for at least 3 months.

ED is getting younger and younger, and the male health situation is not optimistic

(Image source: Internet)

However, in various "psoriasis" advertisements, some unscrupulous merchants deliberately create panic and anxiety to downplay the requirements for the course of diagnosis. Coupled with various misinformation of adding oil and vinegar, erectile dysfunction is increasingly stigmatized.

On the one hand, psychological factors such as self-esteem may cause patients to refuse to seek treatment after being exposed to incomplete information; on the other hand, even patients who are willing to seek treatment may be blinded by the variety of information, pay money but be deceived.

In fact, because erectile dysfunction is a precursor to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, metabolic diseases and other chronic diseases, coupled with the fact that some psychotropic drugs may also have a negative impact on male sexual function, suspected patients need to go to professional outpatient clinics and conclude whether they are sick after expert consultation.

Ed is getting younger

Numerous studies have shown that ed is an early sign or symptom of cardiovascular disease and shares common risk factors with cardiovascular disease - advanced age, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Studies have also shown that ed can occur 3 years before vascular lesions such as the heart and brain occur.

If not timely intervention, 2-3 years later will often cause irreversible vascular atherosclerotic lesions and stenosis, which will cause myocardial ischemia, angina, decreased renal function and even myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and other malignant events.

According to Professor Deng Chunhua, chairman of the Andrology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, the incidence of common chronic diseases such as hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and high uric acid has gradually increased in young people, and the incidence of ed has also shown a trend of rejuvenation. Compared with middle-aged and elderly ed patients, young ed patients are often mildly ed, and most of the manifestations are not hard enough, the time is not long enough, and it is easy to soften after erection.

Previously, according to the "Blue Book of China's Online Male Sexual Happiness Index" jointly produced by Ali Health Research Center and the Chinese Society of Sexuality, through big data analysis of young people with online shopping habits, it was found that the demand for ed treatment products submitted by men after 18 to 25 years old accounted for up to 30% of all the needs submitted in Tmall Medical Center, which is of course related to the fact that this age group is the main force of online shopping, but on the other hand, it also prompts the trend of young age.

ED is getting younger and younger, and the male health situation is not optimistic

(Image source: Figureworm Creative)

In October last year, under the guidance of the "Healthy China 2030" planning outline, the China Primary Health Care Foundation set up the "Care for Men's Health" public welfare fund. It is understood that the main work of the public welfare fund includes andrologist training, andrology science education, and the construction of a big data platform for men's health.

Professor Deng Chunhua, who is also the director of the public welfare fund, pointed out that as early as 2019, the branch launched the "China Andrology Strong Grassroots Burning Project" and the "China Andrology Young Talents Elite Program" to enhance the service capabilities of grassroots andrology. After the launch of the public welfare fund, the training of andrologists will continue to be promoted. Due to the epidemic, the offline training activities of andrologists have been blocked, but they will continue to be carried out online and offline in the future.

The World Health Organization has found that individual behavioural and lifestyle factors account for 60% of the impact on health, so individuals with the knowledge and skills to maintain health play a significant positive role in maintaining health. Experts also call for weight control, do not stay up late, quit smoking and alcohol, develop good living habits and eating habits, and regular aerobic exercise, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of ed.

Professor Deng believes that the current male health situation in China is not optimistic, and the incidence of common andrological diseases is high and showing an upward trend, and it shows a trend of young age. The next step of the Andrology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association will be to cooperate with self-media andrologists to do professional but easy-to-understand and interesting andrology science popularization, and strive to spread widely.

The dilemma of real data

At present, European and American countries have established a database of clinical patient registration. However, there is currently a lack of large-scale clinical research data in China, and there is no perfect disease database, so it is difficult to formulate diagnosis and treatment specifications that meet China's national conditions, which has become one of the problems restricting the development of China's andrology academic field.

"Chinese's diagnosis and treatment of andrology diseases, we did not really understand, there is no overall statistics, and prospective research cannot be carried out." To truly grasp the true situation of the disease, it can only be achieved through a practical and shared medical and health information system. Professor Shang Xuejun, chairman-designate of the Andrology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and executive director of the "Caring for Men's Health" public welfare fund, believes that the construction of China's first male health big data platform collects and analyzes the disease characteristics, regional distribution, clinical and medication characteristics, prognosis judgments of patients with andrology diseases in China, so as to conduct retrospective and forward-looking analysis and research, which can provide an important basis for the formulation of China's diagnosis and treatment policies in the future.

To this end, the "China Men's Health Big Data Platform Construction and China's Male Sexual Dysfunction Rejuvenation Research Project" was recently launched in Guangzhou.

According to Cao Chengzhi, chief data officer of the big data platform technology and operation support fang, china's men's health big data platform planning version 1.0 will build a number of clinical research databases including rational use of male diseases, male reproductive genes, and research on the rejuvenation of male sexual dysfunction, and empower the accurate diagnosis and treatment of male diseases and the prevention and treatment of diseases and the whole life cycle of male health management by structuring and standardizing patient data.

At the same time, the Research Project on the Rejuvenation of Male Sexual Dysfunction in China, supported and initiated by Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical, will also be officially launched. Huang Haiwen, director of Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical General Factory, revealed to the 21st Century Business Herald reporter that Baiyunshan plans to collect no less than 100,000 cases of real-world data within 3 years, under the guidance of clinical, it, statistics and other expert think tanks, build a data model, set numerical parameters, and form a more complete and objective database to better carry out male health knowledge science education, arouse the public's attention and attention to andrology diseases, and use big data to empower the accurate diagnosis, treatment and life cycle health management of male sexual dysfunction diseases.

According to the data of the Southern Institute of Rice Intranet, in 2020, the size of China's male health drug market exceeded 22 billion, and Chinese and Western medicines were equally divided, of which in the sexual dysfunction drug market, the market share of sildenafil citrate tablets was 72.3%, the market share of tadalafil tablets was 23.6%, and the market share of other chemical drugs for sexual dysfunction was below 5%.

ED is getting younger and younger, and the male health situation is not optimistic

(Source: Nanso suomi intranet)

Shang Xuejun expects that the 1.0 version of the Chinese men's health big data platform will be launched this year, which can support the construction of the hierarchical database of the medical federation and meet the needs of real-world research in the field of andrology. At the same time, it can also provide full-course management for andrology patients, realize data collection and integrated analysis, connect doctors and patients, serve clinical practice, and support scientific research.

"In the future, the health big data platform will cover medical clinical databases, clinical databases, and scientific and technological literature libraries dominated by male-related diseases, and the use of these data can be used for retrospective-prospective, horizontal-longitudinal, single-center-multi-center research, which can be used to study disease pathogenesis and carry out cutting-edge research in medical science; it can also provide evidence for formulating guidelines or introducing health policies." Shang Xuejun said.

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