
Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Our beautiful planet, nearly 71% covered by oceans. The blue sea has a broad mind, a variety of marine life to dazzle us, let's get to know some of our common shells and conchs, enrich their own and children's vision. The author has worked and studied at the seaside, and has also operated shell products, but the pictures are from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact in time, will be deleted at the first time, thank you for providing us with beautiful pictures from all walks of life.

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

First of all, let's know the four famous snails, namely: anchovy snail, nautilus, marlboro, Tangguan snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

The anchovy snail, also known as the law snail, was used by the ancients as a sacred object and enshrined in some monasteries and temples. There are poems: "In front of the temple and the temple, the conch is sounded, and the demons are exorcised to avoid evil and ensure peace", "Blowing it is nagisa to extinguish the gods' joy, and danwen zhizhu extinguishes the sin barrier". In Buddhism, the conch is the symbol of the Buddha's Dharma sound, a symbol of wisdom and strength.

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

The Nautilus is a mollusk with a spiral-like shell. The shell of the Nautilus is beautiful and the structure is quite distinctive, this calcareous shell is large and thick, symmetrical from left to right, rotating along a plane as a dorsal abdomen, spiraling. The shell has a smooth, grayish-white appearance, and many orange-red ripples at the back, and the shell is composed of two layers of material, the outer layer is a magnetic layer, and the inner layer is a lustrous nacre layer. The truncated Nautilus, like a rotating staircase, and like a pleated skirt, the compartments are spun apart from small to large, which determines the rise and fall of the Nautilus.

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Marlboro is a large shellfish. The overall color is golden, noble, smooth and warm, the number is rare and difficult to capture, and the collection, ornamentation and decoration value are first-class. According to folklore, collectors can recruit wealth and treasure. The placement of the Marlboro is also exquisite, and the lips facing the gate mean to welcome the nobles and treasures.

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Tangguan snail, is a large conch. The shell is large and thick, up to 30 centimeters long and tall, grayish white to golden yellow, metallic luster, shaped like a tang dynasty crown cap, hence the name.

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

The following is the bone snail family, all belong to a kind of bone snail, the species is very large, here is only to introduce some of our common ones, welcome to add.

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Witch snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

The Bone Snail, of which Venus Bone Snail, Witch Snail, and Mindara Bone Snail are very similar, and the method of differentiation is to extend the length of the thorn, which is decreasing sequentially in this article.

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Hirase bone snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Rock thorn thousand hand bone snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Brovi bone snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Bitter life mole bone snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Pagoda bone snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Proboscis snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

White hair with pupae

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

There are also many types of snails, and their appearance is very similar. Among them, our ancient shell coin is a kind of baoluo.

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

This is very familiar to everyone, especially the cross-play hand string beads will know, very beautiful.

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Red frog snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Cockroach (dàn) snail family, the species is also very large, a brief introduction to several, such as fishing boat snail coarse striped snail white rib snail black rib snail dotted line snail jade female snail flower round snail and so on.

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Olive snails

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Furrowed mane (mán) snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Brown banded quail snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Haddock wheel snails

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Chicken heart snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Golden spider snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Sea snails

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Horse dung sea urchin, this is a sea urchin covered with thorns, left behind after decay, like a dome, very cute.

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Serra vortex snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Harp snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Small thousand hand snails

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Star snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Silver tower snail, a very beautiful shell.

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Cone snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Toshi Changluo

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Wave part of the easterly snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children

Green salamander snail

Do you know all kinds of shell conchs, teach yourself and your children