
Absurd Three Kingdoms (Episode 5, Yan Liang vs. Wen Ugly)

author:Magic Little Brother Zhou

Liu Bei's army won the battle and returned home with honors. Yuan Shao's army was also invincible, fighting many victorious battles, and the morale of the army was high. Yuan Shao's two vanguard troops, Yan Liang and Wen Qiu's troops, were also invincible along the way, and the two were also united in Yiling City. The leader of the rebel army, Zhang Bao, led a large army to attack Yiling, just as Yan Liangwen Ug led the army to arrive, the two armies confronted each other in front. Zhang Baobu lowered Huang Long and Bo Cai to attack to meet the battle, and Yuan Jiajun's side was high on the battle, one on two. In only one round, he stabbed Huang Long off the horse, and after three rounds, he punched Bocai's temple, and Bocai's head shattered and scattered like a watermelon exploding! The morale of the Yuan army was suddenly high, the two armies began to fight in groups, and soon the Yellow Turban Army was beaten to the point of falling flowers, Zhang Bao saw that the situation was not good and was ready to flee, Wen Ugly rushed into the position at this time, and then killed Zhang Bao in the midst of the chaos. The rebels lost their main generals, were leaderless, and soon collapsed completely. The rebel deputy commander supreme commander ordered his subordinates to abandon resistance and surrender to the Yuan army. In this way, Yuan Jun easily defeated Zhang Bao's troops. After cleaning up the battlefield again, Yan Liang and Wen Ugly began to discuss the next battle plan. In the process of deliberating again, the two men quarreled, and neither of them would back down, and both insisted on their battle plans. At this time, Zhang Guo's mouth was mean, and he said that whoever has a high appearance will listen to whom! When Yan Liang heard this, his eyes glowed green, as if a ray of light appeared in front of his eyes. Yan Liang said, "Then there is no need to compare." Wen Ugly was anxious: "Why don't you have to compare, do you want to listen to your drops?" Yan Liang said: "My appearance is definitely higher than yours, and I can score high from the name", Wen Ugly looked confused. Yan Liang said, "My name is Yan Liang, and my appearance is excellent; your name is Wen Ugly, and even mosquitoes think you are ugly." We still use the comparison, let's stand together and the appearance is not comparable at all! Wen Ugly was furious when he heard it. Raising his fist, he punched Yan Liang's face door, hitting Yan Liang's right eye black and purple, this punch was too sudden, and Yan Liang was caught off guard. Yan Liang was also anxious, and when he went back, he had a foot, and this foot was strong and heavy, and it was enough for Wen Ugly to eat a pot. This foot is ugly, it turned out not to be kicked! And so a duel began. The two men lowered their weapons, removed their armor, and prepared to begin melee combat. The soldiers also began to watch the hilarity, surrounded the two people, the two people on the field fought, there were many soldiers under the field have bets, some pressure on the good win, some pressure on the ugly win, bet on the pressure of silver, some press the sword, and some press the sweet potato steamed buns, the soldiers seem to have begun to revel, very lively. Yan Liang attacked first, and was directly locked in the throat by Wen Ugly, this lock did not matter, directly beat Yan Liang to cry. Yan Liang cried loudly, crying and fighting with Wen Ugly, seeing that he could not beat Wen Ugly, Yan Liang even pinched and scratched, and then used to dig out his eyes and pull out his crotch, and then directly bit Wen Ugly's thigh, and finally forced Wen Ugly to not dry down! Wen Ugly was furious, and a left hook fist knocked Yan Liang unconscious. In the end, the battle between Yan Liang and Wen Ugly ended with the victory of Wen Ugly. Zhang Gao returned to the city with Yan Liang on his back, while Wen Ugly went out of the city to continue the battle. (End of this episode) To find out what happens next, listen to the next breakdown.

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