
Seamount: Vaccination of 3-11 years of age

author:Information News
Seamount: Vaccination of 3-11 years of age

Recently, in order to cooperate with the epidemic prevention work of the whole society and ensure the health level of children in the jurisdiction, Haishan Township officially launched the vaccination of children aged 3-11.

Seamount: Vaccination of 3-11 years of age

The biggest difficulty in children's vaccination is that parents do not understand and worry, and are unwilling to cooperate with vaccination work. In the face of difficulties, the Haishan Township Epidemic Prevention Command Office actively mobilized Haishan School, Haishan Central Kindergarten, village cadres, health commissioners, etc. to carry out vaccination publicity and guidance through WeChat, telephone, publicity columns and other channels, and won the understanding and trust of parents.

Seamount: Vaccination of 3-11 years of age

On the day of vaccination, haishan township health center was crowded with children who came to be vaccinated early and accompanied by parents and teachers, during the vaccination process, the children checked the identity information and health status one by one in accordance with the guidance of the staff, and then carried out the vaccination in an orderly manner, the children showed bravery in the process, and the scene was orderly.

In the next stage, Haishan Township will further carry out publicity and guidance, further promote vaccination work, increase the vaccination rate in the jurisdiction, and build a solid defense line against the epidemic.

Author: Lin Wei

(Source: Yuhuan Municipal People's Government website) [Submission, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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