
Fast & Furious 5 (film)

author:The Buddha laughed and laughed

2011 American racing action crime film directed by Lin Yibin, starring Van Diesel, Paul Walker, Dawn Johnson, Jordan Brewster, Teres Gibson, Luda Chris, Matt Schartz, Cheng Kang, Gayle Gadot.

Fast & Furious 5 (film)

Plot 4, Brian and Mia drive a prison car to help Donald escape again, and the three become wanted by the police.

Brian and Mia flee to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where they meet Vincent and take refuge in his home while Mia is pregnant. Vincent took on a carjacking job to make a fortune, and Brian and the two did not ask in detail to join the carjacking. They drive after the train speeding through the desert, saw off the skin of the train and start stealing several luxury sports cars inside, and Donald is actually in the line and asks Mia to drive away one of the Ford supercars and stay behind to deal with the others.

The gangsters angrily shot and killed several of the escorts who arrived, and Donald and Brian crossed the bridge and escaped into the river in a thrilling way, but were surrounded and taken away by the gang members who rushed to the scene. It turned out that they had snatched the car of the local gang boss Reyes, and there was something very important in the car, saying that they would definitely find his sister.

After the two of them waited for Reyes to leave, they preemptively attacked when their men prepared to kill, successfully escaping and joining Mia. Don realizes that there must be something important in the car, in the middle of the night Vincent came to steal the chip and was found by Don Boss, Don is very angry, because this puts his sister in danger, he gets the chip and yells at Vincent to get away. At the same time, the FBI's elite special operations commander, Hobbs, was ordered to go to Rio to arrest Brian and Donald Boss, and he named the local policewoman Alina who had just killed her husband by the gang to assist him, and vigorously arranged the arrest mission.

Brian opened the car chip to find that it was Reyes's transaction record, suddenly encountered the police broke in, escaped and was shot by the gang, the police mission failed because of the gang's troublemaking, and Donald also saved the life of the policewoman Alina in the panic. Mia tells the two that she is pregnant, and the three decide not to act separately together.

Fast & Furious 5 (film)

They find a place to live, decide to use the chip to rob Reyes of all his cash deposits, so they gather old friends to replenish the manpower, Han, the eloquent Roman, the proficient electronic instrument tych, the weapons and logistics of Vicky, Lund, etc., form an elite team, and begin to act. They first attacked a small vault in Reyes, forcing him to pool the rest of the vault's money into one place, and surprisingly he transferred all the money to the police station, showing that Reyes had only one hand in the area.

Roman disguises himself as a police officer and enters the police station to take the remote control car to the archives, Tedge studies the cash safe through the camera, Victor and Lund enter the police station disguised as maintenance workers to install cameras, Don and Brian win back two sports cars through an underground racing race to deal with the police station's security system, and Han and Vicki go to contact Reyes to get his fingerprint information.

Fast & Furious 5 (film)

They stole four police cars, Vincent asked Don's permission to join the team, and when everything was ready to start, Hobbes suddenly appeared again and arrested everyone, resulting in another gang attack on the escort road, Hobbes's men suffered heavy casualties, and he almost hung up fortunately, Don shot to save people. Chinese Sen was shot and killed, and Hobbes joined Don's team to avenge his brother and punish Reyes.

Hobbes drove his car into the wall, Brian and Don drove away the heavy safe in the street rampage, Han and Roman helped him clear the police obstacles, rushed to the bridge as planned, Don Boss one person and one car god operation group destroyed each other, Hobbes hand bladed Reyes and let Don and Brian leave, leaving the safe and arresting them, only to find that they had already been stolen beams and columns.

The team divided up 100 million in cash and each lived an enviable life.

Fast & Furious 5 (film)

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