
Hanged Emperor Zhu Youjian: The Son of Heaven guards the gate of the country, and the king guards the Sheji

author:Don't say anything

Emperor Mingsizong Zhu Youjian, the sixteenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty and the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, succeeded to the throne in 1627, with the era name Chongzhen, so the world also called him the Chongzhen Emperor. Because of his helpless feat of "the Son of Heaven guarding the gate of the country and the king guarding the society", posterity posthumously honored him as the Emperor Lie.

Hanged Emperor Zhu Youjian: The Son of Heaven guards the gate of the country, and the king guards the Sheji

The Chongzhen Emperor can be described as a young and promising emperor, although he is not a generation of Ming Emperors, but he can also be regarded as a good emperor. After succeeding to the throne at the age of sixteen, he was conscientious and diligent, and he made six edicts to himself and cultivated the vegetable garden himself, hoping to revive the mess left by his father and eldest brother. It is a pity that he is suspicious by nature, and he is unable to return to heaven in the midst of internal and external troubles.

Hanged Emperor Zhu Youjian: The Son of Heaven guards the gate of the country, and the king guards the Sheji

Although he exerted great efforts to govern the country, get rid of the castration party, and change his internal affairs, he finally killed Yuan Chonghuan because he listened to rumors, and mistakenly used Hong Chengzu, Wu Sangui, and other chaotic courtiers and thieves, plus natural and man-made disasters, a great drought and plague raged in the north, there were Qing soldiers in the north who took the opportunity to go south, there were traitors Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong in the south who plotted rebellion, the treasury was empty, there was a shortage of soldiers, and the Chongzhen Emperor did not have the Hongtao Wuluo of his ancestor, The Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, and even if he had the heart to revive the country, he was unable to return to heaven even if he had the heart to revive jiangshan.

Hanged Emperor Zhu Youjian: The Son of Heaven guards the gate of the country, and the king guards the Sheji

Finally, in 1644, when Li Zicheng attacked Beijing, the Chongzhen Emperor did not want to be captured and humiliated, nor did he want to flee south to become an exiled king, so he hanged himself at Coal Mountain and wrote his last edict: Seventeen years after he ascended the throne, although he was a bandit and angry, all the ministers were mistaken, causing the rebels to directly attack the capital. Death, faceless ancestors in the ground, to remove the crown, to cover the face. Let the thief split the corpse, and do not hurt the people. He was 38 years old!

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