
Self-testing of health from head to toe to see if your body is okay?

author:Xichun Chinese Medicine School

1. Self-test lung function

Li Wen, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory Medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, pointed out in an article in the Health Times in November 2016 that there is a "6-minute walk test" in daily life, which can initially measure your lung function.

Test method: Walk as fast as possible on the flat ground for 6 minutes, measure the walking distance, less than 300 meters is level 1, 300 to 374.9 meters is level 2, 375 to 449.5 meters is level 3, and more than 450 meters is level 4. Lower levels indicate poorer lung function, reaching grades 3 and 4, indicating that lung function is close to or has reached normal.

Self-testing of health from head to toe to see if your body is okay?

Health advice: After entering middle age, the maximum oxygen intake of the body begins to decline. People who rarely exercise have a maximum aerobic capacity at age 60 is almost half that of when they are 20 years old. Therefore, in order to maintain good lung function, it is necessary to adhere to moderate physical exercise for a long time, such a person's lung capacity decline is very slow, even after the age of 60, lung capacity is still relatively normal.

2. Self-test heart function

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The function of the heart is to supply blood throughout the body. In a quiet state, the heart beats about 70 times per minute, and each time the blood is pumped 70 ml, about 5 liters of blood are pumped per minute, so it can be estimated that a person's heart pumps a very large amount of blood in a lifetime.

Therefore, it is very important to understand the function of your own heart. Ji Xiaolong, a famous pathologist in China and former chief physician of the Department of Pathology of the Third Medical Center of the Plaster General Hospital (formerly the General Hospital of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force), introduced in his book "Self-Healing Wisdom from Head to Toe" that everyone can self-test the level of cardiac function through self-feeling.

Self-testing of health from head to toe to see if your body is okay?

Test Method: The easiest way to find out if there is something wrong with heart function is to climb a mountain or go upstairs to have no feeling of panic. Panic is caused by rapid, slow, or irregular rhythms. Therefore, according to the subjective symptoms produced by the human body under different degrees of activity, and the heart function is divided into four levels, you can make a judgment on the heart function, and strive to transition from the poor level to the good level:

Level 1: All activities are unrestricted and asymptomatic.

Grade 2: Able to perform general light physical activity, but heavier physical activity can cause palpitations, shortness of breath and other symptoms of cardiac insufficiency.

The third level: there is no discomfort during rest, but there is a manifestation of cardiac insufficiency when doing general light activities.

Fourth level: there are symptoms of any activity, even during bed rest, there are symptoms of cardiac insufficiency, such as palpitations, difficulty breathing and inability to lie flat.

Health advice: exercise is the best "heart protection" method, walking, brisk walking, jogging, tai chi and sprinting are very good choices, people of different ages can choose according to their actual situation.

3. Self-test kidney function

Hou Fanfan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a nephrologist at Southern Medical University, said in an interview with Health Times in 2018 that observing urine is the most direct and simple way to judge whether kidney function is normal.

Test method: first observe the style of urine, such as the increase in foam in the urine, the surface of the urine after a period of standing for a period of time has a small foam and does not dissipate, may be proteinuria; secondly, pay attention to the color of the urine, the color of the urine changes, the urine is turbid with tao rice water, or the urine color is red, strong brown or even soy sauce color, are abnormal phenomena; in addition, to observe the change in urine output, normal people have a daily urine output of about 1000 to 2000 ml, too little or too much urine output indicates that the kidneys may have problems.

Health tips: to prevent chronic kidney disease, we should adjust our lifestyle and adhere to exercise; regular work and rest to avoid fatigue; relax and avoid emotional tension; low-salt diet, balanced nutrition. Regular physical examinations can also block or reverse the condition.

4. Self-test visceral fat

Li Jing, associate professor of the Department of Sports And Health Sciences at Nanjing University of Physical Education, said in a 2015 health newspaper that the waist-to-hip ratio is an important indicator of central obesity, and the large value of the waist-to-hip ratio means a backlog of abdominal fat.

Test method: The so-called waist-to-hip ratio, that is, measure the size of the waist circumference and hip circumference, and then use the waist circumference number to divide the ratio of hip circumference to calculate the waist-to-hip ratio. The evaluation recommended by the American Academy of Sports Medicine is that the waist-to-hip ratio is less than 0.94 for men and the waist-to-hip ratio for women is less than 0.82, which is normal.

Health Tips: Have a standard waist-to-hip ratio, eat a reasonable diet, increase exercise time, and release stress, such as deep breathing or yoga, and insist on aerobic exercise at least three times a week for more than half an hour. In addition, learn to regulate psychological pressure, when the mentality is correct, reasonable release of stress, can effectively improve people's unhealthy lifestyle brought about by abdominal obesity.

5. Self-test grip force

Grip strength can reflect the strength of a person's upper limbs.

Test method: carrying an object weighing about 5 kilograms, carrying it, see how long it can walk, if you walk 100 meters, you feel bored, or the pulling force can not be pulled five or six times, it indicates that the grip is not enough, and it needs to be improved.

Health tips: In addition to using fitness gadgets such as grip rings and pullers to enhance grip strength, it is usually possible to rotate walnuts and metal balls in the palm of your hand, which helps to increase hand strength and improve hand flexibility.

6. Self-test reaction force

"Eye-hand reaction time" can judge a person's ability to react, as well as eye-hand coordination. The time for people to react is the best indicator of life, reaction time is the standard for measuring intelligence, and intelligence is the indicator of the "system integrity" of the human body.

Test method: one person holds the ruler, vertical, zero scale downward, suddenly let go, the other person to grasp the ruler, if the scale of grasping is about 5 cm, indicating that the response is relatively fast, more than 20 cm is more sluggish.

Health advice: Ball sports such as table tennis and tennis require good cooperation between the eye and hand, which can help train the ability to respond.

7. Self-test balance

Self-testing of health from head to toe to see if your body is okay?

Good balance prevents falls, thereby reducing unnecessary injuries. Especially for the elderly. Zhou Qinlu, former deputy director of the Beijing Institute of Sports Sciences, pointed out in a March 2011 article in the Health Times that self-testing balance can try "Golden Rooster Independence".

Test method: close your eyes, close your eyes slightly, place your hands naturally on both sides of the body, lift one foot at will, raise your leg as high as possible, stand on one leg, and measure how long you can stand. More than 15 to 20 seconds indicates that the balance ability is better, and it should be noted below 10 seconds.

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Health advice: The "push hand" in tai chi, the "bird play" in the five birds play, and the golden rooster independence are all suitable for the elderly to exercise balance. In addition, you can also practice walking backwards, which can enhance your balance ability.

What needs to be reminded is that the self-test method is only a preliminary judgment, do not use it as a diagnostic criterion or blindly believe in folk remedies, if there is relevant discomfort, or go to the hospital for medical treatment, follow the doctor's instructions for conditioning.

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