
The hottest month is June, and antarctic sea ice area drops to a new low! Come and watch these ornamental fish that are not afraid of the cold

author:Dragon Peak Interest Alliance

If you think it was hot last month, watermelon popsicle air conditioning fans are on the battlefield, really can't squat at home! I'm going to tell you: you're not alone in the fight against the heat! Recently, according to foreign media reports, data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows that June 2019 was the hottest Month on record, and antarctic sea ice area also reached a new low in that month.

The hottest month is June, and antarctic sea ice area drops to a new low! Come and watch these ornamental fish that are not afraid of the cold

Screenshot of the national oceanic and atmospheric administration (NOAA) website

In June, Antarctic sea ice was 8.5 percent below the 1981-2010 average, the lowest Antarctic sea ice cover in 41 years on record, and below the record low of 160,580 square kilometers in 2002. The average Arctic sea ice cover was 10.5 percent lower than the 1981-2010 average, the second lowest in June.

Experts say such extreme temperatures are linked to climate change, and people should find ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, otherwise, extreme heat weather may increase. Today, I would like to recommend some ornamental fish that rarely use heating rods all year round for aquarium lovers.


As a wide temperature ornamental fish, goldfish can adapt to the water temperature of 0-39 ° C, the requirements for water temperature are not high, and normally there is no need for heating rods.

The hottest month is June, and antarctic sea ice area drops to a new low! Come and watch these ornamental fish that are not afraid of the cold

However, when the temperature is lower than 10 ° C, the activity of goldfish decreases, the desire to forage will become lower, and most of the time it will lie still at the bottom of the tank, reducing ornamentality; if possible, it is still necessary to add a constant temperature heater.

Koi fish

Koi fish is mild in nature, likes to swim in groups, is easy to raise, has strong adaptability to water temperature, can live in a water temperature environment of 0-30 ° C, and grows at a water temperature of 21-27 ° C, which is a kind of cold-water fish.

The hottest month is June, and antarctic sea ice area drops to a new low! Come and watch these ornamental fish that are not afraid of the cold

But if you want the koi to grow at an average rate, and you want to grow as usual in winter, you need a heating rod.

Chinese Fighting Fish

Chinese bucket fish are relatively tolerant ornamental fish, have strong adaptability, and like to live in water temperatures of 26 ° C. Strong physique, in the low water temperature environment above 0 ° C can also survive well, winter without heating is OK.

The hottest month is June, and antarctic sea ice area drops to a new low! Come and watch these ornamental fish that are not afraid of the cold

Mini parrot fish

The breed, which was artificially bred and improved by Taiwanese enthusiasts, is petite in size and basically resembles the shape of the parrotfish. The most adaptable water temperature for mini parrots is 15-30 ° C, while the optimal temperature during the breeding period is about 28 ° C. Basically, northern households with heating can be farmed without using heating rods.

The hottest month is June, and antarctic sea ice area drops to a new low! Come and watch these ornamental fish that are not afraid of the cold

Mary fish

Mary fish, also known as Morley fish, are more physically strong, easier to raise, and they can even tolerate low temperatures of about 10 ° C.

But that's not to say that they can grow well at this extreme water temperature, and prolonged low temperatures can also easily cause them to get sick from mold infections until they die.

The hottest month is June, and antarctic sea ice area drops to a new low! Come and watch these ornamental fish that are not afraid of the cold

White cloud gold wire

Commonly known as: red tail fish, white cloud gold wire fish, white cloud mountain fish, Deng fish, lively temperament, can adapt to 10-30 ° C water temperature. But the white cloud gold silk native to our country is in the water temperature of five degrees above zero, so it should still be eaten and drunk.

The hottest month is June, and antarctic sea ice area drops to a new low! Come and watch these ornamental fish that are not afraid of the cold

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