
Diga and Daiko appear in Ultraman Magazine, Andraya has money to ask Hiroshi Nagano?

author:Fox Demon Reading Chronicles

Recently, there have been many news related to Ultraman, of which the most concerned is probably that Diga and Dagu appeared in the new magazine "Ultraman", right? Some people speculate that It is possible that Marutani may have them appear at the same time, but is it possible that Marutani finally has the money to invite Hiroshi Nagano?

Diga and Daiko appear in Ultraman Magazine, Andraya has money to ask Hiroshi Nagano?

In fact, the original Di jia ultraman human body Dagu played by Hiroshi Nagano did leave a deep impression on the audience, and it was precisely because of this role that he became more and more famous. It is said that after becoming famous, the appearance fee he asked for was high, and he also heard that he must be the protagonist before he was willing to participate in Ultraman's works again, and he did not know whether it was true or not. Anyway, he hadn't appeared in Ultraman's work for more than a decade, and that was true. Seeing him again in Ultraman's magazine now really excites the audience.

Diga and Daiko appear in Ultraman Magazine, Andraya has money to ask Hiroshi Nagano?

Of course, the performance of Hiroshi Nagano in the past two years has also brought hope to the audience, it is said that in last year's show, he expressed his desire to play Ultraman again, and also made an endorsement for Diga Ultraman's toys, I believe everyone knows it! And there is a more important information is that his team V6 group has been dissolved, so now Nagano Hiroshi is still quite idle, if Marutani invites him to participate in Ultraman works, it may be easier than before. But the imagination is beautiful, and it is really unknown whether he will appear in "Teliga Ultraman".

Diga and Daiko appear in Ultraman Magazine, Andraya has money to ask Hiroshi Nagano?

And based on the past situation, it is possible that Round Valley will not invite him to appear in this drama, and it can even be said that it is not necessary to do so. The audience does like Diga Ultraman, but if Nagano and Diga appear together, there is a question that needs to be made clear, that is, how do he and Diga travel to the universe where Triga is located? Diga Ultraman doesn't have this ability itself, let alone the great ancient of human identity, don't you think? Besides, Round Valley really planned to let Digha appear, and it didn't matter if he didn't let his human body appear, after all, they had all gotten used to it over the years, and it was okay to find a new person to make a human body for Diga.

Diga and Daiko appear in Ultraman Magazine, Andraya has money to ask Hiroshi Nagano?

In fact, have you found anything? The image of Dagu that appeared in the magazine of "Triga Ultraman" in November was more than twenty years ago, not the way Nagano Hiroshi is now, so Round Valley's approach is at most a memorial, I am afraid that there is no intention of letting him appear, what do you think? However, I heard that in this drama, Round Valley may arrange a new version of Gatanjee to appear, and the Kirielord, who was defeated by Diga Ultraman, will also appear, which is also a very interesting thing.

Diga and Daiko appear in Ultraman Magazine, Andraya has money to ask Hiroshi Nagano?

Anyway, I personally feel that Round Valley's arrangement for the drama "Teliga Ultraman" is too messy, and there is really a taste of random patchwork. But don't say it yet. Now this drama is really quite popular with everyone, but why does the rating always go up? Where exactly is the cause?

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