
V6| SN Sakamoto Masayuki × Nagano Hiroshi | a beast trainer with his big lion

author:There are fish in the year

"The Tamer and His Big Lion", from the V6 variety show "Campus Gods List" on May 18, 1999 Masayuki Sakamoto and Hiroshi Nagano location shooting title. However, due to the age, the full clip can no longer be found, only a video of about three and a half minutes (BV1T4411V7EZ P3) was found, in which Masayuki Sakamoto clashed with students who did not want to join the sumo club, the bad atmosphere exploded instantly, and the surrounding staff did not dare to come forward to persuade him, and finally Hiroshi Nagano stepped forward to drag Masayuki Sakamoto away. In a staff complaint about V6, a similar situation was mentioned, when a staff member became angry with Masa due to his own mistakes, and the only hiroshi who could persuade him to dissipate his anger was only laughing on the side, without the slightest intention of breaking the siege for the staff. In the eyes of the staff, the young masa is probably a big lion who is easy to fry, and hiroshi is a trainer who can smooth the lion's hair, which can make the masa quiet in an instant.

V6| SN Sakamoto Masayuki × Nagano Hiroshi | a beast trainer with his big lion

Sakamoto masayuki×Nagano hiroshi

V6| SN Sakamoto Masayuki × Nagano Hiroshi | a beast trainer with his big lion

Masa, who was beaten by Hiroshi, is still super cute

V6| SN Sakamoto Masayuki × Nagano Hiroshi | a beast trainer with his big lion

When you meet something delicious, you want to bring Sakamoto to Nagano

When he was young, masa was called "the person who the president will be afraid when he sees it", and when he was scolded by the teacher for not practicing dance well, "You give me back", he also turned around and left. After becoming the leader of Sr., he was also very strict with the trainees. After V6 was formed, as the captain, because of the haste of the formation, the dance ability was uneven, and the debut time was urgent, he spent three months training the members in the devil. According to the descriptions of the later members, Masa was a lone wolf, sharp and arbitrary, and only knew how to rush forward with the members. Inohara, who had known him for six or seven years at the time, did not dare to joke with him easily, and the CC people were even more annoyed and respectful and afraid of him, and even the demon twin goken would give up the idea of doing stupid things for fear of being punished by the captain.

V6| SN Sakamoto Masayuki × Nagano Hiroshi | a beast trainer with his big lion

Masa and Demon Gemini

V6| SN Sakamoto Masayuki × Nagano Hiroshi | a beast trainer with his big lion

SN at sunset

But there is a person who is different, when he first debuted, Nagano Hiroshi was probably the only one who was not afraid of Masayuki Sakamoto, and he would not say honorifics to him, calling him by his first name every day, teasing him as a terrier, selling a cute when he was impatient, and then treating it as nothing happened. When he went out on location, he took Sakamoto to his knees to beg for forgiveness (BV1cs411d7ZC) and pulled the children to take the lead in bullying Sakamoto, laying a solid foundation for Sakamoto to fall from the top of the food chain in the group to the lowest end a few years later. Sakamoto once said that Nagano always watched silently from the sidelines when he was educating his children, and then went to comfort the lost children.

V6| SN Sakamoto Masayuki × Nagano Hiroshi | a beast trainer with his big lion
V6| SN Sakamoto Masayuki × Nagano Hiroshi | a beast trainer with his big lion

Dinner show when the duo's wedding scene

Junichi Okada also revealed in the show that the atmosphere between SNs is very unique, when Hiroshi Nagano speaks, Sakamoto will not be quite "hmmm" on the side of the nod of approval, to this day we do not know why the bad Sakamoto Alone is different from Nagano Hiroshi, even Sakamoto in the interview can not say why in the Sr period and Nagano Hiroshi became friends, probably, Nagano Hiroshi is a natural Sakamoto nemesis. [Thinking]

V6| SN Sakamoto Masayuki × Nagano Hiroshi | a beast trainer with his big lion
V6| SN Sakamoto Masayuki × Nagano Hiroshi | a beast trainer with his big lion
V6| SN Sakamoto Masayuki × Nagano Hiroshi | a beast trainer with his big lion

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