
Famous dish of Bashu: snowflake peach puree

author:Chinese cuisine on the tip of the tongue
Famous dish of Bashu: snowflake peach puree

Snowflake peach puree

Main ingredients and accessories

Yellow corn flour ⋯ ⋯ 150 g honeydew melon yuan ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 15 grams

Walnut kernels...⋯⋯⋯⋯50 grams of dates...⋯⋯⋯⋯15 grams

Eggs... 20 g of eggs... 20 g of eggs... 20 grams of honey cherries

Egg whites... 2 whites...⋯ 2 sugars... 200 g

Water chestnut... 5 lard oils... 200 g

Cooking method

1. After soaking the walnut kernels in boiling water, peel them, fry them in a 50% hot oil pan, and cut them into mung bean-sized grains. Peel the water chestnut. Honeydew melon yuan and dates are cut into mung bean-sized grains, put into a bowl, add sugar, eggs, corn flour, 400 grams of water, mix into a pulp, egg white beat into egg bubbles.

2. Wok to high heat, under the lard to 50% heat, pour in the mixed pulp, quickly stir-fry until the white and shiny oil, in the shape of caviar eggs, put into the dish, cover with egg bubbles, add honey cherries and serve.

Process critical

1. The water in the corn paste should be appropriate, less than tender.

2. Peach kernels and water chestnuts should not be cut too finely, and must be constantly stir-fried, and the action is rapid.

3. The taste should not be too sweet. After the dish is made, add some bright oil, so the amount of oil should not be much.

Flavor characteristics

1. "Snowflake peach puree", also known as "walnut puree", is one of the traditional beets, and snowflake refers to egg bubbles made of egg whites, piled on top of peach puree, forming a color contrast.

2. "Snowflake peach puree" into a dish with tender yellow color, slightly shiny, the tenderness of the food contains peach kernels and crispy aroma, especially with the snowflake egg soaked on the peach puree, which can reduce the heat of the peach puree and increase the heat and fragrance. Suitable for young and old, it can be eaten at four o'clock.