
Five major platforms of cultural tourism in Pingliang City jointly sound the "epidemic" rally number of cultural tourism: online museum (7)

author:Pingliang Cultural Tourism

Scientific epidemic prevention starts with me

Do not go out for a while| never gather| must wear a mask | wash your hands correctly

Five major platforms of cultural tourism in Pingliang City jointly sound the "epidemic" rally number of cultural tourism: online museum (7)

Help fight against the epidemic ,

Pinnacle in Action!

The epidemic prevention and control continues, and cultural services continue. During the period of suspension of opening to the public, Pingliang Museum combined with the actual situation of the unit, made every effort to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control offline, and continued to push the "online museum" for you by using the cultural relics resources and exhibitions in the collection online. At the same time, you can break the restrictions of time and space and enjoy the feast of Pingbo history and culture.

Five major platforms of cultural tourism in Pingliang City jointly sound the "epidemic" rally number of cultural tourism: online museum (7)

【Exhibition Online】Yanchi Agarwood - a group exhibition of Qing Dynasty calligraphy and paintings collected by the Four Museums of Lanzhou City

丨 Appreciation of Wang Dai's works

Longyuan Dadi is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization, where the people are brilliant, and the art of calligraphy and painting has a long history and is dazzling.

Lanzhou, an important town on the Silk Road, is located in the Middle Fourth League, with thick culture, integrated civilization and colorful colors. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the revival of literature and education, the development of a flourishing literary style, the art of calligraphy and painting achieved unprecedented prosperity, and the excellent works emerged in an endless stream, and remarkable achievements were made. Famous artists such as Tang Lian, Zhu Kemin, Wang Dai, Bai Yanling, Wen Xuzhou, Zhao Chonggu, and Ma Wenbing were all famous for a while, influencing the development of Longyuan calligraphy and painting art, and also leaving many valuable art treasures.

The works of famous calligraphers and painters in Lanzhou in the Qing Dynasty exhibited this time are selected from the many collections of Lanzhou Museum, Yongdeng County Museum, Yuzhong County Museum and Gaolan County Museum, which are not enough to show the whole picture of the development and inheritance of calligraphy and painting art in Lanzhou in the Qing Dynasty, but also represent the characteristics of calligraphy and painting art in Lanzhou in this period. Through this exhibition, it is hoped that the audience will deepen their understanding of Lanzhou's regional culture and their understanding of traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting art.

Wang Dai

Qing (birth and death unknown)

The characters Xiaoxia and Xinghai were from Gaolan (present-day Lanzhou, Gansu). Qing Dynasty painter, studied under Tang Lian, can poetry, good at painting landscapes, flowers and birds, and writes many of the famous scenic spots in Qinlong Landscape, his brush and ink are flexible, full of rhyme, and can seize the "wonders of nature".

Five major platforms of cultural tourism in Pingliang City jointly sound the "epidemic" rally number of cultural tourism: online museum (7)

Wang Daixi Mountain Wind and Rain Axis

Five major platforms of cultural tourism in Pingliang City jointly sound the "epidemic" rally number of cultural tourism: online museum (7)
Five major platforms of cultural tourism in Pingliang City jointly sound the "epidemic" rally number of cultural tourism: online museum (7)

Wang Dai landscape atlas

Five major platforms of cultural tourism in Pingliang City jointly sound the "epidemic" rally number of cultural tourism: online museum (7)

Source: Municipal Museum

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