
Tomorrow's little cold | the best meat, the best medicine, the best root for the body! Now eat the most nourishing

author:Bright Net
Tomorrow's little cold | the best meat, the best medicine, the best root for the body! Now eat the most nourishing

Tomorrow Xiao Han, Xiao Han is around the "Three Nine", which is the coldest time of the year. As the old saying goes, "summer practice three volts, winter practice three nine", because in the coldest time, people's qi and blood circulation is the worst, we need to pay close attention to exercise, activity activities, qi and blood, improve physical fitness at the critical moment. The colder it is, the more you have to increase the heat by exercising to protect yourself from the cold.

On the basis of paying attention to keeping warm, practicing cold repellent warm-up exercises every day, your body's immunity will become very good, and the quality of sleep will also improve.

Winter practice "three nine" to dispel the wind and cold exercises


Tomorrow's little cold | the best meat, the best medicine, the best root for the body! Now eat the most nourishing

[Action 1] Lie down, first bend your right leg, hold your right knee with both hands, press our right thigh with both hands to make it close to the lower abdomen, and lean your head as far as you can on your knee. The posterior knee socket of the left leg presses down sufficiently, and the tiptoe hooks back. Leave on for 1 min.

Tomorrow's little cold | the best meat, the best medicine, the best root for the body! Now eat the most nourishing

[Action 2] After the action is done, open the hands, let the legs bend, the heels as far as possible to converge, the feet open the shoulder width, the hands down to support the floor, and then the spine is like a bead, leaving the floor section by section, first let our tailbone drive the lumbar spine, lift up section by section, pedal up, slowly raise the hips, keep it for 15 to 30 seconds (clench your teeth, don't open your mouth), and then slowly put the spine down section by section.

Tomorrow's little cold | the best meat, the best medicine, the best root for the body! Now eat the most nourishing

【Effect】 Dispels the cold qi in the joints and back, and improves the kidney qi. Friends with lumbar muscle strain and old cold waist must practice Oh.

While strengthening the body, we also have to eat some warm food to protect against the cold.

Xiaobian sorted out the "first in winter" dietary remedies to help you warm up in winter!

Ranked no. 1 dietary remedy in winter

"First meat" – lamb

Tomorrow's little cold | the best meat, the best medicine, the best root for the body! Now eat the most nourishing

According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", mutton has the effect of tonifying qi and benefiting kidney qi. It is also one of the important ingredients for folk winter supplements.

1. Tonify kidney and aphrodisiac

Mutton warms the liver and kidneys, and has the medium effects of replenishing kidney aphrodisiac and replenishing hypothermia. It is used to treat waist and knee soreness, cold pain and other symptoms caused by kidney and yang deficiency.

2. Replenish qi and blood, relieve the cold hands and feet

In winter, the yang qi of the human body is hidden in the body, so the body is prone to cold hands and feet, and poor circulation of qi and blood. Eating more lamb can replenish qi, promote blood circulation, and accelerate metabolism.

3. Strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach

Modern Chinese medicine believes that eating more lamb at the right time can increase digestive enzymes, protect the stomach wall, help digestion, and also play a role in dispelling dampness, avoiding cold, and warming the heart and stomach.

4. Post-illness and postpartum weakness

Lamb has less fat and cholesterol in meat, and is rich in high-quality protein, vitamins and trace elements such as iron, zinc and selenium, which help improve the ability to resist diseases. It is suitable for people who are deficient in qi and blood after illness and postpartum.

Health Diet: Angelica ginger mutton broth

Angelica 30g, ginger 60g, lamb 500g

Wash and slice the angelica and ginger; remove the fascia from the lamb, put it in a pot of boiling water, put it in a pot of boiling water, put it out to cool, cut into pieces; then put the lamb strips and ginger and angelica into the washed casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over a low flame, remove the foam, and then simmer until it is cooked, drink soup and eat lamb.

Replenish blood and regulate menstruation, disperse cold and relieve pain.

"First dish" - cabbage

Tomorrow's little cold | the best meat, the best medicine, the best root for the body! Now eat the most nourishing

After talking about the first meat, of course, we must talk about the "first dish" of winter supplements - cabbage. As the saying goes, "a hundred vegetables are not as good as cabbage", and the north has the habit of storing Chinese cabbage in winter as the main vegetable throughout the winter.

1. Protect the stomach and intestines

Eating more cabbage can promote gastrointestinal motility; it is rich in vitamin U, protects the gastrointestinal mucosa, and can help prevent duodenal or gastric ulcers.

2. Assist in lowering blood pressure

Chinese cabbage is rich in potassium, and eating cabbage often has a good preventive effect on high blood pressure.

3. Prevent arteriosclerosis

Cabbage contains plant fiber, pectin and vitamins, which have the effect of preventing the intestines from absorbing cholesterol and bile acid juice. It has a certain preventive effect on patients with gallstones and arteriosclerosis.

Healthy diet: cabbage stewed pork

1 cabbage, 500 grams of pork, 1 chives, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, a little sugar.

Cabbage tear slices wash and cut into large pieces, pork cut into large pieces, blanch with boiling water, go fishy and wash; pour all the seasonings into the pot, add water and boil, add the meat pieces and cook for 10 minutes; add the cabbage and cook until the meat is rotten, and when the soup is about to dry, use a little starch to hook the mustard and sprinkle with green onions.

Nourish the stomach, quench troubles and quench thirst.

"The first one" – radish

Tomorrow's little cold | the best meat, the best medicine, the best root for the body! Now eat the most nourishing

As the saying goes: "Eat flowers in spring, eat leaves in summer, eat fruits in autumn, and eat roots in winter." There is also a folk saying that "eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer, and do not work for doctors to prescribe medicines."

Radish has a strong function of qi, but also can suppress cough and phlegm, remove dryness, improve defecation and so on. Eating radish often can help reduce blood lipids, stabilize blood pressure, and prevent coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, cholelithiasis and other diseases.

1, the different effects of radish

There are many types of radishes on the market:

(1) White radish is eaten raw to moisten the lungs to relieve cough, and cooked to supplement qi to cure colds;

(2) Boiling water with green radish is a "good medicine" for rationalizing the qi;

(3) Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which supplements the liver and eyesight.

Healthy diet: radish stewed lamb

1 kg of radish, 500 g of lamb, green onion, ginger, rice wine, salt and monosodium glutamate.

Wash the lamb to remove the fascia, cut into small cubes, boil with cold water, blanch the blood and wash it out of the pot. Wash and peel the radish, cut into hob pieces and blanch the water before using.

First put the lamb into the pot, add water and onion, ginger, rice wine, simmer until five ripe, then put the radish in, simmer over low heat until crispy, add seasoning, and then eat.

Replenish qi and blood, replenish kidneys and drive away cold.

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"First medicine" - yam

Tomorrow's little cold | the best meat, the best medicine, the best root for the body! Now eat the most nourishing

Yam is the medicine in the mountains and the medicine in food. It can not only be made into health food, but also has the medicinal value of conditioning diseases.

1. Nourish the yin and moisturize the lungs

Yam contains saponins and mucus, which are beneficial to lung qi and nourish lung yin, and assist in the treatment of lung deficiency, phlegm cough;

2. Tonify kidney and improve sperm

Yam is rich in mucin, amylase, etc., which is a good tonic for post-illness rehabilitation, and has the effect of nourishing the kidneys and improving sperm.

Healthy Diet: Yam porridge

Dried yam tablets 60 g, or fresh yam 100 to 120 g, japonica rice 50 to 100 g

Wash and slice the yam, cook the porridge with japonica rice, and add a few shelled dates.

Tonify the spleen and stomach, nourish the lungs and kidneys, can treat diarrhea, fatigue cough, sperm retention, relieve fatigue.

"The first bean" - black bean

Tomorrow's little cold | the best meat, the best medicine, the best root for the body! Now eat the most nourishing

Winter storage kidney essence, which means to take advantage of the winter to maintain your kidneys. Kidney is a congenital supplement, Chinese medicine says black kidney supplement, eat more black food has a strong food supplement.

Black beans have always been known as the "king of beans". Chinese medicine believes that black beans are sweet, flat and non-toxic, and have the effect of detoxifying the table, nourishing the blood and leveling the liver, tonifying the kidneys and strengthening the yin, and supplementing the black hair.

Li Shizhen said: "Black beans have a lot of work in the kidneys, so they can cure water, dissipate swelling, lower qi, cure wind and heat, and activate blood and detoxification." ”

In addition to black beans, black sesame seeds, black rice, etc. are also high-quality choices for tonify kidney blood in winter.

Health Diet: Lotus root black bean fish soup

100 grams of black beans, 400 grams of lotus root, 150 grams of red meat, 1 raw fish, 2 dates, 3 slices of ginger.

Black beans soaked for 30 minutes in advance, lotus root chunks cut into pieces for later, raw fish slaughtered and washed and processed, and then put all the ingredients together into the pot, pour about 2000 ml of water, boil the fire pot and turn the simmer for 1 and a half hours, you can put salt and drink the soup.

Black beans tonify the kidneys, raw fish pot can replenish the liver and spleen qi, add lotus root to clear the heat and cool blood, tonify the qi and blood.

Source: JSBC Wanjia Lights

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