
Offline dead? Can the chalk exam subvert the traditional ground?

author:Public examination Liu Moumou

In the first half of 2017, the revenue of Chalk Technology of the public examination online training institution was 300 million yuan, and Chalk CEO Zhang Xiaolong expects that the annual revenue will exceed 500 million yuan. The chalk public examination was launched in 2014, and the revenue of the year was 10 million; In 2015, 800,000 people attended live classes and generated 56 million revenues; In 2016, the revenue exceeded 220 million.

Offline dead? Can the chalk exam subvert the traditional ground?

From 2014 to 2017, the chalk public examination achieved brutal growth as soon as it was launched, from 10 million in revenue in 2014 to 500 million, and its growth trajectory can only be described as crazy.

However, the revenue composition of the chalk public examination is quietly changing. From April to June 2017, the chalk offline interview class was trial-run in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Anhui, Shandong and Shanxi, with an enrollment of 3,500 students in 2 months and a revenue of more than 30 million yuan. In October 2017, the 2018 national examination offline sprint class and online work were opened simultaneously, which caused a big impact on the traditional offline veteran training institutions.

On August 30, 2017, Yuan Dong, former manager of Huatu Education's online school and now vice president of Chalk Technology, announced on Weibo that shandong, as an important performance output place of the traditional two strong Huatu and Zhonggong, can steadily contribute 150 million and 1 billion yuan per year, which is quite a terrible market capacity, so it took the lead in Jinan, Shandong Province, invested 10 million yuan to set up an offline base, and laid out offline.

Offline dead? Can the chalk exam subvert the traditional ground?

But Chalk Technology has never been able to get out of the traces of Huatu:

1. Chalk CEO Zhang Xiaolong, former principal of Huatu Education Hunan Branch and dean of Shen Theory Research Institute, led the research and development of Huatu Shen Theory curriculum and the preparation of Shen Theory books and textbooks.

2. Yuan Dong: Vice President of Chalk Current Market Operation, Former Deputy General Manager of Huatu Education, General Manager of Huatu Online School

3. Li Mengyuan: Former Huatu can be a powerful teacher (in order not to violate the Advertising Law)

4. Wang Peng: Former Huatu ke powerful teacher, mainly teaching public basic knowledge

5. Lin Yi: Former Huatu ke powerful teacher, mainly speaking about verbal comprehension

(Some teachers don't use their real names when they teach, maybe they're erasing huatu traces?) )

I will not list the other chalk teachers one by one, there are too many Huatu teachers who have lost chalk due to high salaries, and chalk will be more or less affected by Huatu style.

(Compare chalk and Huatu to propose the concept of product upgrade)

The most direct impact is the teaching content and teaching methods, has not been able to get out of the influence of Huatu, from the module teaching method to structured interview training, or most of them follow the old way of Huatu, it can be said that Huatu is the founder of the public service training industry, with Shaolin seventy-two skills, chalk technology is a young hero with a special skill, with one of the seventy-two skills of the refining furnace pure fire, across the rivers and lakes, plus has its own gang, jianghu Haojie have thrown the door.

With the growth of his power, this young warrior practiced new skills and launched an impact on the status of the teacher. The development of chalk is always accompanied by Huatu, the necessary Weibo tearing war in previous years, chalk Huatu is always tit-for-tat, due to routine routines, the status of the rivers and lakes is high all year round, hindered by reputation, can not use damage moves, Huatu always can not take much advantage.

As chalk enters the offline and is not willing to move in its own sphere of influence, the drawbacks of online transformation and offline have gradually emerged.

First, the issue of teacher reserves

According to the data released by ADUO, in 2016, the number of public examination teachers of Chalk Technology, part-time and full-time is about 1100 people, due to the module teaching of the civil servant written examination, a complete course for civil servants needs a total of 4 teachers, that is to say, Chalk Technology has about 275 sets of teachers.

According to the standard of chalk technology recruitment of teachers, 300,000 annual salaries start, the salary expenditure of 1100 teachers is about 330 million, according to the 2016 chalk technology profit of 65 million, 1100 full-time teachers is obviously not a real number.

The main expenditure of Chalk Technology is personnel (including ordinary staff and teacher input), printed products investment, and tax payment. Chalk technology often hundreds of thousands of sets of 1 yuan, 9 yuan gift package sales is a pure input market means, each set of fixed expenditure should be 30-40 yuan, we according to 1 million sets of sales, the expenditure should be more than 40 million. The cost of book handouts supporting the course is related to the enrollment, calculated according to the enrollment of 25,000 yuan, and the cost of each set of books is calculated according to 200 yuan, which is 5 million yuan. Ordinary employees are calculated according to the average annual salary of 150,000 yuan and a team of 100 people, that is, 15 million expenses. Coupled with a variety of advertising expenditure (mainly used for Weibo advertising investment) calculated by 5 million, the site operating cost is calculated according to 5 million, a total of 70 million, plus a profit of 65 million, the cost of leaving teachers is about 85 million, according to the average salary of 300,000, the actual number of teachers should be less than 300 people, or even lower, which means that there are about 800 part-time teachers, and it is difficult to guarantee the teaching level of this part of the teachers.

Second, the quality of teachers

Chalk's eagerness to harvest offline also suffered heavy losses in word of mouth in the first half of 2017 in the joint examination interview, the main battlefield of chalk Weibo also appeared criticism, and more chalk interview small class students reflected that the whole class was destroyed, fortunately, the Chalk with strong Internet genes was handled properly, whether it was by deleting comments or refunding 3000 through the APP, which was also considered to control negative public opinion within the controllable range. But the real harm to the candidates has been caused, after all, the people who can enter the interview are killed from thousands of troops, which is very difficult.

The reason is that the rush to lay out the offline line, the quality of teachers is uneven.

Different from online written test training, the civil servant interview emphasizes face-to-face communication between people, and it is necessary to boldly and logically say what is in mind, so that the limitations of online training appear. Moreover, the written test training has small requirements for the short-term supply ability of teachers (especially for online institutions, which can be done one-to-many), and interview training has stricter requirements for the short-term supply of teachers.

Therefore, in the chalk large-scale layout of the offline joint examination interview, the supply of teachers has a big problem, the practical practice stage of the teacher all chose the students who used to go ashore as interview assistants, comments, the effect can be imagined, who knows when they went ashore because of the luck component or the strength component.

Such results have also led to the chalk offline interview training encountering Waterloo, scolding.

Third, the issue of venue restrictions

Chalk offline training courses choose to be fully enclosed, and accommodation classes are selected in five-star hotels, which undoubtedly weakens the lack of teacher allocation, after all, some superficial things can often cover up the truth. But after all, the hotel is not an optimal teaching scene in the case of other choices, and it must have its own training venue under the deep cultivation offline. Obviously, chalk does not have such conditions at present, but the venues in Wuhan and Jinan are in the planning, but they also increase the operating costs, which is bound to lead to an increase in the unit price of the course. Do you want money for rent, do you want money for decoration, do you want money for salary, and do investors want to make a profit?

For the traditional offline public examination training institutions represented by Huatu, teachers are almost no problem, because Huatu's teachers can be deployed nationwide, and the civil service examination is carried out separately according to the province except for the joint examination, which ensures the supply of teachers.

From the above point of view, online training is at least the public examination training industry has not yet been able to have a company to go out of a good way online, can only solve some of the needs of some students. Chalk mentioned that a large number of chalk students also purchase offline training courses after purchasing online training courses, indicating that the substantive needs of students cannot be solved online, such as learning atmosphere, face-to-face problem solving, and face-to-face communication with classmates.

Therefore, in the case of some core pain points that cannot be solved, the competition for public examination training will still return to offline.

Offline dead? Can the chalk exam subvert the traditional ground?