
In 2010, at the Hubei high-speed construction site, 3,000 remains were found, revealing a tragic history of three thousand loyal souls is the most powerful counterattack against the Japanese invaders Fu Zhengmo Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere The afterword of the rebel general Fu Zhengmo

author:On learning from history

Many friends like to watch archaeology programs, and there are too many unsolved mysteries buried under the vast land of our country. Some people say that archaeology is the most direct and powerful evidence of rewriting history, how many emperors and generals are hidden under the three feet of loess, and how many unsung heroes are buried!

In 2010, at the construction site of a section of the expressway in Yichang, Hubei Province, a sudden heavy rainstorm came unexpectedly. After the heavy rain, the construction crew unexpectedly found a number of human skeletons in the process of cleaning up the site. As everyone's cleaning speed accelerated, more and more bones were found, almost filling the entire construction site, and panicked workers hurriedly called the police.

In 2010, at the Hubei high-speed construction site, 3,000 remains were found, revealing a tragic history of three thousand loyal souls is the most powerful counterattack against the Japanese invaders Fu Zhengmo Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere The afterword of the rebel general Fu Zhengmo

The arrival of the police did not solve the mountain of white bone mysteries, but quickly informed the local archaeologists. With the arrival of the experts, a tragic scene from seventy years ago has been restored, and everyone at the scene is suddenly in awe of the remains of more than 3,000 bodies in front of them.

If these three thousand bones had not been built for the construction of a highway and the sudden rainstorm at the construction site, I am afraid that they would have been buried deeply. In 2010, in Yichang, Hubei Province, a new section of the highway was under intense construction when a sudden thunderclap sounded, followed by torrential rain. Although the construction time of the project was very tight, for safety reasons, the construction was suspended.

In 2010, at the Hubei high-speed construction site, 3,000 remains were found, revealing a tragic history of three thousand loyal souls is the most powerful counterattack against the Japanese invaders Fu Zhengmo Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere The afterword of the rebel general Fu Zhengmo

The next day, the rain stopped, and the workers ate breakfast and came to the construction site early to clean up the silt washed away by the torrential rain. Suddenly, a worker exclaimed, "Come and see, what is this?" The exclamation quickly attracted everyone's onlookers, and the workers who were a little farther away were also attracted by the exclamation, and they put down their tools and ran over, and the more people gathered.

"What's worth the fuss about, these are a few human bones, which I've seen a lot at our construction site." An experienced old worker obviously did not think this was anything special, and it was already common to dig out ancient tombs at construction sites and even concentrate on tomb groups. When everyone thought it was just an ordinary tomb group, the next scene was jaw-dropping.

Due to the low-lying terrain, the rainwater accumulated in the high places after the heavy rain is constantly converging towards the place where the human bones are found. As the rain continued to wash away, more and more white bones were exposed to the ground, almost everywhere. Seeing the white bones piled up everywhere, the workers felt that things might not be as simple as they thought, and quickly dialed the local police.

In 2010, at the Hubei high-speed construction site, 3,000 remains were found, revealing a tragic history of three thousand loyal souls is the most powerful counterattack against the Japanese invaders Fu Zhengmo Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere The afterword of the rebel general Fu Zhengmo

After receiving the report, the local police quickly sent investigators to the scene. After the identification of the technicians, it was found that the age of these bones was relatively old, which basically ruled out the possibility of criminal cases. However, due to the large number of bones, the police still found the local cultural relics protection department, and soon a group of archaeologists also came to the scene.

After the arrival of the experts, immediately organized everyone to carry out the number of bones statistics, after statistics, a total of more than 3,000 bones were found on the scene, the death time of the owners of these bones exceeded 60 years, it is very likely that the collective tomb group died in war or plague before liberation.

Archaeologists then rushed to the local document room overnight to check the relevant materials. In the end, the opinions of the experts reached a unity, that is, the owners of the more than 3,000 bones exposed at the construction site were all anti-Japanese martyrs, national heroes, who died in the same tragic war.

In 2010, at the Hubei high-speed construction site, 3,000 remains were found, revealing a tragic history of three thousand loyal souls is the most powerful counterattack against the Japanese invaders Fu Zhengmo Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere The afterword of the rebel general Fu Zhengmo

So, in which battle did these anti-Japanese martyrs die? Why was it buried en masse? Why did no one know after the founding of the People's Republic of China that there were still many martyrs buried here? Before revealing these mysteries, we must first get to know a famous anti-Japanese general, because this battle was personally commanded by this general. So who is this famous player? He was General Fu Zhengmo, who had made great achievements in the anti-Japanese battlefield in those years.

Fu Zhengmo was born in 1904 in Banchong Village, Zhongai Township, Liling County, Hunan Province. When he was a teenager, he was deeply influenced by dr. Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary ideas, made up his mind to save the country and the people, and resolutely threw himself into the tide of the Great Revolution.

In 2010, at the Hubei high-speed construction site, 3,000 remains were found, revealing a tragic history of three thousand loyal souls is the most powerful counterattack against the Japanese invaders Fu Zhengmo Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere The afterword of the rebel general Fu Zhengmo

Fu Zhengmo

In 1923, at the age of 19, Fu Zhengmo graduated from high school, and his parents wanted him to return to his hometown to work as an ordinary teacher. However, when he learned that Cheng Qian, then the military minister of Sun Yat-sen's Grand Marshal's Office, had founded the Army Martial Arts Academy at the base camp and was recruiting cadets, the young Fu Zhengmo could no longer sit still. He persuaded his parents to go to Guangzhou with several of his fellow learners, determined to devote himself to serving the country.

Here we would like to say that among the students who went south with Fu Zhengmo to join the army, there was a young man who later became a famous general of the People's Liberation Army. This person is the "Zuo Quan" general, the supreme general of our army who later died on the battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War, of course, this is an afterthought, and we will not dwell on it here.

In 2010, at the Hubei high-speed construction site, 3,000 remains were found, revealing a tragic history of three thousand loyal souls is the most powerful counterattack against the Japanese invaders Fu Zhengmo Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere The afterword of the rebel general Fu Zhengmo

Former site of the Whampoa Military Academy

The year after they came to Guangzhou, in June 1924, the Whampoa Military Academy was officially established. With the consent of The Process, Fu Zhengmo and 12 other young soldiers, as representatives of the TangwuTang, met with Chiang Kai-shek, the principal of the Whampoa Military Academy, and requested to be transferred to the Whampoa Military Academy to study. Soon after, Chiang Kai-shek agreed to their request, and Fu Zhengmo officially became a cadet of the sixth team of the Whampoa Phase I.

Like many Whampoa students, Fu Zhengmo's growth path was honed through a series of hard battles. When the Northern Expedition broke out, 22-year-old Fu Zhengmo was already a battalion-level officer. In 1932, Fu Zhengmo served as the commander of the second regiment of the Independent Brigade of the 87th Division, and after the "128 Incident", under the leadership of the famous anti-Japanese general Zhang Zhizhong, he repeatedly inflicted heavy losses on the battlefield against the Japanese army.

In 1937, the vast land of the three eastern provinces could no longer satisfy the greedy ambitions of the Japanese invaders, and the Japanese army, driven by desire, launched the "July 7 Incident" on July 7, 1937, which shocked the world, in a vain attempt to quickly occupy all of China.

In 2010, at the Hubei high-speed construction site, 3,000 remains were found, revealing a tragic history of three thousand loyal souls is the most powerful counterattack against the Japanese invaders Fu Zhengmo Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere The afterword of the rebel general Fu Zhengmo

Seishiro Itagaki

At the critical juncture of the country, the two parties finally put aside their previous suspicions and began to cooperate again, and soon the anti-Japanese front of the whole people was formed, and war was formally declared against the Japanese aggressors. At this time, Fu Zhengmo had been promoted to deputy commander of the Nationalist Eighty-third Division and was awarded the rank of major general. In a head-on confrontation with the Japanese Kou, Fu Zhengmo was ordered to participate in the Battle of Xinkou, and their opponent was the Fifth Division of the Most Elite Itagaki Seishiro of the Japanese Kou, and the two sides fought bloodily for more than ten days, and the battle was extremely fierce. In this battle, Hao Mengling, commander of the Kuomintang Ninth Army, and Liu Jiaqi, commander of the 54th Division, were martyred in great martyrdom, while Fu Zhengmo took his wounds into battle, and finally due to the recurrence of old wounds, he was ordered to be hospitalized.

After recovering from his wounds, General Fu Zhengmo returned to the front line again, and successively participated in famous battles such as the Battle of Wuhan and the Battle of Zaoyi. It can be said that Fu Zhengmo, who is known for his bravery in battle, made outstanding military achievements on the anti-Japanese battlefield and was a brave general who made the enemy feel frightened.

In 2010, at the Hubei high-speed construction site, 3,000 remains were found, revealing a tragic history of three thousand loyal souls is the most powerful counterattack against the Japanese invaders Fu Zhengmo Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere The afterword of the rebel general Fu Zhengmo

In 1940, in order to realize the ambition of rapidly destroying China, the Japanese Kou launched a fierce general offensive against Yichang, Hubei Province. At this time, it was Fu Zhengmo who was stationed in Huanghua Township, Yichang. As we said earlier, every war left a large number of wounded, and Huanghua township built a field hospital on the spot in order to treat the wounded.

Officers and men wounded on the battlefield were successively sent to Huanghua Hospital, but this hospital was soon discovered by the Japanese and listed as a key target. The Japanese did not carry out conventional fire attacks, but adopted the despicable means of encircling and suppressing the supply of supplies. This makes the supply of Huanghua Hospital, which is already short of materials, even worse.

Some of the seriously injured died one after another because they could not be treated with medicines. In the beginning, the sacrificed soldiers could still be buried separately in each cave, but as the number of deaths increased, more and more soldiers' remains could not be buried in time, and Fu Zhengmo was forced to order a large pit to be dug nearby and bury the sacrificed soldiers in a centralized manner.

In 2010, at the Hubei high-speed construction site, 3,000 remains were found, revealing a tragic history of three thousand loyal souls is the most powerful counterattack against the Japanese invaders Fu Zhengmo Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere The afterword of the rebel general Fu Zhengmo

This concentrated burial pit of anti-Japanese martyrs buried more than 3,000 bodies before and after. Later, according to the recollection of local elders, there were also tombstones in this area in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and later it was gradually forgotten due to disrepair, if it were not for the construction of the highway this time, the three thousand martyrs buried in the ground would probably have to wait longer to see the light of day.

Looking back at our 13-year anti-Japanese road, the price paid by the Chinese nation can no longer be described in cold numbers. The number of unsung heroes who lie underground is probably far more than 3,000. These martyrs of the ancestors who sacrificed their lives for the liberation of the nation and the country are the pride and heroes of our entire Chinese nation, and they should not be forgotten and will never be forgotten.

In December 2014, the main project of the Anti-Japanese Soldiers Cemetery in the south of Yiling District was fully completed, which means that the remains of more than 3,000 unknown martyrs will all be transferred to the mausoleum area for burial. This belated honor can finally comfort the spirits of these three thousand heroes in heaven, and their heroic feats will be remembered and admired by future generations forever.

In 2010, at the Hubei high-speed construction site, 3,000 remains were found, revealing a tragic history of three thousand loyal souls is the most powerful counterattack against the Japanese invaders Fu Zhengmo Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere The afterword of the rebel general Fu Zhengmo

Yiling District, Yichang City, south of the anti-Japanese soldiers cemetery

Although the story of the three thousand bones can be temporarily ended, the legend of the general Fu Zhengmo, the protagonist of our story today, is far from over. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chiang Kai-shek, who had long been a enemy of the Communist Party, brazenly launched a civil war, and the Chinese people, who had just seen the dawn of peace, once again fell into the whirlpool of war and suffered unspeakable.

However, Chiang Kai-shek underestimated the power of the people's hearts and minds too much, because the Kuomintang had lost the hearts and minds of the people at home and there were many gangs in the party. In less than three years, he was defeated by the People's Liberation Army and lost face. After the Liaoshen Campaign and the Pingjin Campaign, the Kuomintang no longer had any control over the area north of the Yangtze River, and the People's Liberation Army was in a state of flux, crossing the Yangtze River with lightning speed and no cover, and the liberation of all of China was just around the corner.

Faced with the gradually clearing situation at home, Fu Zhengmo did not express foolish loyalty to the Chiang family dynasty like other Huangpu generals in the Kuomintang. At this time, Fu Zhengmo, who was stationed in Hengyang, Hunan Province, decided to launch an uprising after careful consideration, thus ending the civil war once and for all the people of the country to a new world of peace.

In 2010, at the Hubei high-speed construction site, 3,000 remains were found, revealing a tragic history of three thousand loyal souls is the most powerful counterattack against the Japanese invaders Fu Zhengmo Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere The afterword of the rebel general Fu Zhengmo

Chen Mingren

After Fu Zhengmo's uprising, he was appointed by our party as the deputy commander of the 21st Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Chen Mingren, who revolted with him, was appointed commander. Later, Fu Zhengmo was sent to the Central South Military and Political University to study, and after graduation, he was transferred to Hankou and served as a counselor of the Central South Military and Political Committee.

After 1954, the country abolished the administrative region, and Fu Zhengmo served as a counselor of the Wuhan People's Government, and later added as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

In 1955, when the whole army was first awarded the rank, because Fu Zhengmo had left the army system, he was not awarded a military rank, and General Chen Mingren, who revolted with him, was awarded the rank of founding general, and some people said that Fu Zhengmo would at least be awarded the rank of lieutenant general if he did not leave the army system.

In 2010, at the Hubei high-speed construction site, 3,000 remains were found, revealing a tragic history of three thousand loyal souls is the most powerful counterattack against the Japanese invaders Fu Zhengmo Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere The afterword of the rebel general Fu Zhengmo

In recent years, with the deepening of comprehensive reform, our attitude toward history has become more and more objective and fair, we no longer shy away from the sacrifices and sacrifices of the patriotic soldiers of the Kuomintang on the battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War, and history has proved that only when the Chinese nation is closely united can we truly realize our dream of great power rejuvenation. And those heroes who sacrificed their lives for the cause of national liberation will be forever engraved in the hearts of every Chinese son and daughter.