
Where is the "wholeness" of people's democracy in the whole process

author:Bright Net

Author: Zhang Gong

At the work conference of the Central People's Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that people's democracy in the whole process of our country is "the most extensive, true and effective socialist democracy." Practice has proved that the whole process of people's democracy is based on China's national conditions, rooted in the land of China, runs through all fields, aspects and links of the economy, society, culture and politics, and has the five characteristics of the people's participation, the representation of interests, the democratic system, the public rationality, and the democratic procedures, which is the Chinese wisdom and Chinese program that China has contributed to the practice of human democratic politics.

People's participation is complete. The essence of socialist democratic politics is that the people are the masters of their own affairs, which is also the essential difference between socialist democracy and capitalist democracy. The first conspicuous feature of people's democracy in the whole process is that the broadest masses of the people can participate in the process of socialist democracy and exercise the right to be masters of their own affairs. Concretely embodied in: First, all power comes from the people. Our Constitution clearly stipulates: "All power in the People's Republic of China belongs to the people. "All matters of the state are decided by the people, and the people are the true masters of the country. Second, all systems are for the people. Through the people's congress system, the political consultation system, and the grass-roots mass autonomy system, the broadest masses of the people are guaranteed to fully enjoy the right to know, the right to participate, the right to express, and the right to supervise, and to ensure that the people practice democratic elections, democratic consultation, democratic decision-making, democratic management, and democratic supervision in accordance with law. Third, all work depends on the people. "The affairs of the people are discussed by the people," the affairs of the people are consulted by the people, and the greatest common denominator of the people's wishes and demands is the direction of the advance of socialist democracy and the focus of construction. Fourth, all progress is attributed to the people. The people are the creators of history and the real heroes. To develop socialist democratic politics is to embody the will of the people, protect the rights and interests of the people, and stimulate the people's creative vitality. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the cause of the party and the state has undergone historic changes and made historic achievements, precisely because the people's democracy in the whole process has extensively gathered the powerful forces of the broad masses of the people to promote reform and development, and the great creative, fighting, and unity spirit of the Chinese people has burst forth as never before.

Interests represent the full. People's democracy is the glorious banner that the Communist Party of China has always held high. On the way forward, our party has always ensured in an all-round and whole-process manner that all the people manage state and social affairs and manage economic and cultural undertakings in accordance with the law, that the masses of the people can freely express their interests and demands, and that all aspects of society can effectively participate in the country's political life. The realization of people's democracy in the whole process must rely on the party's leadership, and the party represents the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people, which is the second conspicuous feature of people's democracy in the whole process -- the interests of the representatives. First, the party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee for the development of people's democracy in the whole process. The Communist Party of China is the faithful representative of the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people, and all its theories, lines, principles, policies, and work arrangements are formulated and implemented for the purpose of realizing the interests of the people; the masses of the people, under the leadership of the Party, in accordance with the Constitution and the provisions of the law, participate in the state's political decision-making and social public decision-making through various channels and forms, and effectively protect their own rights and interests. Second, the party is the navigator of people's democracy in the whole process. Today's world is experiencing major changes unprecedented in a century, and the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics is facing multiple challenges at home and abroad. Only by adhering to the party's leadership and adhering to the party's line, principles, and policies can we unswervingly take the road of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics, and can the people's democracy in the whole process truly safeguard and realize the vital interests of the masses of the people.

Democracy is complete. The whole process of people's democracy needs the guarantee of the Constitution and the law, and the Constitution and laws provide a comprehensive system guarantee for the whole process of people's democracy, including democratic system, democratic procedures, democratic elections, etc., which is the third prominent feature of the whole process of people's democracy - the democratic system is complete. China's fundamental political system, basic political system and important political system all run through people's democracy, and the rule of law fixes the democratic spirit in the political system in a standardized and legal manner. The people's congress system is China's fundamental political system and an important institutional carrier for realizing people's democracy in the whole process of our country. People's congresses at all levels are democratically elected and are responsible to the people and subject to the people's supervision; state organs at all levels are elected by the people's congresses, responsible to the people's congresses, and subject to supervision by the people's congresses; people's congress deputies at all levels maintain close ties with the masses, implement the interests and will of the people in the process of formulating and revising laws and regulations, making decisions and resolutions, and support and ensure that the people are the masters of their own affairs. The system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China plays an important role in political consultation, democratic supervision, and participation in and discussion of state affairs, and the spirit of democratic consultation runs through decision-making to ensure that decision-making is scientific, democratic, and legal. Under the unified leadership of the state, the system of regional ethnic autonomy adheres to the practice of regional autonomy, the establishment of organs of self-government, and the exercise of the right of autonomy under the unified leadership of the state, so as to ensure the unity and unity of the country and realize the common ownership of all ethnic groups. Through the grass-roots autonomy system, the people have realized self-management, self-service, self-education, and self-supervision, such as the establishment of legislative contact points throughout the country, which has effectively promoted the institutionalization, standardization and proceduralization of direct democracy at the grass-roots level.

Public rationality is complete. In the practice of socialist democracy, only by adhering to respecting the will of the people can we understand what the people want and want, can we gather the wisdom of the people, and lay a comprehensive rational foundation for correct decision-making. The masses of the people are the builders, participants, defenders and biggest beneficiaries of people's democracy in the whole process. To absorb public rationality in the most comprehensive way, it is necessary to practice the mass line in the whole process of development of people's democracy, which means that the masses of the people, regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, occupation, family origin, religious belief, education level, and property status, are the main body of the people's democratic practice; it is necessary to go deep among the masses, understand the people's feelings, listen to the people's will, conform to the people's will, and discover the problems facing the people; we must ask the people what they need, ask the people for advice, ask the government for the people, and reflect the people's opinions; we must fully mobilize the people's enthusiasm, initiative, and opinions. Be creative, apply the wisdom and strength of the people; and unswervingly implement people's democracy in every process, horizontally to the edge, vertically to the end.

The democratic process is complete. Only when the procedures are solid can democracy be excellent. The whole process of people's democracy not only has a complete system and procedures, but also has a complete participation in practice, so that procedural democracy and substantive democracy are unified. The whole process of people's democracy includes three levels of cognition, system and practice, and it is necessary to persist in seeking truth from facts and ensure that people's democracy can be realized in all procedures, which is the fifth salient feature of people's democracy in the whole process - the completeness of democratic procedures. On the one hand, respect for procedures is an inevitable requirement for persisting in seeking truth from facts. In the practice of democracy, "matter" refers to the objective situation such as the party conditions and national conditions faced by practicing democracy, "is" refers to the people's will and public agreement found in the process of practicing democracy, and "seeking" refers to the motive and goal of practicing democracy. It is precisely by persisting in seeking truth from facts that China has established a complete set of procedural systems to guarantee people's democracy in the whole process and can it unify the procedures and essence of democracy. On the other hand, the process of performing procedures is also a process of pooling the wisdom of the people, pooling the wisdom of the masses, and seeking good policies, which in turn brings about the improvement of the quality of democracy and ensures that socialist democracy does not deviate from the norm and is not deformed. (Zhang Gong)

Source: Learning Times