
Poor writing is not enough vocabulary! How do I accumulate continuous words? Dictionary reading method is very effective first, continuous words are the most compelling vocabulary two, "Dictionary Reading And Finishing Method" can let you quickly accumulate continuous words three, personal summary of the continuous word vocabulary complete continuous word list see the personal column.

author:Senior Advisor to Chen Quan
Poor writing is not enough vocabulary! How do I accumulate continuous words? Dictionary reading method is very effective first, continuous words are the most compelling vocabulary two, "Dictionary Reading And Finishing Method" can let you quickly accumulate continuous words three, personal summary of the continuous word vocabulary complete continuous word list see the personal column.

Many people's articles are not well written because of poor vocabulary.

Why? Because if you don't have enough vocabulary, you can't describe things, narrate the plot, express rich feelings and deep thoughts.

It's like a chef who, no matter how good he is, can only change the shape of the potatoes and choose different methods, such as boiled potato nuggets, stir-fried potato chips, cold shredded potatoes, steamed mashed potatoes, etc., but the chef can never fry the potatoes to taste like cucumbers or hollandaise beans.

Therefore, as a self-media writer, you should accumulate more writing materials, especially vocabulary.

If you ask: How far should we accumulate our vocabulary?

Some people say, enough is enough! For example, Stephen King once wrote in The Thing About Writing: The basic material of writing is vocabulary. In terms of vocabulary, you can be satisfied with what you have, and you don't need to be presumptuous. As the prostitute said to the shy sailor: "It doesn't matter how much you have, sweetheart, what matters is how you use it." "

But there are also those who think that the more the merrier! A big coffee once said: Writing an article is like building a house, vocabulary is like bricks, if you want to build a beautiful house, you first need to have a large number of bricks with different characteristics. Vocabulary for the writer is exactly like Han Xin's point of the soldier - the more the merrier. If the vocabulary is not enough, when writing, not only can not do it easily, but also often appears to be stretched.

The author's point of view is that it is undeniable that accumulating vocabulary is a basic skill of the writer, but how to quickly accumulate vocabulary to a certain number is the key. If you usually read a book and read a newspaper, while taking notes, this method is too slow. The personal summary of the "Dictionary Reading and Sorting Method" is very useful, and now I share its specific content as follows, I hope you like it.

Poor writing is not enough vocabulary! How do I accumulate continuous words? Dictionary reading method is very effective first, continuous words are the most compelling vocabulary two, "Dictionary Reading And Finishing Method" can let you quickly accumulate continuous words three, personal summary of the continuous word vocabulary complete continuous word list see the personal column.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >, the continuous word is the most compelling word</h1>

Although the number of words in the Chinese is not much, the vocabulary is very rich. Not only are the numbers staggering, but the variety is enormous.

However, according to the author's personal writing experience, there are only five categories that are most worth collecting, in order: continuous words, idioms, colloquialisms, post-break language, and Internet language.

Today, we focus on the rollover.

A continuous word is a word in which two syllables are concatenated into meanings that cannot be taken apart. For example, after the hazy is taken apart, neither "hazy" nor "胧" represent any meaning. After hasty disassembly, whether it is "rush" or "promotion", it cannot mean the meaning of "haste" contained in "haste".

There are four types of consecutive words:

(1) Two-tone continuous words. That is, the vowels of both syllables in the phrase are the same. For example, hesitation, pity, trance, generosity, murmuring, pampering, wandering, wandering, pampering, pampering.

(2) Overlapping rhymes with words. That is, the vowels of both syllables in the phrase are the same. For example, 蹀躞、邋遢、倥偬、踉跄、啰嗦、腼腆、酩酊、蹒跚、睥睨、龌龊。

(3) Non-two-voice overlapping words. That is, the vowels and vowels of the two syllables in the phrase are different. For example, entanglement, confusion, covetousness. Ignorant, haggard, ravaged, blind, vicious, and rugged.

(4) Double-voice overlapping words. That is, the vowels of the two syllables in the phrase group are the same, and the vowels are also the same. For example, 缱绻, 崴嵬, 氤氲, tossing and turning.

The main feature of continuous words is that most words have the same initials, which gives people a very strong sense of impact visually.

If we can properly apply the words to the article, it will be as dazzling as the fireflies in the night, not only illuminating the entire text, but also making the article look particularly literary. If we could also cleverly use some less common stretches, the force of the article would go up.

Poor writing is not enough vocabulary! How do I accumulate continuous words? Dictionary reading method is very effective first, continuous words are the most compelling vocabulary two, "Dictionary Reading And Finishing Method" can let you quickly accumulate continuous words three, personal summary of the continuous word vocabulary complete continuous word list see the personal column.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, "Dictionary Reading and Sorting Method" allows you to quickly accumulate continuous words</h1>

The authority of the Modern Chinese Dictionary does not need me to repeat it, it is the first normative language dictionary in China, compiled by the Institute of Linguistics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and published by the Commercial Press, and the famous linguists Mr. Lu Shuxiang and Mr. Ding Shengshu have served as editors-in-chief.

Personally, I think that the best way to quickly accumulate a certain number of consecutive words in a short period of time is to read the Modern Chinese Dictionary, extract all the consecutive words, and organize them into a systematic vocabulary according to your own needs.

Here's how:

1. Read the dictionary carefully. Insist on reading 100 pages of the Modern Chinese Dictionary every day and strive to read the dictionary within 18 days. Ignore the words you don't recognize, and look mainly at the content of the vocabulary.

2. Excerpts from the words. Whenever you see a phrase with the same initial, carefully read the explanation behind the word and further determine whether the word is a continuous word. If it's a continuous word, like ripples, then quickly excerpt it. If it is not a continuous word, but the word is still used frequently, for example, affection, it can also be excerpted. As for the words that have different beginnings, such as swaying, we will not excerpt them, because such words are not conspicuous.

3. Design vocabulary. In the process of excerpting the words, we need to design a glossary. This table includes seven categories of words, in order: nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, phonological words, quantifiers, and exclamations. Below a class of words, arrange the phrases in phonetic order.

4. Continuous word application. After collecting a whole bunch of words, we have one more important job to do. That is, to carefully understand the specific meaning of each set of continuous words and to find the corresponding example sentences for the continuous words. The specific method is: log in to the sentence network and enter the corresponding continuous words (see Figure 1-1). This part of the work, although a waste of time, is very rewarding. You will find that nouns like sarsaparilla, such as sarsaparilla, calf, etc., are rarely used in writing; like some verbs and adjectives, such as wandering, hesitation, silk, discord, etc., are often used. In addition, as long as you insist on reviewing the vocabulary list of words you have compiled, when writing an article, there will be a lot of vocabulary that will continue to pop out of your mind for you to choose.

Poor writing is not enough vocabulary! How do I accumulate continuous words? Dictionary reading method is very effective first, continuous words are the most compelling vocabulary two, "Dictionary Reading And Finishing Method" can let you quickly accumulate continuous words three, personal summary of the continuous word vocabulary complete continuous word list see the personal column.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, personal summary of the vocabulary of the vocabulary</h1>

I once spent half a month reading the Modern Chinese Dictionary and sorting out the continuous words that I personally thought were useful. Now, I will share this glossary as follows, I hope you like it.

1500 commonly used continuous words (compiled by Chen Quan)

1. Noun

A: Quail, saddle, trout, quail.

B: Scars, Plantains, Ballet, Fences, Baskets, Sarcosa, Pallets, Pods, Pyridine, Rice Bran, Grates, Beeps, Pyridines, Pyridines, Straws, Beeps, Creeds, Calves, Gantu, Akane, Coix, Bats, Betel Nuts, Glass, Partridge Pigeons, Partridges, Pineapples, Wontons, Straws, Mint, Dustpans.

C: Partridge, 嵖岈, Jackal, 襜褕, Toad, 僽, 阊阖、 Calamus, Singing, Tidal, 砗磲, 魑 Charm , Owl, Fistula, Gongwei, Reward, Satin, Sores, Scabies, Scabies, Scabies, Brass, Fins, Compassion, Males and Females, Cistanches, Cistanches, Frustration.

D: Tartar, tortoiseshell, archives, cockroach (mantis), epilepsy, epilepsy, accompaniment, accompaniment, gluten, gluttony, calvary.

E: Emei (Emei), Enwei, Emus.

F: Valve Reading, Weight, Fence, Fang fei, Bream, Cockroach, Emerald, Fragrance, Phthalate, Phoenix, Fulu, Fulu, Furu, Furu, Hibiscus, Fen, Furong, Alfalfa, Amaran, 罘罳 (罦罳), Ephemeral, Poria, Pitching.

G: 旮旯、Curry、垓埏,釬锵(干將),Olive,Harbor、Lever、Knotted (圪圪垯、屹㟷、袼袼、Arms、Clams、Clams、蜊、梗概、鞲鞴、Wolfberry、岣𺖧𺖧 轱辘、蓇葖、鹘鸼、痼病、Cobalt 鉧、蜾蠃(蠮螉),栝楼(䒷蒌),榾柮、Coffin 椁、桄榔,Magnificent Wei.

H: Hala, Toad, 奤夿, Handan, 菡翃, 沆瀣, 昒昕, Gourd, Butterfly, 衚衕 (Hutong), 猢狲, Fox, 槲栎, Amber, 骅骝, 耲耙, 阛阓, 萑 reeds, 蟪蛄, 蕙荃 (荃蕙), 馄馄饨, Chaos, Soul.

J: Tribulus, Harrier, Falcon, 荠薴、樵礿、跏趺、稼穑、鹣鹩、瑊玏、茳芏、礓礤、糨 paste、䴔鶄、侥、鹪鹩、桔槔、桔梗、婕妤(礓礤、糨糨 倢伃),孑孓、芥迪、缙绅、泾渭、經 latitude、Dispute、羁鉏鋙、岨峿、蒟蒟蒧、粔籹、沮洳、枸橼、矩矱,麇麚、駃騠、莙荙、箟簬。

K: Coffee, click, carbazole, model, 闶阆, 伉俪, 栲栳、 匼匝, Tadpole, 坷垃、岢岚、箜箜篌、峒峒、圐圙、喹啉、啉、崙崙(Kunlun),蛞铻、蛞蛞蝓。

L: Garbage, Horn, Lagu, Diarrhea (鬎鬁), Lai, Railing, 嫏嬛, 琅玕, 琅琊、 硠磕 (硠礚), 缧绁, 耒耜, 塄坎, Fence, Quinoa, Ripple, Lotus, Maple Flails (flails), crotches, shackles, shackles, moths, squirrels, bells, lychees, glass, 碡 (磟碡), 珑璁, 蛄, 喽啰, Aloe vera, 辘轳, Herons, Lu Yan, Baskets, Camels.

M: Paralysis (paralysis), agate, morphine, ant, ant, ant, catfish, eel, eel, eel, mandarin, mandarin, eucalyptus, mandarin, eucalyptus, eucalyptus, eucalyptus, radial, rose, eel 艨艟, 犸, 蘼芜 (芎䓖), pyrimidine, midge, borer, mushroom, jasmine, jing, 镆铘 (Mo evil), alfalfa.

N: Scream, cyst, cymbal, lemon.

O: Idols.

P: Piperazine, Bladder, Scorpion, Cockroach, Peng, Pei, 塿, 埤(埬倪), Pipa, 枇杷、 蚍蜉、 貔蜉,膍胵、䴙䴘、螵蛸、苤蓝(苴蓝)、胼胝、帡幪、笸箩、Grape and Bodhisattva.

Q: Grub, Kirin, Loach, Qiji, Yuanyuan, Quemo, Dung, Rose, Swaddling, Qintong, Zhenzhen, Zhenzhen, Qiong, Qiong, Qi, 궿蚓、蝤蛴、犰狳、蛐蟮、籧篨、蠼螋、氍毹、鸜鹆(鸲鹆、八哥)、鼩鼱。

R: Salamander.

S: Thiazole, monk, sheng spring, chatter, coral, basket, peony, lynx, dove, potato, brown, stork, partridge, falcon, falcon, fox, maple.

T: Squawk, Moss, Mantis, Cockroach, Gluttony, 饕餮、騊駼、梼杌、鹈鹕、醍醐、鶗醐、鶗鴂(鶗鴃、笤帚、葶苈、酴醾(荼蘼)、唢呐、鼧鼧鼥。

W: 纨绔、琬琰、魉魉(蝄蜽),渨涹、帷幔、帷幄、榅桲、辒辌、莴苣、偓佺、偓佺、梧桐、蜈蚣、碔砆(玞玞), 靰鞡 (Ula), 寤寐.

X: 菥蓂、菥,獈,獽,獿蟙),Itch Order、蟏蛸、傎豸、芎䓖、鸺鹠、盱眙、萱、轩轾、璇玑。

Y: 睚眦、猰貐、崦嵫、鄢郢、妍媸、芫荽、蜒蚰(蚰蜒),扊扅、蛜蛜蝛 (鼠鼠妇妇,尹威)嫛婗、蕏薏苡、靡爚、揖雅、Indole, Poppy, 璎珞, 蘡薁、Parrot、優伶、蝤蛑、蚰蜒、蚴蟉(蚴虬),甴曱、Universe、箢箕、鹓鶵、鸳鸯、源流、鸑鷟、筼筜。

Z: Rice dumplings, mules, organs, chaff, sternwheel, sawata, dregs, rolls, fences, grasshoppers, cockroaches (cockroaches), dumplings, swamps, fences, grasshoppers Partridge, Pearl, Spider, Fat, Shackle, Concubine, Cocoon, Dwarf, Sternwheel, Bun, Bristle, Bristle, Bristle, Bristle, Palm.

2. Verbs

A: Remorse, tranquility, pressing, soaring.

B: Pickpocketing, explosion, exploitation, fishing.

C: Wipe, slander, slander, wandering (倘佯), Immersion, Immersion, Hesitation (踸踔), Chengzhan, Galloping, 彳亍, 叱咤, Vision, 䌷绎, Silk, Serving, 撺掇, Urging, Wadding.

D: Ripples, nagging, nagging, mourning, clarifying, muttering, sharpening, 牾牾 (牾), Conclusion, Whipping, 蹀躞, Ding-ding (Ding Ning), Tease (lingering), Toot-hum, Toot-beep, Forged Hammer, Distant Trace, Boom, Pick-up, Ando-Woo.

E: Blackmail.

F: Flooding, slandering, commanding, resenting, supporting, supporting, obeying, wiping.

G: Tracking, tilling, choking, scraping, misdirection, irrigation.

H: Embrace, Nurture, Obscurity, Huiying, Migration, Bribery, Convergence, Obscurity, Confusion.

J: Slurring, sarcasm, twittering, hunger, hunger, jealousy, coveting, picking, slandering, watering, squatting, squatting, consternation, panic, enlightenment, bowing, chewing, arrogance, deceit, choice.

K: Resist, bump, doze, cough, detain, sigh, forgive, bundle.

L: Pulling, pulling, nagging, nagging, squatting, stunned (blind), pitying, pleading, stumbling, plucking, swirling, listening (listening), wringing, hugging, plundering, argumentation, streamlining.

M: Mozi, Rambling, Blindfolding, Diffuse (Diffuse).


O: Vomiting.

P: Pulling, wandering, roaring, Penglai, expansion, blindness, remoteness, drifting, bricking, boiling, commenting, creeping, kryptonium.

Q: Prayer, humility, repatriation, dumping, crossing, patrolling.

R: Eki, pregnancy, overruns,挼搓.

S: Spilling, itching, moaning, picking, sucking, hoarseness, encouragement, traceability, sloppiness.

T: Collapse, paralysis, elimination, cluster.

W: Digging, meandering, lamenting, snuggling (snuggling), filthy, whimpering.

X: 謑謑 (謑訽), 欷歔,怼歔), Fright, Depression, Leisure, Jaw, Humor, Encounter, Embarrassment, Hustle, Reprimand.

Y: Drowning, shouting, swinging, teasing, squatting, relying on the battle, waging, worrying, dumb, shading, chanting, squirming, yingyi, congestion, aria, enthusiastic, praising, complaining, brewing, and hiding.

Z: Encounters, hatreds, shouting (yelling), struggling (struggling), tossing and turning (turning), ostentatiousness, deliberation, shyness, struggling (䦶䦷), picking up, stomping (hesitation), cursing, exhorting, waiting, blessing, moisturizing.

3. Adjectives

A: Pickled, pickled, ambiguous, ambiguous, dirty, dirty.

B: Colorful ( 斒斓 ), Colorful, Shady, Steep.

C: 黪黩,巉岩、Splendid, Cang, 伧俗,嵾嵳(嵾嵯),Ruby,槎枒、侘傺、婵松、婵娟、婵媛、巉君、巉君、潺湲、Rampant,兮惝,怅惝 怊怊,唓嗻,踟蹰、Twitching,Hesitation,惆෢、諔踖、巑岏、漼溰,崔巍、崔嵬、Brilliant,嵯峨。


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the full list of consecutive words is found in the personal column. </h1>


1. There are some continuous words, because the heads are not the same, which have been excluded by the author. For example, swaying, weighing, perfunctory, pondering, displacement, haste, fluke, peony, pomegranate, hasty, vague and so on.

2. There are some words that are not continuous words at all, but because the usage rate is very high, they have been excerpted by the author. For example, tides, sores, frustrations, fragrances, resentment, support, support, desolation, etc.

3. Words with blackout, such as hesitation, convulsion, hesitation, pity, etc., are commonly used continuous words.

4. The words in parentheses and the words outside either have the same meaning or are written in a different way. For example, 蘼芜 (芎䓖), 腼腆 (䩄觍) and so on.

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