
Argentina's famous player will be absent due to arrhythmia, what is the arrhythmia, can it be cured? What is arrhythmia? What causes arrhythmias? What are the manifestations of arrhythmias? Do arrhythmias need treatment? Can't exercise if you have arrhythmias?

author:Cardiovascular Health Alliance platform

In the early morning of November 2, Beijing time, Barca Club officially announced that its player Aguero will be absent for 3 months to receive treatment for arrhythmias. According to reports, in the recent match against Alaves, Aguero was replaced for chest discomfort after the jump, and was subsequently diagnosed with arrhythmia by the hospital.

Argentina's famous player will be absent due to arrhythmia, what is the arrhythmia, can it be cured? What is arrhythmia? What causes arrhythmias? What are the manifestations of arrhythmias? Do arrhythmias need treatment? Can't exercise if you have arrhythmias?


The heart is a proper labor model, as long as life does not stop, its beating will not stop, a steady stream of power for the flow of blood in the human body. Normally, our heart beats regularly at a frequency of 60-100 beats per minute. However, no one is perfect, and the heart cannot guarantee that it will never go wrong. Once the heart "deserts", the impulses of the heart may occur or conduct abnormally, which will cause the heart to beat too fast or too slowly, or beat irregularly, which is arrhythmia.

Argentina's famous player will be absent due to arrhythmia, what is the arrhythmia, can it be cured? What is arrhythmia? What causes arrhythmias? What are the manifestations of arrhythmias? Do arrhythmias need treatment? Can't exercise if you have arrhythmias?

There are many pathogenesis of arrhythmias, and acquired can be seen in various organic heart diseases, including coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis and rheumatic heart disease, especially in the event of heart failure or myocardial infarction.

Arrhythmias are also uncommon in people with basic health or autonomic dysfunction. Predisposing factors include acute infection, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, exercise and mental stimulation.

Other causes, such as electrolyte or endocrine disorders, anesthesia, hypothermia, chest or heart surgery, drug effects, or central nervous system disorders, can also lead to arrhythmias. There are also some causes unknown.

Argentina's famous player will be absent due to arrhythmia, what is the arrhythmia, can it be cured? What is arrhythmia? What causes arrhythmias? What are the manifestations of arrhythmias? Do arrhythmias need treatment? Can't exercise if you have arrhythmias?

The main function of the heart is to pump blood, if the working rhythm is abnormal, it will often affect the supply and distribution of human blood, and then the main manifestations are palpitations, precordial discomfort, chest tightness, shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness, severe can lead to syncope, once these symptoms are found, it is best to go to the hospital in time for examination. There are also some patients who suffer from severe arrhythmias, but they have no conscious symptoms at all, and they are often discovered during the electrocardiogram.

Argentina's famous player will be absent due to arrhythmia, what is the arrhythmia, can it be cured? What is arrhythmia? What causes arrhythmias? What are the manifestations of arrhythmias? Do arrhythmias need treatment? Can't exercise if you have arrhythmias?

Not all arrhythmias need to be treated, and almost everyone has had arrhythmias in their lifetime. If it is a normal person's occasional arrhythmia, it may not be treated because it has no clinical significance. If it is caused by various etiologies, the patient has severe arrhythmias with obvious symptoms that affect the patient's normal work and life, and should be treated. Specific treatment methods are divided into two types: drug therapy and interventional treatment.

Argentina's famous player will be absent due to arrhythmia, what is the arrhythmia, can it be cured? What is arrhythmia? What causes arrhythmias? What are the manifestations of arrhythmias? Do arrhythmias need treatment? Can't exercise if you have arrhythmias?

The vast majority of patients with arrhythmias can exercise, depending on the stage and severity of the disease. In the absence of the disease, benign and harmless arrhythmias can exercise like normal people, and with the stabilization of the condition, moderate exercise also contributes to the recovery of the disease, and studies have shown that regular exercise can reduce the risk of recurrence of atrial fibrillation. However, in terms of exercise intensity and exercise time, it needs to be systematically evaluated and guided by a doctor or rehabilitation therapist.

Argentina's famous player will be absent due to arrhythmia, what is the arrhythmia, can it be cured? What is arrhythmia? What causes arrhythmias? What are the manifestations of arrhythmias? Do arrhythmias need treatment? Can't exercise if you have arrhythmias?

It is generally recommended to start exercise with low-intensity aerobic exercise as appropriate, exercise should not be too long and too tired, brisk walking, walking, tai chi, yoga, etc. are good choices, pay attention to warm-up and relaxation before and after exercise. During exercise, pay close attention to changes in your physical signs, if you have dizziness or discomfort, you should immediately stop exercising and rest and observe, if necessary, see a doctor in time.

Like the first-team player Aguero mentioned at the beginning, during the three-month treatment, the medical team will continue to evaluate him to determine the recovery situation, and also wish him a speedy recovery and return to the field.

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