
"Death Unique": Unlike you, I have to die?

author:Lin Xilin

School bullying is nothing new, and it is intriguing that despite the incessant criticism, similar incidents have been repeatedly prohibited. On June 21, a Yunnan university student surnamed Wang jumped down the tenth floor. It is said that this young college student had the idea of dropping out of school before he died, and there were multiple wounds on his body before he whispered, and his glasses were knocked off by his classmates. On July 14, at about 23:00, Han Mou, a student in Lujing Town, Heyang County, went to the police station to report the case, and it was said that he had been beaten by classmates Zhang Mou and Zhu Mou, and was filmed as a video and transmitted to others...

These young boys and girls who are so prosperous are subjected to such terrible bullying, which will surely leave a shadow on their lives afterwards and cause immeasurable harm, and I really hope that it is not just a matter of reporting and disseminating it, but really coming up with a solution so that similar tragedies will not happen again. In fact, school bullying is not a patent of our country, and it is also a social problem that has attracted considerable attention in some other countries. On 18 July 2017, a similar TV movie was released in the UK called Murdered for Being Different, which was a wake-up call.

"Death Unique": Unlike you, I have to die?

At midnight, in the small supermarket, a pair of young boys and girls dressed in gothic style were picked up by a strange teenager.

The boy and girl had obviously been treated unkindly before, so their eyes were wary and hesitant, but when the boy invited them to play in the park, the boy and girl let down their guard, followed them to the park, and met their friends.

Among this group of well-dressed peers, this pair of gothic boys and girls looked strange. At first, they felt that these peers were just curious, but then an unexpected scene occurred.

"Death Unique": Unlike you, I have to die?

The gothic boy and girl were suddenly attacked, and it was a rather ferocious siege, and the scene was very bloody and tragic.

Time back two years.

"Death Unique": Unlike you, I have to die?

Robert grew up doing gothic dressing, and dyed his blonde hair black for this, but this kind of dressing that looked quite strange on the outside made Robert feel very lonely. Until one day, Robert met sofia dressed in the same costume in a dance hall, and a pair of teenage girls soon fell in love. And gravity may be the same style hobby and aesthetic taste.

"Death Unique": Unlike you, I have to die?

Boys love to draw, girls love to read, boys used to paint on the girl's naked reserve, claiming to be her Leonardo da Vinci, and the girl did his Mona Lisa.

"Death Unique": Unlike you, I have to die?

Two lines of recollection stagger forward, one of which is the happy past of Robert and Sofia. Another line of memories is the horrific attack they encountered in the skate park. The bloody and deadly scene soon ended. Robert and Sofia collapsed in a pool of blood, the attackers fled in all directions, and someone called the police.

"Death Unique": Unlike you, I have to die?

It wasn't anyone else who called the police, it was the teenager Mike who called Robert and Sofia to the skate park.

After seeing the ambulance crew arrive, Mike panicked and returned home, and as he walked past the troubled teenagers, he learned that he was usually exposed to crowds.

After washing away the accidental blood stains, Mike's mind was slightly calmer. Quietly he collapsed on his bed. The toys on the table indicate that he is still a teenager.

"Death Unique": Unlike you, I have to die?

The parents got the news of Robert's injury, rushed to the hospital immediately, saw the scarred, blood-stained son, and believed that any parent could understand their mood at this time.

Robert was badly injured and Sofia's life was hanging in the balance. Police found a large number of wine bottles at the crime scene, and alcohol was the catalyst that led to the crime. The failure of the monitor around the crime scene makes it more difficult to solve the case.

While the police are trying to solve the case, robert and Sofia's memory line continues to move forward.

"Death Unique": Unlike you, I have to die?

Although they look strangely dressed, they are actually very good people, full of taste and artistic temperament, and Robert loves Sofia very much.

To buy Sofia's favorite Harry Potter, Robert could wait until midnight at the bookstore and run home in the rain to save money.

It is not the first time they have been discriminated against and attacked for dressing up. It seems that European and American countries are far less enlightened than we think.

"Death Unique": Unlike you, I have to die?

In the face of the pressure of the environment, Robert also chose to be autistic, but Sofia encouraged him not to be afraid of other people's eyes and bravely go out.

Mike saw the whole process of Robert and Sofia being hurt, and he was very sad about it. Although his dress styles were very different, he liked Robert and Sofia. The tragedy of that night was not what he wanted to see.

"Death Unique": Unlike you, I have to die?

Mike loves fishing and loves his young sister, but when the police come to investigate, they refuse to cooperate. These all show the complex side of human nature.

"Death Unique": Unlike you, I have to die?

Although the leader of the asshole pressured Mike not to betray his scumbag friends. But thanks to the efforts of the police, Mike finally confessed the events of the night. In order to be able to look directly into the eyes of others in the future, to have a clean conscience.

Robert survived, but Sofia died sadly from his injuries. Happily, the evildoers who committed the violence that night were all duly punished. Robert was determined, inspired by Sofia, to continue his style and go on with courage and fearlessness.

"Death Unique": Unlike you, I have to die?

The BBC-produced TV film "Death Unique" is based on a true story, with the cooperation and support of the parties and their relatives before filming, truly restoring the entire process of the event:

In August 2007, Sofia and Robert were besieged by a group of teenagers in the park, and the 21-year-old Robert was seriously injured and Sofia died. And the cause of all this is only because of their dress. The main culprits in this terrible case are 15 and 16 years old – they were beaten to death by children, how important it is to exercise!

The writer Wang Meng once said: "One of the signs of maturity is to have an understanding of evil." Our cultural traditions, publishing rules, and even policy laws are biased toward not talking at least not talking about the evils of the world. "This can easily create a false impression of the light in the world. In fact, from countless cases, it is shown that evil not only exists, but also lies in the future of the motherland, the youngest and most in need of protection flowers - the children's side. In those shocking school bullying incidents, not only the school is responsible, but also the parents are responsible, do you pay enough attention to the children? If you pay enough attention to your child, why not nip it in the bud and pull out the evil seedlings of school bullying until the child is hurt?

Putting an end to bullying in schools is the responsibility of the whole society. If you love your child, let him understand and prevent the evil around him. Don't let him face a terrible haze in his best years.