
Recommended reading of | Benjamin's Chronicles

author:Selected Writings on Middle Eastern Studies

Benjamin of Tudela (1130–1173), born in Tudela, Spain, was a famous Jewish traveler, physician, merchant, and intellectual, knowledgeable man of the Middle Ages. From 1160 to 1173, he set out from his hometown and traveled for 14 years to visit many regions in Europe, Asia and Africa, recording what he saw or heard everywhere he went, including people's lives, famous historical events, and a large amount of interesting and true historical information, so it is an extremely precious and detailed historical material for studying the historical geography and exchange relations of Europe, Asia and Africa in this period. He thus became an important figure in medieval historical geography and Jewish history.

The Benjamin Chronicles, which predate the Marco Polo Chronicles and the Travels of Ibn Battuta, provide more facts and fewer legends than other similar documents of the Middle Ages.

The book was translated by Dr. David Li and officially published by the Commercial Press in March 2021. The following is the publication instructions of the Editorial Board of the Commercial Press, which are exquisitely meaningd and excerpted for the benefit of readers.

Long ancient roads, blue waves, the Silk Road traverses Asia and Europe. Throughout the ages, countless merchants and envoys have trekked on the Silk Road, rare treasures, and strange things have spread on the Silk Road. As a road of commercial trade and cultural exchange, the Silk Road connects the exchanges between ancient Asia and Europe, shapes the basic appearance of the ancient world, and is an important platform for the interconnection of civilizations in human history.

Understanding the Silk Road, understanding the Silk Road, and studying the Silk Road are important ways to explore the Asian and European world and the development of human history. Since ancient times, countless sages have left us many relics about the history of the Silk Road, and many scholars have diligently explored the study of the Silk Road and written breathtaking works. These rich historical relics and outstanding research results are the best works to reshape the history of silk road and Asia-Europe exchanges, and the importance of understanding the history of cultural exchanges between China and the West goes without saying.

The Commercial Press launched the "Silk Road Historical Masterpieces Series", which aims to collect the best historical works of Silk Road research in China and the world, and select them for the collection of books. Starting from the drops, and the period trickles into the river, in order to explore the history of the Silk Road to preserve the pearls, to understand the Sino-foreign exchanges and historical development of the treasure, so as to highlight the academic, create fine products, promote culture, take advantage of the forest. I hope that scholars from all walks of life will help them!

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Recommended reading of | Benjamin's Chronicles
Recommended reading of | Benjamin's Chronicles
Recommended reading of | Benjamin's Chronicles
Recommended reading of | Benjamin's Chronicles

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