
11.3 Early comment: the negative impact is gradually eliminated A shares will restart the rebound market

author:Aladdin had something to say

On Tuesday, A-shares rose and fell back in the morning, and the stock index bottomed out in the afternoon, and the Shanghai Composite Index led the decline. The market turnover has increased to more than 1.25 trillion yuan, breaking through the trillion mark for 8 consecutive days.

11.3 Early comment: the negative impact is gradually eliminated A shares will restart the rebound market

On the plate, shipbuilding, aerospace, food and beverage, etc. rose in the front, fertilizers, coal, steel, chemical raw materials, petroleum, electricity, mining, chemical fiber, nonferrous metals, cement building materials, transmission and distribution of electrical, international trade, culture, education and leisure, winemaking, environmental protection and other declines in the front. In terms of theme stocks, the concept of aircraft carriers, offshore equipment, MLCC, space-based interconnection, automotive chips, etc. rose in the front, and low-carbon metallurgy, phosphorus chemical industry, titanium dioxide, coal chemical industry, chemical raw materials, CRO, scarce resources and so on fell in the front.

The Ministry of Commerce encouraged families to store certain daily necessities and Jinan citizens showed free distribution of civil air defense and combat readiness emergency kits, which triggered market speculation. Food and beverage, defense and military industries rose sharply, and the market was in a panic sell-off. However, from the perspective of northbound capital movements, everyone has linked these two events together, which is a bit of a banal self-disturbance. It can be said that countless coincidences triggered a sharp fall in A-shares on Tuesday, which is a case in which the emotional side has become market-dominated.

National defense and military industry strengthened: Zhongke Haixun, China Shipbuilding Emergency, China Coastal Defense, Ganhua Science and Technology, China Shipbuilding Science and Technology, China Shipbuilding Up and Down, Xinyan Shares, Tianhai Defense, CSSC Hanguang, Tianqin Equipment, Chenxi Aviation, Cssc Defense, Jiuzhiyang, Jianglong Ship, Guorui Technology, China Heavy Industry, China Dynamics, Aerospace Development, Great Wall Military Industry, Hongdu Aviation, Triangle Defense, Guanglian Airlines and so on rose in the front.

The food and beverage sector strengthened: Qianhe Flavor Industry, Qianwei Central Kitchen, Hengshun Vinegar Industry, Keming Food rose and stopped, Anji Food, Angel Yeast, Sanquan Food, Arowana, Deep Grain Holdings, Sanquan Food, Miaoke Lando, Jiahe Food, Taoli Bread, Haitian Flavor Industry, etc. rose 5%.

Jufeng Investment Advisory believes that the macroeconomic data in the third quarter does not support the upward breakthrough of A-shares, the PPI index is rising and the PMI data is continuously lower, indicating the inflection point of the cyclical industry. After the National Day, the market wide range oscillation is seriously differentiated. During the disclosure period of the third quarterly report, the market quickly released risks, and cyclical stocks showed a downward inflection point. On Tuesday, A shares were pulled back due to the unexpected collision of many news, and the cyclical stocks collectively killed and fell, intensifying market adjustments; military, food and other sectors were stimulated by the news and rose sharply, and the market panicked sell-off, and the Shanghai index once fell below 3500 points. After hours on Tuesday, a number of departments were busy eliminating the negative impact, and the US stock market reached a new high overnight, and it is expected that A shares will rebound today. After the end of the third quarterly report, the market will get rid of the valuation pressure in the short term, and the oversold rebound market can be expected, and it is recommended that investors focus on technology stocks, oversold new stocks and brokerage sectors.

Message surface

Economic Daily: Don't over-interpret or even misread and store certain necessities of life

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(Author: Ding Zhenyu Certificate: A0680613040001)