
Food Description: Korean Spicy Fish

author:80 grocery stores
Food Description: Korean Spicy Fish

Ingredients: fresh cod, chili, sugar shallots, secret sauce, etc.


Spicy fish is a must-have dish of Korean cold noodle shop, the taste is fresh, sweet, spicy, mainly, each taste is not the same, the selection of cod from the deep sea pollution-free cod, high-quality small fish, the use of edible high-quality spice seasoning ratio, pure incense, a thorn, garlic clove meat, muscle tender, smooth taste, processed cod fresh and spicy, excellent taste, not only nutritious, but also easy to digest, spicy fish production method is simple and easy to learn, not too dependent on cooking. Hot summer, don't think about eating, come to a spicy fish with cold noodles, that feeling is really called a transparent! The onion segments on top of the spicy fish are the soul and are indispensable.

Ingredients: cod, green onion, chili noodles, soy sauce, 1-2 pieces of large ingredients, sugar pepper, beef powder vegetable oil. Preparation Method: Cut the green onion into inches, pour the vegetable oil into the frying pan and add the large ingredients. After the oil is warm, pour in the chopped shallots and stir-fry, stir-fry soft, more flavorful. Pour in the dried chili noodles and pour in the soy sauce. Soy sauce can be as much as or as little, and then add some salt appropriately. Then pour the sugar, pepper and beef powder into the pot and stir-fry evenly. The cod is cleaned up and steamed in a pot, steamed for 15 minutes, the steamed cod is placed on a plate and the chili sauce is covered with steamed cod. finish!