
How to make beef liver delicious? How to remove the odor of beef liver

author:UTokyo talks about health

Beef liver taste sweet flat, has the effect of tonifying blood, nourishing the liver, and blinding eyes, and its color and texture are similar to pig liver, but the taste is slightly harder than pig liver after cooking. Beef liver is rich in vitamins and trace elements such as iron and zinc, which has a certain effect on iron deficiency anemia, low sexual function and other diseases. Because the diet of Chinese is mainly based on grains and vegetables, it is easy to lead to the deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins and trace elements such as iron and zinc, so it is beneficial for us to eat some beef liver in moderation. Let's take a look at the beef liver with me.

How to make beef liver delicious? How to remove the odor of beef liver

How to fry beef liver?

The best way to cook beef liver is to stir-fry, but you should also master the correct method to stir-fry, so as to maximize the nutritional content of beef liver. Below, the stir-frying method and precautions of beef liver are introduced to you.

To fry beef liver

Ingredients: 300 grams of beef liver, 75 grams of fresh vegetable hearts, 30 grams of pickled chili peppers, 10 grams of ginger slices, 20 grams of garlic slices, 30 grams of green onion, 1 egg white, fine salt, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, fresh soup, dry and wet starch, salad oil.


1, cut into thin slices, fresh vegetable hearts washed and cut into knots, pickled peppers to remove the stems and seeds cut into horse ear shape.

2, in addition, use fine salt, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, fresh soup, water starch in a bowl to form a sauce.

3: Put on high heat, add salad oil to 60% or 70% heat, and use salt, cooking wine, dry starch and egg white to grasp the beef liver and sizing it well.

4, pour into the pot and quickly stir-fry, immediately add pickled peppers, ginger rice, garlic slices, green onions, fresh vegetable hearts, etc. stir-fry, to cook into the juice, upside down evenly, from the pot to plate.

How to make beef liver delicious? How to remove the odor of beef liver

Cooking techniques for beef liver

1. Do not use frozen beef liver. Because the cell tissue of frozen beef liver has been damaged, after thawing, it will cause a large loss of nutrients and water, and after the frozen beef liver is cooked, it is not only hard, but also has a chai taste.

2, should be cooked immediately, so that after the dish is tender, and the loss of nutrients is also small. Otherwise, over time, under the osmotic action of salt, the water in the beef liver will overflow in large quantities, which may lead to sizing failure and loss of nutrients.

3, the amount of water is high, so the sizing should use dry starch or drier wet starch to prevent raw materials from defoliating.

4, hot oil, but the oil temperature should not be too high, otherwise the beef liver will be fried.

5, the method of small stir-frying, do not change the pot, do not change the oil, a pot into a dish, do not put the beef liver after the oil and then fry. Because of the slighter time, the beef liver will become old and tough.

How to make beef liver delicious? How to remove the odor of beef liver

How to remove beef liver odor?

1. Milk deodorization method:

The beef liver is washed, drained, sliced and then soaked in milk to remove its ambiguity.

2, light brine deodorization method:

Soak the beef liver in light salt water, squeeze out the blood in the liver, and then continuously replace the salt water until the blood is completely squeezed out, and then put the beef bridge in hot water for a while to eliminate the odor of the beef liver.