
Emperor Shi Jingyao: The most faceless emperor in Chinese history, there is no one

author:The king was puzzled

China has a long history and has countless emperors. Among these emperors, there are ming kings and dark kings, there are tyrants and weak kings, and there are also absurd and shameless faceless kings. However, there is no one in history like the Later Jin Emperor Shi Jingyao who is so faceless. It can be said that he is unprecedented.

Emperor Shi Jingyao: The most faceless emperor in Chinese history, there is no one

Shi Jingyao's era was a chaotic era in Chinese history, the Five Dynasties Period.

The Five Dynasties began with Zhu Wen usurping the Tang Dynasty and establishing The Later Liang. Sixteen years later, Hou Liang was destroyed by Li Cunxun for the Later Jin Dynasty. Soon after, Li Cunxun's throne was usurped by his righteous brother Li Siyuan (李嗣源) (Li Siyuan was the adopted son of Li Cunxun's father Li Keyong).

Shi Jingyao is Li Siyuan's son-in-law. Li Siyuan was a very capable person, and when he was alive, Hou Tang was peaceful and peaceful, and Shi Jingyao was also very honest. When he dies, he will be in chaos. Everyone wanted to sit on the emperor's throne.

In the end, Shi Jingyao became the victor, replacing the Later Tang and establishing the Later Jin.

Emperor Shi Jingyao: The most faceless emperor in Chinese history, there is no one

How did Shi Jingyao get to the peak of his life?

It is said that in the north of the Central Plains at that time, there was a powerful state, the Khitan Dynasty, which was later the Liao State.

Shi Jingyao was able to win because of the Khitan army. Why did the Khitan help Shi Jingyao? There is no pie in the world that does not cost money. For the help of the Khitans, Shi Jingyao's reward can be said to be too great.

First, Shi Jingyao recognized the Khitan lord Yelü Deguang as his father. Promise that the Later Jin dynasty will always be a Khitan vassal state. Shi Jingyao claimed to be Emperor Er, and paid tribute to the Khitan at many years. This year, Shi Jingyao was 45 years old and Yelü Deguang was 34 years old.

Second, cede the Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun to the Khitans.

Emperor Shi Jingyao: The most faceless emperor in Chinese history, there is no one

What do you think? Don't you want to face to the extreme? Not only did he cut the land, but he also gave people a son, and his face and inside were lost.

When Shi Jingyao did this, even his son couldn't look at it anymore. After Shi Jingyao's death, his son Shi Chonggui succeeded to the throne. Immediately after succeeding to the throne, Shi Chonggui sent a letter to Yelü Deguang: I can be a grandson, but I cannot be a vassal. This means that the Later Jin Dynasty no longer served as a Khitan vassal state.

Yerushalayim was furious. He soon sent troops to attack Hou Jin and destroyed Hou Jin.

Shi Jingyao, the emperor, was really a nest.

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