
Zuo Xiaoli, the "business dean" of Zhongxing Town, Shan County: devote herself to the frontline of epidemic prevention, worthy of the angel in white

author:Volkswagen network Heze
Zuo Xiaoli, the "business dean" of Zhongxing Town, Shan County: devote herself to the frontline of epidemic prevention, worthy of the angel in white

Disinfect hospitals

Zuo Xiaoli, the "business dean" of Zhongxing Town, Shan County: devote herself to the frontline of epidemic prevention, worthy of the angel in white

Distribute leaflets to the masses

Zuo Xiaoli, the "business dean" of Zhongxing Town, Shan County: devote herself to the frontline of epidemic prevention, worthy of the angel in white

Carefully study the patient's condition

Zuo Xiaoli, the "business dean" of Zhongxing Town, Shan County: devote herself to the frontline of epidemic prevention, worthy of the angel in white

Hold training sessions

Zuo Xiaoli, the "business dean" of Zhongxing Town, Shan County: devote herself to the frontline of epidemic prevention, worthy of the angel in white

Go to the front line on duty

Zuo Xiaoli, the "business dean" of Zhongxing Town, Shan County: devote herself to the frontline of epidemic prevention, worthy of the angel in white

Please fight the book

Zuo Xiaoli, the "business dean" of Zhongxing Town, Shan County: devote herself to the frontline of epidemic prevention, worthy of the angel in white

Donate food to frontline duty personnel

Public Network Poster News Shan County, February 9 (Reporter Wu Chaonan) The epidemic situation is an order, and prevention and control is a responsibility. After the province and the city launched the first-level response to major public health emergencies, Zuo Xiaoli, the "business president" of Zhongxing Town, Paidan County, gave full play to the pioneering and exemplary leading role, actively assisted the hospital leaders to quickly convene a deployment meeting for the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus infection, formulated an emergency plan, established a pneumonia prevention and control leading group, and took the initiative to serve as the main person in charge of the leading group. She threw herself into the frontline of epidemic prevention, led a group of people, coordinated operations, and achieved the expected results of epidemic prevention and control in Zhongxing Town.

The small family took care of everyone and took the lead in standing on the post

The New Year is approaching, and in the beautiful moment when others are reunited with their families to spend the Spring Festival together, Zuo Xiaoli has always insisted on being at work during the entire Spring Festival holiday. For the sake of everyone's happiness and the interests of the whole situation, she is willing to give up the reunion of her small family, insist on 24-hour duty, charge the front line of epidemic prevention and control, and be on standby to deal with sudden epidemics at any time.

Lead the backbone of the business to standardize the setting of fever diagnosis pre-examination triage desk, fever diagnosis and corresponding work processes, and emphasize the importance of finding, registering, reporting and processing fever patients. Strengthen the screening of fever patients, do a good job of pre-examination triage, outpatient registration and design of the treatment process, and organize emergency drills to guide the clinical frontline to do a good job of protection, and comprehensively disinfect the surrounding environment of the hospital to prevent the occurrence of infection in the hospital. Inpatients were educated, no going out, and no visits were granted. Leaflets on epidemic prevention and control knowledge were distributed to the masses at outpatient guidance stations and community service stations.

Improve literacy and do a good job in training

In order to improve the ability of cadres to prevent and control the epidemic, Zuo Xiaoli focused her work on business training, and organized medical staff to conduct training on relevant knowledge such as pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan for novel coronavirus infection at the first time. In view of the fact that town and village cadres are not familiar with the actual situation of epidemic prevention and control work, she took the initiative to organize training and door-to-door guidance, and successively trained more than 300 heads of town government cadres and workers, village cadres, and relevant units such as village clinics, laying a good foundation for the development of prevention and control work.

Strengthen supervision and pay attention to publicity

In order to ensure that the epidemic prevention work is carried out solidly and effectively, Zuo Xiaoli, as a pioneer, leads the staff to go down to the village every day to enter the household, and supervises the prevention and control of the health room in the jurisdiction, inspects the returnees, asks them about their recent physical condition, helps them measure their body temperature; and leads the staff to supervise the personnel of Bao Village and the staff of the village clinic in the jurisdiction to carry out timely and serious elimination of the living environment of the people returning from Wuhan, and does not let go of any dead ends.

Face-to-face publicity to the masses, requiring returnees to be at home, not to go out and move around, isolate and observe, and strictly prevent the spread of the epidemic; at the same time, the father and son of the Wuhan Seafood Market were sent to the South Branch of the Central Hospital for key isolation overnight, ensuring the safety of their families and everyone. Actively advocate that everyone reduce unnecessary outings, try to avoid large-scale gatherings of people, and do not believe in rumors or rumors about the epidemic. Let the masses understand the knowledge of prevention and control, wash their hands frequently, go out less, drink more water, wear masks, do a good job of personal hygiene, keep the family clean, and pay attention to opening windows for ventilation.

Zuo Xiaoli stressed that in the face of the fierce epidemic situation, we must not be chaotic, we must calmly respond, scientifically and orderly prevention and control according to law, strengthen preventive measures, improve awareness of prevention, and fully protect the safety of the masses.

Thoughtful and concerned about the frontline

In accordance with the unified deployment of the county prevention and control headquarters, the Zhongxing Town Center Health Center dispatched four competent backbone epidemic prevention personnel to measure the body temperature of outsiders at the Malou public security inspection site, Zuo Xiaoli repeatedly guided the epidemic prevention personnel to do a good job of protection, and repeatedly took the initiative to go to the front line of epidemic prevention to measure the body temperature of outsiders and register personal information, strictly control the body temperature.

When she learned that the comrades at the epidemic prevention site could not eat in time, Zuo Xiaoli automatically sent emergency foods such as roast beef and instant noodles, and contacted the caring enterprise Shan County Zhu's Pharmaceutical to donate 1,000 masks, 84 disinfectants, and hand sanitizer to the checkpoint.

Be responsible and helpful

Under the severe situation of epidemic prevention and control, Zuo Xiaoli resolutely submitted to the organization the invitation to "apply to join the medical team to Hubei, no matter the cost, regardless of life or death", and was ready to prepare for the battle at any time, reflecting the fearless revolutionary spirit of a white-clad angel.

Under the severe situation of the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic, Zuo Xiaoli led by example and the spirit of indomitable work, interpreted the heroic posture of a provincial "business dean", and embodied the life value and great love of a medical worker.

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