
She stood in "Non-sincere Do Not Disturb" for 5 years, only bursting the lights and not holding hands, Meng Fei: I don't accept actors here
She stood in "Non-sincere Do Not Disturb" for 5 years, only bursting the lights and not holding hands, Meng Fei: I don't accept actors here

When the pace of life gets faster, making friends becomes a difficult thing. Not only is it difficult to find friends who can make friends, but it has become difficult to even find an important other half of life, so some variety shows on the issue of dating and marriage have brought this life problem to the screen. On the one hand, solve the problem of dating, on the other hand, it will earn a wave of traffic. However, with the imagination falling into reality, the so-called original intention may also become popular with the development of the program, and dating may also become a large-scale Internet celebrity show. When dating bumps into Bo famous, how to solve such an embarrassing change?

She stood in "Non-sincere Do Not Disturb" for 5 years, only bursting the lights and not holding hands, Meng Fei: I don't accept actors here

"Non-sincere Do Not Disturb" can be said to be the founding father of the blind date program, with the increasing popularity of the show, some guests have moved their crooked minds, imagining that if they have been staying on the stage, they can increase the exposure, perhaps more fans can like him, and then enter the entertainment circle.

No, the show has been broadcast for more than ten years, and there is a female guest who has stood for more than 5 years, which can be described as the "nail household" of "Non-sincere Do Not Disturb". In the past 5 years, this female guest has left lights and explosions for male guests, but finally refused to hold hands with male guests and leave the scene again and again. After repeatedly, it angered the host Meng Fei, and finally ended up being "invited to step down".

The female guest is called Wang Yuxuan, a good-looking, very good-looking girl, looks pure and cute, engaged in the tourism industry. In fact, she, the "nail household" who has been standing in the non-sincere Do Not Disturb station for five years, has also participated in other blind date programs, just want exposure. Meng Fei also slowly became familiar with Wang Yuxuan's routine. Therefore, when she and the male guests said that they could take the female guests to travel abroad, Meng Fei directly replied, "What she said about taking you abroad is the same as another day when we have a meal together!" (Can't be taken seriously).

In the end, Wang Yuxuan was ousted by Meng Fei.

She stood in "Non-sincere Do Not Disturb" for 5 years, only bursting the lights and not holding hands, Meng Fei: I don't accept actors here

Some netizens commented that if Wang Yuxuan had a sincere purpose, she should have found it a long time ago. But if she uses blind dates as a stepping stone to enter the entertainment industry, then her conditional appearance may not be enough.

Later, someone pulled out that "Do Not Disturb" was not the first blind date show she had ever participated in, and she had participated in "None of You" and "One Stop to the End". Generally speaking, such female guests who repeatedly participate in blind date programs have laid a mine for the program group at the beginning. As episodes of the show aired, she began to disgust everyone.

Some netizens also commented that it is said that Wang Yuxuan began to participate in similar blind date programs when he was in college, so frequently participating in blind date programs, the careful thinking behind it had to make many people suspicious.

She stood in "Non-sincere Do Not Disturb" for 5 years, only bursting the lights and not holding hands, Meng Fei: I don't accept actors here

Meng Fei, the host of "Do Not Disturb", has always been affectionately known as Grandpa Meng, and he also has many fans who love him with his witty, humorous and sharp hosting style.

She stood in "Non-sincere Do Not Disturb" for 5 years, only bursting the lights and not holding hands, Meng Fei: I don't accept actors here

For Wang Yuxuan's frequent violation of the bottom line of the program, how could Meng Fei not have a number in mind?

She stood in "Non-sincere Do Not Disturb" for 5 years, only bursting the lights and not holding hands, Meng Fei: I don't accept actors here

During a program recording, Wang Yuxuan left the lamp at the end for a male guest. Audiences who have watched "Do Not Disturb" know that at this time, either there is really a good feeling, or it is the "performance moment" of one of the female guests, because the female guest who leaves the lights to the end can have one last speech.

She stood in "Non-sincere Do Not Disturb" for 5 years, only bursting the lights and not holding hands, Meng Fei: I don't accept actors here

And this speech, all the eyes of the audience will be focused on her alone, which is also the "best period" for rubbing heat. When she finished speaking, she still said that she would not go with the male guests, at this time, Meng Fei broke out, he said bluntly: the name in this program has a "sincere" word, Wang Yuxuan violated the bottom line, had to ask her to leave.

In this way, Wang Yuxuan, who has been here for 5 years, left the scene sadly.

Comprehensive: NetEase Entertainment, Sohu Entertainment

Editor: Chen Xihan

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