
Many happy times are often painful, but when they are recalled, a sense of happiness appears

author:Eighteen points of psychology

When will the human heart become stronger? Often, when they are wronged, they still show that the clouds are light and light.

In real life, we will always see many people pointing out to themselves, how they should live their lives, and how they should arrange and plan their own life direction.

In fact, in many cases, our hearts are traumatized, and this trauma cannot be repaired many times, and we need to constantly surpass ourselves. Some people in childhood, not too much love, nor too much care, easy to be ignored. Then at that moment, there is a gap in your heart, and it will rebound the day after tomorrow.

In the process of clinical consultation, many children's problems will be seen, which will cause parents a headache. Why do you have a headache? Because in the process of growing up, the child is arranged by the parents in an orderly manner, and the child's living state is basically carried out in accordance with the requirements of the parents. The heart wanted to resist, but it could not resist, so it could only be endured in silence.

Many happy times are often painful, but when they are recalled, a sense of happiness appears

So children have various psychological problems in adolescence or adulthood. Psychological problems have a reason behind it, and this reason comes from the family to a large extent, and the warmth and warmth of a family is very important for the growth of children. Children are like a blank piece of paper, in childhood, what they see, hear, and think will directly affect their future life choices.

Many people who have achieved success, in the process of growing up, have had a dark time, this dark time is only known to themselves, some years, some more than ten years. But for the right things and the right direction, they are willing to fight silently and are willing to silently accept all kinds of grievances. A lot of suffering and a lot of tiredness, one person alone bears. Even if you want to cry, you are a person who silently sheds tears, wipes them dry, and continues to move forward.

Many happy times are often painful, but when recalling, there is an inner sense of happiness.

Many happy times are often painful, but when they are recalled, a sense of happiness appears

We will experience a lot of pain and suffering, and then think about it: those difficult years are often the most memorable and memorable for ourselves. For example, every day to learn a new subject, put their own time in it, the whole person's feeling is actually quite tired, but they like it, so they can't feel that tired feeling. The moment you achieve it, you feel like it's all worth it.

Life is not rehearsed, and the past day will be one less day. How to keep your mental state consistently excellent is worth pondering. Some time ago, I met a boss, he said that every day to learn until about two o'clock in the morning, there are many problems that need to be thought about every day, he feels that there is not enough time at all, there are too many things that need to be fought, otherwise he will go backwards.

Many happy times are often painful, but when they are recalled, a sense of happiness appears

At that moment, you will feel that as long as you are learning, then all the pain and tiredness do not matter, at least you are worthy of your own time. So when I saw him, I was full of energy, and his eyes were full of light, and this light was directional, determined, and hopeful for the future. When encountering anything, there are emotions at the beginning, but behind this emotion, it is often replaced by his wisdom.

Has he been wronged? Has he experienced dark moments in his life? All experienced. We only see the brilliance in front of this person's eyes, but we don't know that behind people's backs are silently struggling and fighting silently every day. Put all kinds of free time into self-improvement.

As long as a person focuses on his own learning and growth, he encounters various grievances and feels that it is a learning. Use grievances as a catalyst to strengthen your heart, not a kind of gain and loss.

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