
High incidence of gastroenteritis in autumn? If you want to prevent gastroenteritis, how to prevent gastroenteritis in the autumn in these 6 aspects?

author:Family Doctor Famous Doctor Online

Gastroenteritis is a disease commonly found in summer and autumn, which will cause patients with different degrees of diarrhea and abdominal discomfort, and with the prolongation of the course of the disease, it may cause electrolyte imbalance and fluid loss, causing serious impact on the health of patients, so in the autumn this high incidence of gastroenteritis season, to do a good job of prevention.

High incidence of gastroenteritis in autumn? If you want to prevent gastroenteritis, how to prevent gastroenteritis in the autumn in these 6 aspects?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" how to prevent gastroenteritis in the fall >? </h1>

1. Regular and quantitative eating

If you want to prevent the appearance of gastroenteritis, you must first develop the habit of eating regularly. Many people are not able to eat on time very well, sometimes even only one meal or two meals a day, or delicious, every time you eat a meal, not good to eat a meal, in fact, these habits of the gastrointestinal tract is particularly harmful, will lead to peristaltic dysfunction of the stomach, so that the nerves in the stomach wall hyperfunction, prompting the stomach can not normally secrete gastric juice, in the long run will lead to the emergence of gastroenteritis, so each meal must be regularly quantified.

2. Pay attention to dietary hygiene

Unhygienic diet is one of the main factors that lead to the appearance of gastroenteritis, so develop good hygiene habits. Wash your hands before eating and after going to the toilet, and try not to eat raw, cold or semi-cooked food, expired or moldy food can not be eaten, such foods are rich in a large number of toxins, not only will affect the gastrointestinal tract, but also cause harm to other organs.

High incidence of gastroenteritis in autumn? If you want to prevent gastroenteritis, how to prevent gastroenteritis in the autumn in these 6 aspects?

3. Chew carefully and swallow slowly

When eating, develop the habit of chewing and swallowing slowly. In the process of chewing food, the saliva in the mouth will be fully mixed with food, which can effectively kill harmful substances in food, in addition to chewing slowly, it can also make food be fully chewed and ground, thereby reducing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, reducing the occurrence of various gastrointestinal diseases and including gastroenteritis.

4. Quit smoking and alcohol

After the tar and nicotine and other substances in cigarettes enter the gastrointestinal tract, they will cause irritation to the gastric mucosa, so that the mucous membrane will be in a state of congestion and redness for a long time, increasing the incidence of various gastrointestinal diseases. After alcohol enters the body, it will also cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, which will cause blood vessels under the gastric mucosa to contract and spasm, which will adversely affect the health of the gastrointestinal tract, so if you want to prevent gastroenteritis, you must first quit smoking and alcohol.

5. Maintain a pleasant mood

Maintaining a pleasant mood also has a certain effect on preventing gastroenteritis. If you are in a state of tension or depression for a long time, the function of the cerebral cortex will be out of balance, causing the central nervous system of the body to be dysfunctional, resulting in spasmodic contraction of blood vessels in the stomach wall, inducing gastroenteritis, stomach ulcers and other diseases.

High incidence of gastroenteritis in autumn? If you want to prevent gastroenteritis, how to prevent gastroenteritis in the autumn in these 6 aspects?

6. Avoid food irritation

To prevent gastroenteritis, avoid food irritation. Try to eat less spicy and greasy food, such as pepper, mustard, fat meat, fat intestines, etc., this kind of food on the gastrointestinal tract stimulation is relatively large, will make the original stomach disease worse, will also make the gastrointestinal tract more likely to produce discomfort. In addition, people with poor gastrointestinal function should drink less coffee, tea and cola, which will also cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract.


Prevention of autumn gastroenteritis In addition to paying attention to diet and washing frequently, we should also pay attention to the disinfection of household products. Tableware or towels should be strictly disinfected, in addition to toilets, toilets and faucets should also be regularly disinfected, patients in the defecation is easy to splash out of the secretions with bacteria, if not disinfected in time, it may be transmitted to the family or others, contact with the patient's faucet may also be infected.

Family doctor online special article, unauthorized reproduction

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