
Indoor potted foliage plants, if the humidity is low, are either infected with red spiders or have dry tips

author:Flower cultivation exchange

Many of the foliage plants we raise indoors are originally grown in tropical rainforests, such as common green lotuses, flower candles, turtle back bamboo and various vines. To maintain such potted plants, it is best to have a hygrometer at home, which can always know the indoor air humidity, avoid dry tips of leaves, and avoid breeding insect pests.

Indoor potted foliage plants, if the humidity is low, are either infected with red spiders or have dry tips

Putting a pot of water next to the plant can also maintain a certain humidity (the effect is limited)

If the indoor perennial humidity is maintained at 70% to 85%, such rainforest-type foliage plants can grow very well, and the ambient air humidity in which they originally grew is very high. Their light requirements are not too intense, and they can grow well with appropriate soft scattered light every day. The indoor ambient temperature is relatively average, not too cold, not too hot, can improve is watering and air humidity.

1. Pay attention to indoor watering

Indoor potted foliage plants, if the humidity is low, are either infected with red spiders or have dry tips

Indoor flowering should avoid excessive moisture in the soil, do not let the potted soil have water, the indoor environment lacks light, ventilation will not be very good, the pot soil is relatively slow to dry, and it cannot be watered too frequently.

It is recommended to touch the pot soil before each watering, you can use your fingers to open the soil, if the soil surface is 2 to 3 cm or less dry, you can directly water it, and there can be no water at the bottom of the pot.

2. Air humidity and ventilation

Indoor potted foliage plants, if the humidity is low, are either infected with red spiders or have dry tips

In the indoor flower also pay attention to maintain a certain air humidity, increase the air humidity there are many small tricks, the simplest way is to buy a humidifier, often open the humidifier can increase the environmental humidity.

Of course, we should also remind everyone here that if the environment is not well ventilated, or lack of sunlight. The air in such an environment is particularly humid, which is also detrimental to the growth of plants. If you want the plant to grow well, the higher the air humidity, the better the ventilation of the environment.

Indoor potted foliage plants, if the humidity is low, are either infected with red spiders or have dry tips

If the humidity is high and the ventilation is poor, it is easy to infect germs and mold, and the plants are easy to hang up quickly. For example, in the indoor maintenance of a variety of potted plants, such as ferns, hanging orchids, green lotus, orchids, begonias, flower candles and vine green velvet, such plants have relatively high requirements for air humidity, air humidity should be maintained at least above 55%, which is more beneficial to their growth.

While maintaining good humidity, it is necessary to increase environmental ventilation (if the ventilation is too poor, the air humidity is maintained at about 50%). Try to provide plants with a little more soft scattered light, such an environment is beneficial to the growth of foliage plants.

3. Avoid breeding red spiders

Indoor potted foliage plants, if the humidity is low, are either infected with red spiders or have dry tips

All kinds of potted foliage plants raised indoors, if the air is relatively dry, it is particularly easy to breed red spiders, the back of the leaves will become rough, and the red spiders will suck the sap of the plant, which will make the plant thin.

The red spider is a pest that reproduces particularly quickly (a 3-day breeding generation), crawls the whole plant, and also infects each other to the plants next to it, and it doesn't take long for the plants in the family to suffer.

Indoor potted foliage plants, if the humidity is low, are either infected with red spiders or have dry tips

If you want to avoid plants breeding red spiders, you must increase the humidity of the environment, spray water on the plants frequently, and pay special attention to "taking care" of the back of the leaves.

If the insect infestation is more serious, the leaves that are more seriously infected with red spiders can be removed, and then the insecticide can be used in time to use the common biphenylhydrazine ester, pyridine, golden branch or fast mite.

4, the method of increasing humidity

Indoor potted foliage plants, if the humidity is low, are either infected with red spiders or have dry tips

Increase indoor air humidity, in addition to opening the humidifier, you can also put a pot at the bottom of the pot, but can not put the pot directly on the tray, to put some pebbles on the tray, the pot into a little water, the water level is not higher than the pebbles, and then the potted plants are placed above the pebbles, the bottom of the pot can not be directly in contact with the water, so that you can continue to maintain humidity, but will not lead to wet pots, which is also a good way to increase the humidity of the environment.

Indoor potted foliage plants, if the humidity is low, are either infected with red spiders or have dry tips

It is also possible to put together a variety of healthy foliage plants and gather them together, which can reduce the evaporation of water and thus maintain a certain amount of environmental humidity.

Indoor potted foliage plants, if the humidity is low, are either infected with red spiders or have dry tips

You can also directly increase the humidity of the plant, that is, to give the plant a "bath", such as every 2 to 3 weeks to put the potted foliage plants in the bathroom, directly with the shower to the plant to rinse again, the leaf surface leaf back are flushed, the pot soil is also watered, and then move to the ventilation and light to drain the water, so that the water on the leaves volatilizes as soon as possible, do not let the leaves leave water for a long time, can enhance the plant's photosynthesis ability, ensure watering, but also increase humidity.

If you just spray spray water on plants with a watering can, it is true that you can increase the ambient humidity in a short period of time, but this method cannot maintain the humidity continuously.

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