
Come to LPL and don't regret it! After the defeat of S11, Niu Bao took the initiative to carry the pot, netizens: it is not necessary

author:Listen to Ming

The 2021 League of Legends Global Finals is in full swing, and this year is the familiar "China-South Korea War", speaking of the most regrettable team in this year's World Championship, I believe many people will vote for the FPX team in the LPL division. Indeed, before the game, many people had high hopes, and even many people thought that although the FPX was the second seed in the LPL division, it fully possessed the strength of the first seed.

Come to LPL and don't regret it! After the defeat of S11, Niu Bao took the initiative to carry the pot, netizens: it is not necessary

In the expectations of countless spectators, FPX stopped in the round of sixteen, setting a series of embarrassing records in the LPL division. In this regard, FPX debut single Nuguri also confided in the live broadcast for the first time, took the initiative to take the responsibility to himself, and said that he did not regret coming to LPL this year.

Come to LPL and don't regret it! After the defeat of S11, Niu Bao took the initiative to carry the pot, netizens: it is not necessary

Niu Bao first expressed his position, after making it clear that he did not regret coming to LPL this year, Niu Bao also said that his practice in this year was not enough, the degree of effort was not enough, of course, in interpersonal relationships, it was not good enough, a bit of a pity. Although I am a person who is not good enough, I don't mean that I can't do it, but I feel a little pity.

Come to LPL and don't regret it! After the defeat of S11, Niu Bao took the initiative to carry the pot, netizens: it is not necessary

From Niu Bao's words, it is not difficult for us to see that although Niu Bao feels that he does not regret coming to LPL this year, it is difficult to hide the meaning of pity in his words. Before coming to LPL, Niu Bao, like many viewers, was full of expectations for S11, but the result was not satisfactory, and it could even be said that it was a dismal ending. Obviously, the results of the top sixteen will leave the most regrettable stroke in their careers, both for FPX and for Niu Bao.

Come to LPL and don't regret it! After the defeat of S11, Niu Bao took the initiative to carry the pot, netizens: it is not necessary

For Niu Bao's initiative to take responsibility, many netizens also said that it is not necessary. After all, the defeat of FPX in this world championship is not a problem of one person, but the incompatibility with the version and the sluggish performance of all the players. Even if you have to find someone to come out and carry the pot, then it will not be Niu Bao's turn, and Niu Bao's play in this world championship is relatively reasonable. But it has to be mentioned that, possibly due to personality reasons, Niu Bao is not very good at communication, coupled with the language barrier, which also leads to a certain obstacle in his communication with the team, which will definitely have an impact on the rapidly changing situation of the game.

Come to LPL and don't regret it! After the defeat of S11, Niu Bao took the initiative to carry the pot, netizens: it is not necessary

Although it is not yet certain whether Niu Bao will come to LPL next year, because after all, his contract with FPX is coming to an end, and there are many teams in the LCK division that need him to make such a single order, especially DK, after Khan's military service, Niu Bao has a high probability of returning to DK. No matter where Niu Bao is in the future, bless him, the professional attitude really has nothing to say, which team do you think Niu Bao will go to next year?

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