
After the cold weather, Hunan people often eat this dish, easy to learn, meat and vegetarian collocation, every day to eat is not tired

author:Xiaoliang health kitchen

The weather is getting colder, southerners love to eat meat, especially in the late autumn, must not forget to paste autumn fat, Hunan people especially love to eat meat, of which bacon is one of the specialties of Hunan, bacon has many ways to eat, with lettuce fried to eat, eat full of flavor, eat a hundred are not greasy, the next rice is a good choice.

After the cold weather, Hunan people often eat this dish, easy to learn, meat and vegetarian collocation, every day to eat is not tired

Last week, buy some bacon from the Internet, bacon can be paired with a lot of vegetables, but many people do not handle well, bacon will be very salty, today prepared with lettuce is a perfect match, not greasy at all, eat particularly fragrant. Many people have not eaten this appetizer, so let's take a closer look. After the cold weather, Hunan people often eat this dish, easy to learn, meat and vegetarian collocation, every day to eat is not tired.

After the cold weather, Hunan people often eat this dish, easy to learn, meat and vegetarian collocation, every day to eat is not tired

【Correct cooking method of stir-fried bacon with lettuce】

Ingredients to buy: choose two tender lettuce (lettuce many places call it lettuce, leaves and rhizomes are common vegetables, lettuce thicker and older, the taste will be worse, lettuce to cut no white stems and hollow, roll up a sense of weight), prepare about 200 grams of old bacon, tao rice water (tao rice water is acidic water, can remove the salty taste of bacon, wash the water of rice do not pour off), millet pepper a few, garlic leaves, several cloves of garlic, dried pepper 2, a number of water, pickled pepper two, chicken essence and MONOSG a little , a spoonful of soy sauce and oyster sauce, a little soy sauce, other condiments.

After the cold weather, Hunan people often eat this dish, easy to learn, meat and vegetarian collocation, every day to eat is not tired

Cooking tips: you need to buy lettuce and bacon, bacon needs to be washed and sliced with rice water, and master the order of fried bacon and lettuce, the difficulty is not high.

After the cold weather, Hunan people often eat this dish, easy to learn, meat and vegetarian collocation, every day to eat is not tired

Step 1: Prepare all the ingredients, scrape the outer skin of the bacon, wash the bacon repeatedly, and cut the bacon into several thin slices.

Step 2: Put all the bacon in a bowl, pour in some taomi water, soak for half an hour, wash repeatedly, drain and set aside.

After the cold weather, Hunan people often eat this dish, easy to learn, meat and vegetarian collocation, every day to eat is not tired

Step 3: Break off the leaves of the two lettuce, remove the roots and skin of the lettuce, cut the lettuce into several pieces, cut the millet pepper into segments, pinch off the yellow leaves of the garlic leaves, wash and cut into small pieces, cut some garlic into thin pieces, prepare several ingredients, and start cooking this lettuce stir-fried bacon bar.

After the cold weather, Hunan people often eat this dish, easy to learn, meat and vegetarian collocation, every day to eat is not tired

Step 4: Add a little oil to the bottom of the pan, add some pork belly and fry it, let the pork belly sauté until translucent, add some dark soy sauce and soy sauce, and put the bacon out for later.

Step 5: Add some lettuce slices to the bottom of the pot, sauté them quickly for a while, sauté until 6 ripe, add dried chili peppers and millet peppers, throw in some garlic leaves and stir-fry quickly.

After the cold weather, Hunan people often eat this dish, easy to learn, meat and vegetarian collocation, every day to eat is not tired

Step 6: Pour in the previously sautéed bacon, add a little salt, a little chicken essence and MSG, a small spoonful of light soy sauce, and 1/2 tablespoon of oyster sauce, quickly let it mix well.

Step 7: Stir-fry over high heat and then out of the pan, this delicious rice, relief and appetizing lettuce stir-fried bacon is ready.

After the cold weather, Hunan people often eat this dish, easy to learn, meat and vegetarian collocation, every day to eat is not tired

Cooking Tips: Lettuce stir-fried bacon is a particularly appetizing dish, bacon has a strong bacon flavor, but bacon is salted and smoked, you need to wash the bacon, the bacon slices are cleaned, the bacon is soaked in taomi water, neutralizing the saltiness of the bacon, and eating it is also clean. This dish requires sautéing bacon first, then sautéing lettuce slices and garlic leaves, with some other condiments, stir-frying into the flavor and out of the pan.

After the cold weather, Hunan people often eat this dish, easy to learn, meat and vegetarian collocation, every day to eat is not tired

Do you like to eat this lettuce stir-fried bacon? (All images from the internet)