
Bruce Lee was originally killed by the Japanese? Moreover, it is also the ghost of the Yamaguchi Group in Japan

author:Point the way

On July 28, 1973, the cause of Bruce Lee's death was announced: cerebral edema caused by allergies caused by taking painkillers.

What were the drugs Bruce Lee took before he died?


Obviously, the official statement is not convincing to the medical community, after all, there have been no cases of aspirin allergic reactions to this day.

Bruce Lee was originally killed by the Japanese? Moreover, it is also the ghost of the Yamaguchi Group in Japan

So, behind Bruce Lee's death, what kind of secrets are hidden?

Hawke, an American medical professor, believes that Bruce Lee pursues extreme speed and strength excessively, and carries out exercises that exceed the range of the human body every day, and the body is destroyed by violent movement. In addition, Bruce Lee's method of exercise is so unscientific that the blood is out of balance. Bruce Lee suffered a heavy blow to the brain during many of the past fighting matches, which was an important trigger for Bruce Lee's death.

The report given by Bruce Lee's personal physician Knit further validated Hawke's conclusions:

Bruce Lee has been engaged in high-load and high-intensity exercise and work for a long time, and he collapsed after filming "Raptors Across the River" and recuperated in Los Angeles for a while. After a short break, Bruce Lee claimed to be in better shape than the eighteen-year-old, unaware that the tumor was eroding his brain at this time, leaving him with only three months left. Knette said he was in good health because he didn't want to tell him the bad news. Knette instructed the people around Bruce Lee to ensure that he had enough rest. However, Bruce Lee worked as hard as ever, eventually suffering from an acute illness that led to death.

However, just as the public began to accept Knette's claims, Bruce Lee's wife, Linda, broke the news, saying that Bruce Lee had a lot of grievances with the outside world during his lifetime. During his acting career, Bruce Lee did have quarrels with some actors and argued with several directors over the script. In addition, after Bruce Lee defeated the Japanese karate champion in 1971, the Japanese martial arts community always held a grudge against Bruce Lee. As a result, many people began to think that Bruce Lee's death may have been due to an elaborate murder.

Bruce Lee was originally killed by the Japanese? Moreover, it is also the ghost of the Yamaguchi Group in Japan

As Bruce Lee's personal assistant, Hasson had some say in this. Hasson said bruce Lee did travel to Los Angeles for a check-up after "Raptors Across the River," but there were no brain exams in his program. When dubbing the film, because the weather was relatively hot, there was a cold wind in the studio. In order to avoid recording noise, the staff had to turn off the air cooler, so that the air became more and more stuffy. Bruce Lee felt uncomfortable and left the studio to go to the lounge to adjust, but did not return for a long time.

As a result, by the time everyone found him, he had fainted in the lounge for a long time. After the doctor's diagnosis, it was found that he was just overtired and not a big problem. In order to thoroughly investigate the truth, Hasson hired the American anthropologist Cherry to conduct an easy-to-learn analysis of the cause of Bruce Lee's death. However, Cherry inexplicably disappeared three months later, and his findings were all destroyed. Hasson had heard from Celly's maid that several Japanese had visited Cherry during his studies. After the Japanese left, Celi stopped working and sat there in a daze all day.

What happened next made Hasson feel even more that something was wrong.

Hasson heard that a Japanese company selling "muscle oscillators" was shut down because the company's product was based on the principle of using high-voltage electricity to perform compulsive concussions on muscles, which can disrupt the body's physiological system and the coordination of nerves.

Faced with the news, Hasson was immediately alerted, recalling that in the previous year, Bruce Lee had often used "muscle oscillators" in the hope of making his muscles more powerful.

Could it be that the "muscle oscillator" caused Bruce Lee's death? If this is the case, is this a conspiracy or a product accident planned by the Japanese?

Bruce Lee was originally killed by the Japanese? Moreover, it is also the ghost of the Yamaguchi Group in Japan

Hasson immediately questioned the company, and the company also responded at the first time, saying that this product does have the effect of making muscles quick, but it will bring certain side effects.

Although there are side effects, this side effect does not lead to the death of the user. Bruce Lee's American apprentice, Tom, had habits almost identical to Bruce Lee's. According to himself, he was also one of the users of the "muscle oscillator", which was used for as long as Bruce Lee, but did not find any side effects. However, Tom said that after using Master's "muscle oscillator" one time, he felt some slight pain in his head, and later he also experienced dizziness.

After obtaining this information, Hasson became more convinced that bruce Lee's "muscle oscillator" was wrong. So Hasson decided to find this "muscle oscillator" and compare it to other products to see how bruce Lee's product was different from other products. As a result, when Hasson was looking for this product, Bruce Lee's dedicated "muscle oscillator" was gone! Even Fat, who had strongly recommended the machine to Bruce Lee at the time, evaporated with the "muscle oscillator".

Like Hasson, Fat is an assistant, but his job is to help Bruce Lee balance his meals and supervise his workouts. Fat's ex-girlfriend said that after Bruce Lee's death, Fat resigned from his post and was never heard from. Fat's mysterious disappearance makes the incident even more mysterious. It wasn't long before hash's private detectives made a new discovery that the investors in the company that originally produced the "muscle oscillator" were members of the Yamaguchi group. With this important clue, Hasson immediately launched an investigation around the Yamaguchi group, and he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth.

Bruce Lee was originally killed by the Japanese? Moreover, it is also the ghost of the Yamaguchi Group in Japan

When Bruce Lee became famous overseas, his on-screen opponents were mostly Japanese, and basically every fight scene ended with Bruce Lee's victory. Apparently, the move caused dissatisfaction in the Japanese martial arts community. In order to save their dignity, two champions of Japanese judo and karate presented a challenge book. The Japanese feel that Bruce Lee is a person who only dares to "be brazen" on the screen and does not dare to appear in reality. The Japanese media were also ready to make a big fuss about the matter after Bruce Lee refused the challenge. To the surprise of the Japanese, Bruce Lee was not afraid at all, he accepted the challenge, and personally went to Japan.

As a result, judo and karate, which the Japanese are proud of, are not opponents of boxing.

After the challenge, there was an uproar in Japan. Yamaguchi's group opened at the casino before the challenge began. As Bruce Lee won, the Yamaguchi group suffered heavy losses and $10 million was lost.

Hasson hired a private detective to assist Hasson in his analysis, believing that it was because bruce Lee's victory had caused the Yamaguchi group to suffer heavy losses, and the angry and demoralized Yamaguchi group members planned to kill Bruce Lee. However, Bruce Lee was already an international superstar at that time, and every time he traveled, he would be accompanied by many bodyguards and heavily guarded. It is basically impossible to kill Bruce Lee with "real knives and real guns". So they decided to devise a conspiracy to kill Bruce Lee. In this way, it can not only achieve the purpose of revenge, but also save itself from accountability.

Bruce Lee was originally killed by the Japanese? Moreover, it is also the ghost of the Yamaguchi Group in Japan

When starring in "Big Brother Tangshan", the director hoped that Bruce Lee could carry out a period of plasticity to make the muscle lines more perfect, so that the audience could present a more impactful picture. In order to be plastic, Bruce Lee increased the intensity of his training, hoping to grow more muscle. Obviously, at this time, Bruce Lee is difficult to gain in the exercise. So Bruce Lee began to look for other ways to shape his muscle lines. Bruce Lee learned that there is currently a "muscle oscillator" with good plasticity, and it happened that assistant Fat recommended this device to him, and Bruce Lee began to use the "muscle oscillator" to shape.

Hasson and the private detective further speculate that all of this is the Yamaguchi group playing a ghost. In order to understand the dynamics of Bruce Lee, the Yamaguchi team spent a lot of money to buy Outrack Lee's side, and through him to obtain Information on Bruce Lee. At the beginning of the use of the "muscle oscillator", Bruce Lee just tried the product with the mentality of trying it out, and did not intend to use it for a long time. During this time, Fat adjusts the oscillation frequency of the machine to a range acceptable to the human body. After using it for a while, Bruce Lee felt that the effect was acceptable and decided to use it for a long time. It didn't take long for Fat to secretly swap out the "muscle oscillator" bruce Lee was using with a special machine.

In later exercises, Bruce Lee's body did become stronger and stronger, but his brain damage also became worse and worse, laying a hidden danger for his sudden death.

Bruce Lee was originally killed by the Japanese? Moreover, it is also the ghost of the Yamaguchi Group in Japan

Professor Cherry, after being commissioned by Hasson, conducted an in-depth analysis of the cause of Bruce Lee's death. Due to The high level of Cherry, the Yamaguchi group feared that Cherry would find out the truth. In order to prevent the truth from coming to the surface, the Yamaguchi team members went to Cellie's house and gave Hery a lot of money, hoping that he would keep it a secret. However, Professor Cherry did not compromise with the members of the Yamaguchi group, so the embarrassed members of the Yamaguchi group threatened Professor Celi's family. Celi was worried about his family and had to comply. After abandoning the study, Cherry destroyed all the research and left the lab, disappearing.

Hasson immediately presented his own inference to the experts, but because of insufficient evidence, Hasson's inference could not be established. Later, an American journalist in Japan claimed to have met Fat, who had worked as Bruce Lee's assistant, on the streets of Tokyo. However, after Fatter saw the reporter, he looked panicked and hurried away. Two months later, Knette, a private doctor who claimed Bruce Lee had died of a brain tumor, also inexplicably died in a traffic accident.

At this point, all the clues that Hasson sorted out were interrupted.

Bruce Lee was originally killed by the Japanese? Moreover, it is also the ghost of the Yamaguchi Group in Japan

Later, as time went on and the investigation became more and more difficult, the real cause of Bruce Lee's death became more and more confusing. What did the international superstar die for? I am afraid that this mystery will never be solved again.


【The Death of Bruce Lee", "Biography of Bruce Lee"】

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