
See you, Tsai Ing-wen acknowledges the U.S. garrison in Taiwan! Ministry of Defense: Where the righteousness lies, moving like thunder

author:Qin'an Strategy

On October 28, in response to reports that Taiwan regional leader Tsai Ing-wen admitted that the US military was stationed in Taiwan for the purpose of training, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin expressed strong condemnation at a regular news conference, which reminded me of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the 110th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution: Those who forget their ancestors, betray the motherland, and split the country have never had a good end, and will be spurned by the people and judged by history.

See you, Tsai Ing-wen acknowledges the U.S. garrison in Taiwan! Ministry of Defense: Where the righteousness lies, moving like thunder

Tsai Ing-wen's appearance, in the words of the ancients, is to see the poor dagger, external interference forces have appeared, and after the performance, Tsai Ing-wen has thrown out the fact that the US troops are stationed in Taiwan. She became the first person in the Taiwan region to publicly admit this matter, which also shows that the Tsai Ing-wen administration has reached the most severe moment of splitting the motherland, and the so-called "driving to the edge of the cliff" is such a situation. Where did Tsai Ing-wen get this guts? Obviously, it is inseparable from the extremely bad wrong signals sent by the United States and its accomplices.

See you, Tsai Ing-wen acknowledges the U.S. garrison in Taiwan! Ministry of Defense: Where the righteousness lies, moving like thunder

Just as the Foreign Ministry spokesman pointed out on the 28th, "the US warship has recently "shown its muscles" and provoked disturbances in the Taiwan Strait on many occasions, sending a serious wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" forces and threatening peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region."

In fact, the U.S. offensive is not just a military muscle. The US military itself understands very well, and the chairman and vice chairman of its Joint Chiefs of Staff also made it very clear that the warships and planes that have sailed thousands of miles away from the "three melons and two dates" are really not enough for the PEOPLE's Liberation Army to destroy them with powerful firepower. "Who am I afraid of when I follow America?" "Who do I have American support for that I'm afraid of?"

See you, Tsai Ing-wen acknowledges the U.S. garrison in Taiwan! Ministry of Defense: Where the righteousness lies, moving like thunder

It is with this "rogue in the yard" mentality that American politicians and accomplices such as the European Union and the Czech Republic have played a set of combination punches. First, Biden made gibberish and made it clear that he wanted to "protect Taiwan," which was another clamor after he said such things in August with so-called "slips of the tongue"; then the US ambassador-to-be to China, who made it clear that "the United States will redouble its efforts to prevent the mainland from reunifying Taiwan", the way of which is to sell weapons and arm Taiwan; then Blinken "chirped in the middle of the night" and issued a statement to "help Taiwan join the United Nations system"; US Deputy Secretary of State McKenn also declared, "The United States and the international community do not accept Chinese mainland try to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait by force." ”。 How ridiculous, the United States is an old man, and does not allow Chinese mainland to reunify the motherland, does it have this strength? If we say that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea has long forgotten, we can't ask your grandfather? Does this forget the hasty withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan?

See you, Tsai Ing-wen acknowledges the U.S. garrison in Taiwan! Ministry of Defense: Where the righteousness lies, moving like thunder

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State McCann attends the hearing Video screenshot

The United States is also too self-righteous, how do you represent the international community? Does the United States want to represent Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, or Libya, which has been bombed and destroyed? Does China, which accounts for one-fifth of the world's population, not belong to the international community? Can you represent China? American politicians have lost their basic logical thinking!

Not only that, but the Accomplices of the United States also rushed to the scene. First, the European Parliament adopted the so-called "Report on Political Relations and Cooperation between the EU and Taiwan"; then the Czech Senate invited Wu Chao-sup, head of Taiwan's foreign affairs department, a "Taiwan independence" diehard, to visit.

See you, Tsai Ing-wen acknowledges the U.S. garrison in Taiwan! Ministry of Defense: Where the righteousness lies, moving like thunder

After this series of performances, Tsai Ing-wen appeared and directly and brazenly announced the stationing of U.S. troops in Taiwan in an attempt to create this direct split of the motherland with the support of the United States and its accomplices. But what will be the consequences of this?

Obviously, the consequences are serious, and as Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said, on the one hand, it shows the essence of the extraterritorial interference forces, "The international community can see very clearly who is engaged in 'coercion' on the Taiwan issue." On the other hand, we will resolutely crack down, "Cross-strait reunification is the general trend of history and the right way." 'Taiwan independence' is a counter-current of history and a dead end. The DPP authorities' "conspiracy for independence" behavior will not change in the slightest the ironclad fact that Taiwan is a part of China and will not shake the pattern of the international community's universal adherence to the one-China principle."

See you, Tsai Ing-wen acknowledges the U.S. garrison in Taiwan! Ministry of Defense: Where the righteousness lies, moving like thunder

In fact, if the United States and its accomplices still can't understand the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is recommended to go back and translate and study the following two sentences.

First, on October 9, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed in his speech at the 110th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution: "The Taiwan issue is purely China's internal affair and brooks no foreign interference. No one should underestimate the strong determination, firm will and strong ability of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The historical task of the complete reunification of the motherland must be realized and can be realized."

Second, on the afternoon of October 28, Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, pointed out that "the trend of the times and the great righteousness lie; it is not moving like a mountain, moving like thunder." Chinese minal Liberation Army will strengthen its mission and maintain a high degree of vigilance to ensure that when the party and the people need it, they will be able to fight, and they will be victorious."

See you, Tsai Ing-wen acknowledges the U.S. garrison in Taiwan! Ministry of Defense: Where the righteousness lies, moving like thunder

What is "Moving Like Thunder"? This is the oath that the PLA will implement the speech of the supreme leader of the country, relying on the support of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people; relying on the strength to win the epidemic prevention war, the overall war, and the people's war; relying on the fighting spirit and fighting skills honed by the PLA day and night, and Chinese people and the People's Liberation Army have full confidence in defeating all the forces that split the motherland!

Note: The author of this article is Qin An, the founder of "Qin'an Strategic Think Tank", which is the original work of this platform, welcome to indicate the source of reprinting, reprinting is an important way to gather network power.

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