
Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

author:Southern Star Character Chronicles

Great people are not born great, but show their greatness as they grow up.

A "Godfather"

When people mention Marlon Brando, they tend to make two points.

One is his superb acting skills.

The second is his affair.

Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

First, let's talk about Marlon Brando's acting skills.

At the age of 19, Brando left home for New York and stumbled upon drama school to learn the Stanislavsky system from Stella Adler.

During that time, Brando studied acting hard, and soon his acting skills matured and he stepped onto the broadway stage.

He starred in the stage play "Desire StreetCar", playing Stanley, who was "as aggressive as a beast and as charming as a beast", and he played it vividly and successfully attracted the attention of all audiences.

Four years later, he co-starred with Vivien Leigh in the film version of "Desire StreetCar", as a new actor, not only did not shy away from the stage, but crushed other actors.

Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

Subsequently, he challenged the Shakespearean-style film Julius Caesar, successfully surpassing the best British Shakespeare actor Lawrence Oliver.

In the movie "Biker Party", he wears a leather jacket and black boots, rides a motorcycle, and is domineering, attracting American youth, including the 20-year-old Elvis Presley.

In 1955, Brando won the Academy Award for Best Actor for the first time for the film "The Docks".

Contrary to the growing popularity of his career, his reputation in the industry has become worse and worse, and he has been called "the most difficult star to work with".

Playing big names is a common occurrence for Brando.

Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

Often in conflict with the director and other actors, director Ilhaka said: "When I was directing, halfway through, he said to himself that he was really annoyed and walked away. But fortunately, once in front of the camera, he didn't need any guidance. He knew enough to make him play to the fullest. ”

Repeatedly asked for changes to the script, when filming "Rebel Ship Blood", three directors were changed, and the script was revised 27 times.

When filming "Forbidden Room", when he arrived in Rome, he asked for a brand new Harley motorcycle, which the producer bought. But all along, he never sat on it.

During filming, he held parties every night and indulged in revelry, almost affecting the film's production. The company nearly went bankrupt, but Brando went his own way.

Subsequently, he participated in a series of films that failed at the box office, shooting 10 bad films in 7 years, the artistic aura gradually dimmed, coupled with the chaos of his private life, he was too stubborn, and his acting career plummeted.

It wasn't until 1972, when director Coppola insisted on inviting him, that he put down his body, accepted an audition, and returned to the throne with "The Godfather."

But he refused to attend the Oscars on the grounds that he was protesting Hollywood's contempt for Indians.

Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

It was such a person, but many regarded as a symbol of role models and art, marveled at and surrendered to his superb performance skills.

After talking about his acting skills, let's talk about his affair.

Brando had many women in his life, even including world-class female stars, such as Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, And U.S. President John F. Kennedy's widow, Jacqueline Kennedy, and Vivien Leigh.

Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age
Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

There are also actresses Cady Choradu, flamenco legend Carmen Amaya, Eurasian mestizo Frans Newen, Movita Castanada, with whom Elizabeth Taylor is rumored to have had a scandal.

Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age
Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age
Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age
Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age
Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

In 1957, Brando and actress Anna Cashfield met and married. At that time, Brando had just won the Academy Award for the first time with "The Docks".

"I fell madly in love with him." Kashfi recalled, "He also swore to love me and asked to be the only man in my life." ”

But Brando was obsessed only with Kashfi's dark complexion. After discovering that Kashfi was of no Indian origin, Brando was furious and demanded that Kashfi, who was already pregnant, immediately miscarry.

In 1959, after their divorce, Kashfi was forced to separate from his children and became a cleaner with poor legs and feet, walking difficulties, social assistance, and a bleak evening.

Kashfi said, "Brando ruined my life."

Indeed, Brando is not a good husband, nor a good lover, let alone a good person.

He had 3 marriages in his life, the first two of which were married by Fengzi and divorced.

According to himself, he has had 9 children with 7 women, but there are 15 records from the police station, 25 according to rumors, and he has also adopted N children.

He has countless lovers, and there is a saying in Hollywood that Elvis had 3,000 women, and Brando far surpassed Elvis Presley, and there were 6 lovers who committed suicide.

Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

Actress Rita Moreno said: "I don't know how many women Marlon has had in his life, I often hear about his affair. For a long time in our relationship, he always got mixed up with other women from time to time. ”

At one point, he gave an interview and blatantly teased the female host: "You are the most beautiful interviewer I have ever met."

Face the question: "What do you do in your spare time?" Se squinted and replied, "I think.... . I love your face. ”

"Illegitimate children were born one after the other. One by one, the lovers committed suicide for him. And his bed was replaced by new people night after night, both men and women. ”

Brando's most notorious thing is to rape 19-year-old Maria Schneider in front of the camera.

When filming "The Last Tango in Paris", he and the director did not consult with Schneider, and temporarily added a strong explosion scene.

Schneider was raped on the ground by Brando on the ground without knowing anything about it.

This 19-year-old girl was completely ruined because of this movie. Her short artistic career came to an end, and she was depressed, manic, drug addicted, and attempted suicide.

Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

After he had a relationship with a female star and a female politician, he also used vicious words to comment on each other.

For example, judging with Jacqueline: "In my eyes, she is not so much a player as a voyeuristic patient." Jacqueline had been waiting for me to take her to bed that night, and when I was motionless, she seduced me and said, 'Do you want to spend the night?'" My response was 'I thought you wouldn't ask that'. ”

Brando's later years were miserable, perhaps in retribution for his ruthlessness and affection.

In 1990, his eldest son, Christian, shot and killed the boyfriend of his half-sister Chena, Deger Dehore, at his mansion on Mulholland Drive in Hollywood.

Christian was charged with first-degree murder, bail of up to $10 million, and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

After his release from prison, Christian lived in a shelter and made ends meet as a welder, before passing away in 2008.

Chena was six months pregnant at the time, fell into severe depression after giving birth to a child, and eventually hanged herself on Easter Sunday 1995 at the age of 25.

Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

Brando himself is also in debt, in order to repay the debt, he took a lot of bad films, word of mouth plummeted.

He began to overeat, weighing 380 pounds at one point, and he was completely fat. Then because of weight loss, it was once again in danger.

In 2004, he was in a state of near-death.

Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

On the eve of his death, he muttered to himself, "The horror... The horror..." this phrase, from Apocalypse Now, is exactly what Colonel Coates said when he was dying.

He meant: "Terrible... Terrible...".

The root cause of Brando's becoming like this is in his original family.

His father was an alcoholic salesman who was on the go for years, a fierce, prostitute, and often fought in bars.

His mother, an actor at the Omaha Theater, was also an alcoholic, often wandering in bars.

Brando did not have any good memories of his childhood, and his daily life was to go from house to bar to find his drunken mother, take her home, and take care of her. In addition to bars, he often goes to the police station to bail out his mother.

Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

His parents also had a terrible relationship, fighting a lot, and at the age of 12, he walked into his father's room and threatened, "If you make any more rough contact with my mother, I will kill you!"

Because he was ignored by his mother, he would often perform different animals for his mother, just to attract her attention and get her approval.

The mother ignored, the father was more ruthless. My father never praised Brando, always belittled him: "You're not good, you're lazy, you don't know anything, you won't be able to support yourself in the future."

He once said something very shocking: "When my father was dying, I wanted to be alone with him for a few minutes, tear his ears off, and eat him in front of him." ”

He hated the man known as his father, and he hated his origins and origins.

The painful experience of childhood became a demon that lingered throughout his life.

Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

Growing up in such a bohemian family, Brando did not know how to respect his teachers from an early age, broke the school clock, and put homemade bombs in the door of the nasty teacher, for which he was expelled from the school many times.

Later, in order to avoid the family, Brando found a job laying sewer pipes, but he only worked for 6 weeks before leaving his job and running to New York.

After that, he found a lot of jobs, driving trucks, selling lemonade, driving elevators for department stores, etc., until he became an actor.

Brando was undoubtedly pitiful, and the poor thing was that his parents only gave him beauty and pain.

But he is also hateful, hateful that he does not grow up, does not get rid of the bad original family through his own efforts.

Feud rivals Elvis Presley, 3 marriages and 25 children, Marlon Brando's tragic old age

"Why The Family Hurts", it is said: "After all, the parent-child relationship is a godsend, good parents or bad parents, we have no choice, we can only accept." ”

If you are like Brando, you have a childhood that cannot be looked back, remember to take the initiative to change, to reflect, to stop copying the mistakes of childhood, and to get a new life.

Unfortunately, Brando lacked the motivation to change, and he anesthetized himself with wine-colored wealth and allowed the tragedy to continue.

—— The End ——

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