
The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

author:Dream Entertainment

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The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

Recently, Xiao Yu found that the big masters cheered Rasputin, the Russian demon monk, very high, and the small entertainment that has always been a fan of fans, how can we disappoint everyone, today we will decipher the legendary past of the demon monk Rasputin!

At this time, there may be friends who want to be confused, what kind of person is this Rasputin?

hey! He and the godmother are all the way, directly fooling the family of Nicholas II of the Tsarist Empire to pave the way for him, enjoying the glory and wealth is not enough, the appointment and dismissal of government officials in the court, Rasputin, who is from a peasant background, can also insert a leg, and the toad becomes a prince - Xiu!

So what's the magic in this cargo? Bring your curiosity. Let's talk about today's hero - Rasputin's road to fame!

Rasputin, whose full name is Grigoli Yefimovich Rasputin, was born in 1869 in the village of Pokrovskoye in Tyumen District, Topol Governorate, Russia, where the Rasputin family made a living farming and fishing.

The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

It is said that there are 12 cows and 18 horses, even if it is not the landlord's old wealth, it is also a well-off family, obviously this food and clothing is not worried, Why does Rasputin go to the full-time god stick to swindle?

In this regard, we must talk about the general social background of Russia at that time. Religion has always been an indispensable mystical force in the lives of Russians, and it is rumored that the relics of the saint Saint Simon can cure diseases. At the end of the 17th century, a man named Gorigoli wiped his hands and feet with the dirt on the side of St. Simon's coffin and miraculously recovered!

Dostoevsky said that a Russian may sin, but he cannot fail to believe in God. Its Orthodox Church grew up during the Byzantine Empire and has been closely associated with the social life of the Empire since ancient times, while Rasputin has been an Orthodox Orthodox from the moment of birth.

The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

Of course, the young Rasputin was not a devout believer. He was skinny, unattractive, indulging in pleasure-seeking, drunken fighting, savage and bloody. Until he went on a pilgrimage with his parents and was influenced by the ascetic Macari, Rasputin seemed to have been opened to the second vein of Rendu.

He began to convert to religion, not only quit drinking, but also became a vegetarian. Although he did not quit smoking completely until 1903, Rasputin always worshipped God in his own way!

But it may be that this person's behavior is too strange, and he is mistaken by the villagers for joining the cult Herrist, and at the same time, he is burned by the anger of the chief priest because of the lace news with the nun. Forced to do so, Rasputin began his wandering career.

During this period, he soon mingled with the leaders of the church and the elite of high society, and steadily established his own "elders", "prophets", and "gods", and even became famous under the blessing of Gavrell, the abbot of the Seven Lakes Monastery!

The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

The reason why the dean supported Rasputin was because Rasputin played his "prophecy talent", and he reminded the dean to be careful of Philippe. Sure enough, a few days later, the Dean was attacked by Philip with a knife, which was really a knife stabbing his ass - it made the Dean open his eyes!

But Xiao Yu, as the successor of socialism, did not believe that he had such a superpower, presumably this goods had already discovered the clues, and was making a mistake in the past! But in any case, these successful experiences add a wonderful stroke to Rasputin's resume of advancing into high society!

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian government became increasingly unable to cope with the frequent social revolutions, so it once again took up the weapon of religious world outlook in an attempt to control the people, not only constantly propagating the role of religion in real society, but even giving unofficial churches the right to freedom of belief. Superstitious customs prevail, even the royal family can not escape the "law of true incense", at this time not on the throne, then when to stay?

Rasputin's fanatical fan queen's maid Anna. Virubova (later became the Queen's girlfriend). Facilitated Rasputin's approach to the Tsarist couple.

The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

To say that nicholas II, the last Tsar of the Romanov dynasty, is definitely a typical tragic figure, inheriting a devastated empire and having a terrible family.

Nicholas II was not liked by his father as a child, because he was a shy and weak literati.

In political matters, Nicholas II was a wall-headed grass, falling with the wind from time to time, and when he encountered something, he had to discuss it with people, and the folk joke said: "The most powerful person in Russia is the last one to finish talking to the Tsar." ”

This trait also made Nicholas II a natural "rake ear"!

Nicholas II's wife Alexandra, the German granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, the "grandmother of Europe", is different from Nicholas II, who loves to play with power and has a strong and domineering personality, and her influence on Nicholas II is self-evident.

The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

If the indifferent father and the strong wife are the two mountains that weigh on Nikolai, the sick son is the last straw that destroys his sanity!

After the Tsar couple had four daughters, they were slow to get a son, and for the family's throne to be inherited, how pious and pious the family prayed to God. Finally, in 1904, the Queen gave birth to a boy, Alexei, but this unfortunate thing, it was the old cow Lassie- and so on!

The good child has hemophilia, and whenever the disease occurs, almost everyone has nothing to do, and the Tsarist couple is almost desperate, that is, at this time Rasputin took the opportunity to brush a wave of faces! This guy gave the crown prince a pack of medicine powder of unknown ingredients, and then he prayed and told the child a few stories, and miraculously, the child seemed to have recovered his health!

Good fellow, under this riot operation, Rasputin was a hit! Directly tied to the life of the crown prince.

The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

It is said that for a time he had a feud with Nicholas II, and on the day he was expelled from the palace, the crown prince suddenly had nosebleeds and his condition even began to deteriorate, but as soon as Rasputin appeared, the crown prince's illness miraculously improved, and Nicholas II was blind at this time eating mustard - dry eyes, and there was no way to let him get three points from then on.

In fact, do you say that Rasputin really has divine power? That's pure deaf playing the huqin — nonsense. If there really were gods and demons in the world, believe it or not, someone would have put it in a can and sold tickets!

If the strange forces are all fake, then how did Rasputin control hemophilia, which doctors are helpless to do? Regarding the secret of Rasputin's healing of Alexei, there is such a saying: the god standing behind Rasputin is actually the famous doctor in Petrograd, Badmayev.

He colluded with Rasputin and his maid Virubova (later became the queen's girlfriend), who mixed herbs that could aggravate bleeding into Alexei's food, and when his illness worsened, Rasputin became a shining debut to perform "Dancing God", and as soon as the herbs stopped, the prince was well. Boy! Three people sing double reeds - a good drama, lack of morality is not lack of morality!

The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

Another reason Rasputin gained the trust of the Tsars was that he was well-versed in prophecy. Say! One day Rasputin mysteriously said to the queen, "O queen! But don't let the children into the children's room, something ominous is going to happen." A few days later, the huge chandelier in the children's room slammed off the ceiling and fell to the ground!

Of course, this is just a trick of Rasputin, he only needs to saw open the chain of the crystal chandelier in advance, and he can make a 100% accurate prediction.

Rasputin's prophecy actually killed Nicholas II, who was devastated and precarious when he took over, and now under Rasputin's prophecy, it has directly accelerated the process of destruction. First instigating the Tsar to attack Germany at the wrong time, and then losing the battle, and then instigating the empress to demand an armistice with the upper hand, is this really not an undercover agent sent by the other side?

Speaking of this, Xiao Yu will share with you a rasputin's little quirk, this product is a sloppy ghost, the hair is long and greasy, the beard is not cleaned, and the reputation of bathing will weaken his mana!

The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

Sigh, it's a mouthful of tongue--a-nonsense. Strange to say, it is also believed that a large number of Russian aristocratic maidens think that if they have sex with them, they will become saints, even if the goods stink, it is also a succession.

Legend has it that Rasputin's hypnosis is superb and effective for women. Those pale blue eyes will emit a blue light, making people dizzy, even the queen is not spared, and Rasputin did not know that there were several night stands!

Nicholas II, you have planted a green grassland on your head, you know?

Every time Rasputin plagues a virgin (some say every woman), he collects a trace of her hair. In 1977, the Leningrad municipal government found boxes of hair in the garden of Rasputin's former home.

The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

Xiao Yu just wanted to shout out in horror at this moment: Mom. There are perverts here!!

In fact, in addition to the above things, Rasputin's most legendary should be his death!

After Nicholas II's conquest, the scandal between Rasputin and the empress spread among the upper class. The rule of high society is that you can play a group of aristocratic women, and I respect you as a man, but if you dare to be clear, I'm sorry, please get out of the group.

The keen Rasputin sensed his dangerous situation, and in order to save himself, Rasputin sent a letter to Nicholas II: I am going to die, if I am murdered by civilians, you can live for a few years, if I am murdered by the nobles, your family will not live for two years.

The subtext may be: don't come back to save me quickly, I die, you have to die, your whole family has to die!

The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

Unfortunately, Rasputin's wishful thinking failed, and his own prophecy was fulfilled in 1916, when he was lured to Yusupov Palace by Yusupov with his wife Irina as bait.

Rasputin ate a cake containing potassium cyanide and drank wine containing potassium cyanide, perhaps in small quantities, and this guy was like no one else.

Yusupov, looking anxious, fired a direct shot at Rasputin, the bullet passed through the lobes of the lungs, and the abrasions to the heart remained in the liver. Just when everyone thought that Rasputin was completely breathing and preparing to dispose of the body, he suddenly faked the corpse, broke free of the shackles and ran to the courtyard.

Another man, Priszkiewicz, chased him out of the house, opened a scoop at Rasputin's head, bundled him up three times and five times, and threw him into the ice cave of the Neva River, but something unexpected happened!

The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

The next day, the body was found, and the cause of death presented in the forensic autopsy report turned out to be drowning. The lungs are all water, which means that Rasputin survived in the ice water for nearly eight minutes!

Good guys, if nothing else, Xiao Qiang doesn't necessarily have such a tenacious vitality of him, Xiao Yu sincerely expressed his admiration this time!

Interestingly, in 1917, the February Revolution broke out in Russia, the Romanov dynasty collapsed, the era of Imperial Russia came to an end, and Nicholas II's family was indeed killed, even if Nicholas II directly gave way to his brother in order to save his life, but in the end it was inevitable!

Speaking of this, Xiao Yu's goosebumps are also up, not to mention the prediction is not accurate, this Rasputin's control over people's hearts is really a must! In this unique way, it is difficult to put oneself in the annals of Russian history for thousands of years.

The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

But Rasputin's body was found by soldiers stationed in the imperial village after the February Revolution, transported directly to Petrograd to parade the streets, and then burned to ashes, leaving no slag left. The scenery has been half a life, and finally ended in this way, but it is really lamentable!

In fact, Rasputin's death has a lot to do with Russia's deteriorating domestic situation. The upper nobility wanted to save the romanov dynasty, which was on the verge of collapse, and thus protect their own interests.

The liberal opposition wanted to launch a palace coup to achieve a constitutional monarchy, but did not dare to shake the core figure, the Tsar, so Rasputin, who was regarded as a cancer, became a living target. The deteriorating political environment in Russia was the decisive factor in Rasputin's death.

The Russian demon monk Rasputin has fascinated countless noblewomen, and poison poison does not kill the gun

Rasputin's entire life was closely linked to the socio-political struggles at the end of the Russian Empire, and he was a typical representative of the era of imperial change, and a powerful manifestation of the contradictions of Russian society and the desire to change reality!

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