
Creators of the Green Curtain Project: While expressing ourselves, we are also documenting the times

author:Entertainment Network asia

On October 27, 2021, the "Green Curtain Project - The First Sohu Young Image Creator Competition" jointly initiated by Sohu and the School of Journalism and Communication of Tsinghua University officially came to an end, the Green Curtain Project aims to explore and cultivate new people and new works of image creation with a sense of responsibility and mission for the whole society, and express the attitude of life and show the spirit of the times through valuable and powerful high-level works. The competition lasted for nearly 3 months, collected 685 works, 563 effective works, and the number of young creators participated in the thousands, "Extreme • Normal Life Premiere" Through this competition, we hope that more creators and their works can be discovered and seen. Today's Blue Screen Project Awards Ceremony is about to start, and we have also invited outstanding representatives of young creators, who are also the main creators of the shortlisted works of this year's Green Screen Project, the director of "In the Secret Sea" and the actress Zhang Sizhu of "Sunday Park", to listen to what they want to say about the Green Screen Project for the work and the self.

Creators of the Green Curtain Project: While expressing ourselves, we are also documenting the times
Creators of the Green Curtain Project: While expressing ourselves, we are also documenting the times


In 2020, he graduated from Beijing Dance Academy majoring in drama, film and television art

In 2021, he graduated from the Film and Television Experimental Center of Beijing Film Academy

Works: "Dunhuang ▪ Tianle Porcelain Trick", "In the Secret Sea"

Green Curtain Project: What do you think is the most important quality as a young director? What kind of film do you most want to make at this stage?

Journey: To learn the art of being a person first, the old Chinese saying often says "thick virtue carries things" I think we must first learn to be a person, talent and talent must be based on being a person.

Regarding the subject matter of the film, mainly look at the form of expression, as long as the form of expression is OK what the subject matter I can accept, if the specific point of the words more want to shoot some works that can make people feel very happy and relaxed and very happy, after watching the film will feel warm and healing.

Green Curtain Project: Art comes from life, how do you draw inspiration from life every day and at the same time open your mind?

Journey: My inspiration is more from sadness or regrets, through the creation of stories I also found that whether it is happy or sad emotions are very beautiful, are part of life, just like my work "In the Secret Sea" is a story with a little warmth and some regrets. Usually when I absorb inspiration, I will seize these moments that make my mood fluctuate, such as when I am sad, I will first burst into tears, and then let myself calm down, and then I will recall how my emotions were at that time, how my mood swings were, I would record these, and when I wrote the script, I would take it out, extract these emotions and then create.

At the same time, you also need to experience life more, many authors have the habit of traveling, because only the most sincere feelings you personally experience are the most touching, in fact, life is like a movie when living a good life to experience these big and small emotions in your life and then package them up to become more artistic, we want to experience the current life more.

Green Curtain Project: Who is your favorite director and why? How do you see the relationship between directors and actors?

Distance: Wong Kar-wai, Shunji Iwai, Shuichi Okita, I personally like it very much, the performance techniques of these directors are very moving, in the part of expressing emotions will not be deliberately sensational, can use a simple action or language to move others, such as Okita Shuichi "Antarctic Cook" In this work, there is a clip in order to reflect the difficulty of contact between the scientific expedition team members and their girlfriends, the director used an hourglass to express the sense of time, that shot made me very moved.

The director and the actor are mutually successful and complement each other, there is no distinction between high and low, including the "In the Secret Sea" that participated in this competition is also a collective work.

Green Curtain Project: Which do you think is more important, documenting the times or expressing yourself? What is the greatest joy of making movies?

Journey: Successive generations of film and television works have become a sign of the times while expressing themselves, and we may be in the era of unconscious recording, that is, expressing ourselves at the same time we are also recording the times.

Film creation makes me feel solid and beautiful!

Green Screen Project: If you were asked to customize a short film for Lynk & Co 05+, how would you shoot it?

Creators of the Green Curtain Project: While expressing ourselves, we are also documenting the times

Distance: I may not deliberately use some cool shots, but more in the short film of Lynk & Co 05+ to add some humanistic and caring content, with some concise shots to show the natural combination, and Lynk & Co 05+ as an SUV, which will allow our young people to have a sense of freedom in the urban environment.

Green Curtain Project: Please use 3 words to describe the first impression of Lynk & Co 05?

Distance: I think it's passion, energy and freedom! ·

Creators of the Green Curtain Project: While expressing ourselves, we are also documenting the times

Zhang Sizhu

Sichuan Film and Television Academy

Works: "Paradise", "Sunday Park"

Green Curtain Project: Why did you choose the profession of actor and how do you think about this profession?

Zhang Sizhu: In fact, the actor is selected, I personally engaged in this profession by chance, I think the profession of actor is to reproduce the ordinary life of ordinary people, because many people are numb to pain, she will avoid these pains, so we can make them deeply understand through interpretation, and even reflect on some problems. For example, family relationships and workplace relationships can make others reflect on their own or others' problems through the interpretation of film and television dramas.

Green Screen Project: When choosing a work, which of the director or the work itself has a greater impact on you?

Zhang Sizhu: In fact, the script is more attractive to me, I will read through the script, if this script attracts me, I will want to meet this director, what kind of person can write such a good work, and then I will want to cooperate.

Green Curtain Project: How do you distinguish between life and role?

Zhang Sizhu: Rely on time, once you enter the role, even if the work is completed, it is impossible to come out at once, I will go to rest for a while, and my heart will slowly return to my real life role.

Creators of the Green Curtain Project: While expressing ourselves, we are also documenting the times

Green Curtain Project: What do you think is the best performance? How quickly did you get into a role as a newcomer actor?

Zhang Sizhu: In life, I am also accustomed to putting myself in an inconspicuous position, so that I can better observe the people around me, because she can be a case of me playing a role.

Good performance I think to first understand the script, understand the characters in the play, I will also collect some information to make myself as close as possible with the character, fully immerse myself in this role, I think the best performance is natural, not awkward, such as the film and television drama in the scene of eating a lot of patterns, in fact, you bring into the role of the natural life in the play is the best performance.

Green Curtain Project: Please use 3 words to describe the first impression that Lynk & Co 05 gave you?

Zhang Sizhu: I think it has a very high sense of technology, calmness and atmosphere!

"At the Secret Seaside" and "Sunday Park", as the finalists of this year's Youth Curtain Project, let us see the passion and motivation of young image creators, and see the true significance of the Green Curtain Project for young video creators. Green Screen Plan - Sohu's first young image creator competition is about to officially end, 3 months is not long, but it is enough for every young person with image dreams to take the stage, the Green Screen Plan respects every image creator and welcomes every image fanatic. The Blue Curtain Project will continue to promote image creation as the original intention, to excavate and support image creators as its own responsibility, to create a broader stage, so that encouragement, tolerance, standard peers, become young image creators on the road to growth on the way to make staff!

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