
Restaurant features manor flower carving chicken production:

author:Chinese kitchen

Braised beef ribs in sauce

Restaurant features manor flower carving chicken production:

raw material:

Beef ribs, white radish


Hoisin sauce, rib sauce, fresh soup, soybean soy sauce, rapeseed oil, lard, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, sugar


1: Cut the ribs of the beef into 5 cm long pieces, and cut the white radish into 3 cm square pieces and set aside.

2, the pot on the heat and add rapeseed oil and lard (the ratio of the two is 2:1), heat the beef ribs, fry until the surface of the oil, under the white radish and add seafood sauce, rib sauce and soybean soy sauce, fry for about 3 minutes before mixing into the fresh soup, burn for about half an hour until the beef ribs are soft, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence and sugar, from the pot to plate.

Casserole baked fish head

Restaurant features manor flower carving chicken production:

1 fish head (about 750 grams), 35 grams of fresh sand ginger, 80 grams of garlic, 50 grams of dried shallots, 60 grams of white green onions, 2 pieces of nine-story tower.

25 grams of XO sauce, 15 grams of carved wine, 20 grams of salt, 50 grams of flour, 10 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of pepper, 200 grams of salad oil, 50 grams of olive oil.

1: Remove the gill scales from the fish head, chop into strips about 6 cm long, add 25 grams of dried green onion, 20 grams of fresh sand ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate and pepper to marinate.

2: Pat the flavored fish into flour and fry in a pan until golden brown. Heat in a sand pot, pour in olive oil, add 15 grams of fresh sand ginger, garlic, 25 grams of dried shallots, white green onions, sauté fragrant, and then put the fried fish pieces neatly on the fried base, add the remaining original seasonings to the fish pieces, cover the lid, simmer for 3 minutes on low heat, and you can do it.

Casserole soybean pig's tail

Restaurant features manor flower carving chicken production:

400 grams of pork tail, 50 grams of soybeans, 1 gram of coriander leaves

Lee Kum Kee bean paste 20 g, spicy girl sauce 20 g, ginger slices, garlic slices 5 g each, brine 1 kg, fresh soup 500 g, wet starch 5 g, sesame oil 2 g, watercress oil 20 g, green onion, ginger slices 10 g each, salt, chicken powder 2 g each, pepper powder 1 g.

1: Remove the tail of the pig and wash it, chop the length of the 4 cm segment, put it in boiling water and heat for 3 minutes, fish out the controlled water, put it in the brine and bring it to a boil over high heat, then cook for 30 minutes on low heat until cooked

2, wash the soybeans, soak in water for 120 minutes, fish out, set aside, put watercress oil in the pot, add ginger slices and garlic slices to simmer until it is 70% hot, add Lee Kum Kee bean paste, spicy girl sauce and simmer on low heat, add pig tail, soybeans, add fresh soup to medium heat, change to low heat for 5 minutes, use wet starch to outline the mustard, pour sesame oil out of the pot, put into the pot and sprinkle coriander leaves.

Slag rabbit

Restaurant features manor flower carving chicken production:

200 grams of pure rabbit meat, 180 grams of young eggplant, a little bit of pickled ginger, wild mountain pepper, millet pepper, pickled green cabbage and green onion.

Salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, corn starch, salad oil each appropriate amount.

1: Take the rabbit meat and cut it into cubes, add salt, cooking wine and corn starch to the bowl and sizing it, then put it into the pot and cook it for use.

2: Peel and peel the young eggplant, dice it and pat the dried corn starch well, put it into the oil pan and drain the oil.

3: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, first add the pickled ginger grains, wild mountain pepper grains, millet pepper grains and pickled green vegetables and stir-fry until fragrant, wait to pour in the rabbit diced and diced eggplant, add salt, MONOS glutamate and stir-fry into the flavor, sprinkle the green onion and plate it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > manor carved chicken</h1>

Restaurant features manor flower carving chicken production:

This manor flower carved chicken is also similar to the fairy chicken, but in the choice of ingredients, the taste of the dishes are more real than the fairy chicken, the key is that the kitchen can operate by itself, there is no need to share 50% of the profits to outsiders, for a team of chefs, it can better reflect the level of the team.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > production:</h1>

1, 1 old chicken (1100 grams) slaughtered, washed, disemboweled, put into the marinade juice (salt 20 grams, green onion, ginger 15 grams each, pure water 1 kg) in the marinade, the marinated chicken fished up and washed, into the boiling water boiled twice, and then put into the cold water pot, heating blanching; 250 grams of hoof flowers chopped into pieces, under the boiling water blanched until broken; 20 grams of small mushrooms soaked in warm water.

2, put the treated chicken into the pot, put in the homemade flower carving brine soup, cover the raw materials, boil on high heat, change the heat to simmer for 1.5 hours, and when the chicken is ripe, fish out.

3: Put the chicken into the pot stove, add a little brine soup, simmer over low heat, collect the juice, sprinkle 2 grams of green onion and get out of the pot.

Homemade flower carving brine soup:

Put 1 kg of broth into a steel barrel, put it into the hoof flower, add the flower carving brine soup material (25 grams each of flower carving wine, oyster sauce and green onion, 6 grams of Haitian soy sauce and rock sugar, 5 grams of salt, 8 grams of monosodium glutamate), add small shiitake mushrooms, 10 grams of green onion, cook on high heat, and cook.

Production key:

1: Marinate the brine evenly

The slaughtered chicken should be pickled and fully flavored before proceeding to the next step. Generally, the traditional method is used to smear salt, green onions, and ginger on the surface of the chicken, and the result is that the chicken is not easy to taste, only the surface has a taste, and it is easy to lose water, and the meat is woody. This dish is made with salt, green onions and ginger, which is salty and focused on soaking chicken so that the meat can maintain its tender taste. Our hotel is generally pickled from noon to the next morning, so that it can fully taste.

2, boiling water point hot skin is not broken

Pickled chicken, first carry the neck of the chicken into the boiling water, the time is about two or three seconds, quickly put forward, so repeat three times, and then into the cold water pot, after the water boils, blanch to purify the blood water, the time is about 5 minutes, so that the chicken skin is not easy to break, save the complete form.

4. The original juice is made with sticky taste

Place the chicken, which has been marinated to eight ripe, place it on a half-split pork trotter with blanched water, pour in the original juice of the flower carved brine soup, cover the raw materials, cover the lid and simmer over low heat for 45 minutes, and serve directly.


This dish in our shop banquet is a table must order, so the amount of walking is very large, generally we are mass production, do 20 parts at once, cooked chicken to be cool when must be wrapped in plastic wrap, to prevent the wind meat from turning black, as long as the prefabricated work, this dish only takes three or five minutes, take off the plastic wrap on the stove to heat, reduce labor, save labor costs.

Casserole whole pig

Restaurant features manor flower carving chicken production:

1: Cut 50 grams of pork ribs into 5 cm long segments, put them in boiling water and blanch them thoroughly. 50 grams of pig tail chopped into 4 cm segments, first put into the cold water pot, add 5 grams of green onion, ginger slices, 10 grams of cooking wine blanched through, fish out the control water,

2: Put into a pressure cooker, add 300 grams of water, 10 grams of green onion and ginger slices, 15 grams of cooking wine, heat to the upper air, reduce the heat for 5 minutes until mature. 50 grams of pig ears and pork liver are cut into thin slices with a thickness of 0.4 cm and blanched in water; Pork belly 80 g cut into thin slices 0.4 cm thick; Pork powder intestines (a section below the small intestines of the pig) 50 grams cut into long 3 cm segments, put into boiling water and blanch thoroughly: put 50 grams of rapeseed oil in the pot, when it is 50% hot, add 10 grams of green onion and ginger slices, 100 grams of diced shallots, 50 grams of green pepper diced and stir-fry incense, add the raw materials after primary processing, stir-fry evenly over medium heat, pour in 10 grams of fresh soy sauce, 2-3 grams of dragon brand soy sauce, spice powder (2 grams of cinnamon and fragrant leaves each mixed grinding powder), continue to stir-fry for 1 minute over medium heat, pour 300 grams of water, bring to a boil, Reduce heat and simmer slowly, remove from heat when the soup tightens, put it in a sand pot and sprinkle 3 grams of green onions garnish.

Home-cooked casserole beef

Restaurant features manor flower carving chicken production:

1, choose a potato with high starch content (the best red-skinned potato) peeled, cut into pieces, steamed in the cage for 10 minutes to cook, beef brisket 2 kg cut into thumb-thick strips, cold water under the pan after flying through, fished out,

2, the bottom of the pot oil heat, Xiatuo County pepper ring 150 grams, peppercorns 40 grams, star anise 30 grams, cumin 15 grams stir-fry incense, under the beef strips sautéed evenly, add onion ginger garlic slices 40 grams each turned well, mix in 200 grams of soy sauce, vinegar 100 grams, add 3.5 kg of water simmer for 30 minutes to cook soft, take 200 grams of beef strips, 200 grams of original soup into the pot, add 200 grams of steamed potatoes, add 5 grams of salt, pepper 3 grams, chicken juice 2 grams, medium heat by dry soup, put into the hot casserole, put the pot into the hot casserole, Sprinkle the green onions and serve.

3, when the last fire is made, do not add too much soup, otherwise the potato chips will become soft and rotten, and they will not be able to pick up.

Crispy denim steak

Restaurant features manor flower carving chicken production:

500g denim steak, 150g flour, 2 eggs, 200g shredded onion

Ginger juice 10 g Soy sauce 20 g Chicken essence 10 g Cooking wine 100 g Salt 5 g Five spice powder 6 g Monosodium glutamate 35 g Salt and 800 g salad oil (actual consumption 100 g)

1: Wash the denim steak and cut it into 3 cm long pieces, add shredded onion, ginger juice, soy sauce, chicken essence, cooking wine, salt and five-spice powder to marinate for 2 hours in a dish;

2: Finely beat the eggs, add flour to make an egg paste, put the marinated denim steaks, wrap them well in the egg paste, then fry them in 70% oil until golden brown, plate them with flavored pepper and salt on the table.


The pepper and salt are refreshing, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.


1. The marinating technique of denim steak is incorrect;

2, frying heat, oil temperature control is not accurate.