
What's for breakfast? The uncle made pork fillet wheat full of points, fragrant, tender and delicious, family love to eat

author:Uncle went down to the kitchen

Has anyone rushed to McDonald's early in the morning to order a mcCormick? The cake preforms are healthy wheat-flavored pork, boiled eggs, cheese, and bursting open with one bite is a happiness that can last all day! Today the uncle came to teach everyone to make wheat full scores, yes! Although Mcmuffin is an American breakfast, it is actually English muffin that originated in the United Kingdom, and its real name is not McMahon, but British Muffin. Soft and chewy English muffin bread with creamy eggs and a seductive cheese underneath the fluffy pork patties. The satisfaction and happiness of that big bite will make the morning even better! A day of vigor begins with a full-point breakfast.

What's for breakfast? The uncle made pork fillet wheat full of points, fragrant, tender and delicious, family love to eat


Last month's push of [McDonald's food calorie analysis], after everyone watched, were they frightened by these amazing calories? Vowed never to eat McDonald's again? In fact, in addition to calories, we can also pay attention to the content of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in each food. This may be more important than just focusing on heat. If you eat Chinese food for a long time, you often have insufficient protein intake, and restaurants such as M and KFC will have a higher protein content. For urban office workers, the disadvantages of M and KFC are that the calories are too high and the fruits and vegetables are less, but their sanitary environment and the combination of the three major nutrients are not matched by many catering brands. Not much to say, today the uncle under the kitchen to teach you to make pig willow wheat full score, I hope you eat happy ~ ~

What's for breakfast? The uncle made pork fillet wheat full of points, fragrant, tender and delicious, family love to eat

225 g of high gluten flour, 5 g of milk powder, 4 g of sugar, 3 g of salt, 3 g of yeast, 150 g of water, 10 g of butter, cornmeal (surface), 300 g of pork tenderloin, a little minced green onion and ginger, a little ground black pepper, 1 egg, 3 tbsp salt, 3 tbsp light soy sauce, omelette, cheese slices

What's for breakfast? The uncle made pork fillet wheat full of points, fragrant, tender and delicious, family love to eat

1, first put all the cake embryo materials except butter and cornmeal into the cooking machine and knead it to a semi-expanded state, then add butter, knead to 7, 8 into a tendon shape, ferment at room temperature of 26 degrees for 45 minutes, send it to 2-2.5 times larger, poke the hole with your hand without collapsing or rebounding;

What's for breakfast? The uncle made pork fillet wheat full of points, fragrant, tender and delicious, family love to eat

2, and then the dough is evenly vented, divided into 6 small portions, relaxed for 10 minutes, the loose dough is lightly pressed by hand, the bubbles are flattened by hand, dipped on the corn flour twice, put into the mold in turn, placed neatly, flattened by hand, no mold, manually rounded can also be, fermented to 80% full, into the middle layer of the oven 180 degrees up and down the fire, 20 minutes can be;

What's for breakfast? The uncle made pork fillet wheat full of points, fragrant, tender and delicious, family love to eat

3, finally the pork tenderloin (or five flowers) rinse the blood water, use kitchen paper to suck up the water, meat, onion and ginger together to stir into minced, put in soy sauce, salt, black pepper, eggs, grasp well with your hands, refrigerate for more than 1 hour, the meat filling is divided into 6 parts, rub the round flattening, when eating the meat stuffing oil pan fried, and then put the omelette, cheese can be served on the table to eat ~

What's for breakfast? The uncle made pork fillet wheat full of points, fragrant, tender and delicious, family love to eat

Fragrant, tender and delicious pork fillet egg wheat is ready to do, if you like, you can try it yourself~

What's for breakfast? The uncle made pork fillet wheat full of points, fragrant, tender and delicious, family love to eat

Uncle tips

1, there is no fermentation box, you can use the oven fermentation mode;

2, if you are not willing to do it, it is recommended to go out to eat!

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