
Huanggui persimmon cake is a special flavor snack in Xi'an

author:Old Shaw who loves food

Huanggui persimmon cake is a special flavor snack in Xi'an. According to legend, When Li Zicheng was proclaimed king in Xi'an, he soon marched into Beijing when Guanzhong was in the midst of a famine. There was a shortage of food, so the people of Lintong used cooked fire crystal persimmons mixed with flour yellow gui persimmon cakes to make persimmon cakes for soldiers to eat on the road.

Since then, every year in the golden autumn, the persimmon ripe season. Linliu people have to make persimmon noodle cakes to commemorate Li Zicheng. After continuous improvement by Xi'an chefs, the persimmon cake has developed into the current Huanggui persimmon cake taking into account the high fat content of the pork plate oil used in the traditional filling. I used sesame oil instead and it tasted great.

Huanggui persimmon cake is a special flavor snack in Xi'an

The production process is as follows:

1 Chop the dried apricots and walnuts, put them in a large bowl with sugar and dried osmanthus flowers, add sesame oil and osmanthus sauce and mix well to make the filling.

2 fire crystal persimmons to the stalk, use a spoon to dig out the persimmon meat.

3 Place the persimmon meat in a blender and beat into a delicate persimmon puree. Place the persimmon puree in a basin and add the flour.

4 Stir into the dough first, then knead well by hand, cover with a wrung-out damp cloth, wake up for 10 minutes, and knead again.

Huanggui persimmon cake is a special flavor snack in Xi'an

5 Persimmon dough first rub into strips and divide into 12 equal portions.

6 Knead the agent into a round, knead into a nest, put the filling in the middle, compact. Tighten the mouth and rub it round with your hands.

7 Flattened by hand to make a round cake blank with a thickness of about 6 mm.

8 Heat a frying pan, add a little vegetable oil, add the cake blank and fry over low heat until the persimmon cake is golden on both sides.

Huanggui persimmon cake is a special flavor snack in Xi'an

Old Xiao tips:

1. The dough is made with persimmon puree and flour, and the sugary dough is easily fried over high heat, so fry over low heat.

2. When frying, keep turning and turning the cake blank so that the color is even.

3. Yellow gui persimmon cake should not be eaten with sauerkraut, black dates and milk.