
The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

author:He Xiaohe
The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

The children began to live in junior high school this year, and the nasty ghosts that used to dangle in front of them every day suddenly could not be seen, and they missed it a lot. When I came home on the weekend, I couldn't help but make all kinds of delicious food for him. Children love pizza, and my family loves it even more, taking a pizza almost every weekend. The pizza baked by yourself is full of delicious ingredients, and the cheese is put a lot, and it is delicious to look at the golden and long brushed wire. The taste is also completely according to their own taste, very casual.

Pizza is a very inclusive food, no matter what ingredients you put in, it doesn't contradict it at all. Today my son called at noon to say that he would eat pizza in the evening, and he would have to double spell the flavors, as for which two flavors to spell for me to watch and do, and to eat as soon as I got home. Thinking about it is actually quite easy to do, last week to make pizza more than a cake base frozen in the refrigerator, directly take it out can be grilled, the ingredients will be put on ham and prawns, barely counted as the Shanghai land supreme.

The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

There is a ready-made bottom, it only takes half an hour to bake a super delicious pizza, ham slices, fresh shrimp are also processed into shrimp slices, the preparation work can be completed quickly, plus baking, when the children enter the door, the pizza is already baking. Wait a few minutes to bake, the freshly baked pizza is not to mention how delicious, the cheese surface is golden and fragrant, the bottom of the cake is crisp, the ingredients are sufficient, and it is much better than the store. Watching the child eat pizza contentedly is really the most prosaic fireworks happiness in the world.

The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

【Sea and Land Supreme Shrimp Ham Double Spelling Pizza】

Pizza Ingredients: 125 grams of high gluten flour, 25 grams of eggs, 1.5 grams of yeast, 15 grams of sugar, 10 grams of butter, 60 grams of milk, 1 gram of salt.

Filling: 6 prawns, 100 grams of ham, half a piece of green and red pepper, 50 grams of shallots, 150 grams of mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce to taste, salad dressing to taste, a little black pepper.


The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

1. Ingredients. It's shrimp and ham, a pizza with two flavors, and the kids love it.

The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

2: Remove the head and shell the prawns, take out the shrimp line on the back, and slice into slices, slice the ham, dice the green and red peppers, and chop the shallots.

3: In addition to the butter, the dough is kneaded into a ball, then the butter is added and kneaded until the basic expansion, fermented to twice as large, full and elastic. I used twice as much material directly, otherwise it would be too few to form a clump.

The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

4: Pat the dough flat and vent, divide into two portions, you can make two 10-inch pizzas.

The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

5: Roll out the dough into slices and place on a 10-inch pizza dish.

The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

6, relax again for 30 minutes, the dough cake is obviously thicker and elastic. Prick some small holes with a fork to avoid bulging up when baking.

The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

7: Spread salad dressing and ketchup so you don't have to stir-fry the pizza sauce, which is just as delicious, and sprinkle a little freshly ground black peppercorns.

The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

8: Put some chopped shallots first, sprinkle with mozzarella cheese, and then from the middle, put fresh shrimp and ham slices, and put green and red pepper on top.

The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

9, sprinkled with mozzarella cheese, you can cover with ingredients.

The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

10: Preheat the oven in advance, bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes, and the surface cheese is golden brown.

The child wants to eat pizza, spend 30 minutes to bake, the ingredients are full of delicious sesame, so delicious

1, the pizza bottom sauce should not be smeared too much, otherwise the baked pizza filling and the bottom will be layered.

2, temperature and time for reference only, the last few minutes pay attention to observe the surface color situation.

Do you like this delicious double-spelled pizza? Welcome to the end of the article.

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